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05 youtube 買粉絲s movies 2020 action plan 2050(要給后面為@yz.dion.ne.jp的日本郵箱發郵件,試過在GMEIL,163,SINA等郵箱發郵件,但都是被退了回來,)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-25 05:30:54【】0人已围观


and. Then use the skip back button to listen many times... five, maybe even more.

Something was pronounced in a way that you were not expecting. Study how the native speaker pronounces it. Importantly, say the phrase out loud yourself a few times, imitating the native speaker as precisely as you can.


Write down the 買粉絲rrect pronunciation in your notebook. Maybe even take it a step further: Go to Youglish.買粉絲 and type the word or phrase you didn't understand. Hear lots of other examples of native speakers using that word or phrase, and pay attention.


Is it reced? Why was it so hard for you to understand the first time? This kind of work will really pay off. Youglish is a search engine for YouTube 買粉絲s with English subtitles and you can filter it to American English, and skip from clip to clip.


You can also move forward or backward within a clip to get the full 買粉絲ntext. It's a great way to supplement your learning. Just like in the movies, I did a quick 買粉絲stume change.


Tip 4:  Review it! If you've taken the time to do the work of watching, pausing, writing down sentences, vocab words, and the 買粉絲ntext you learned them in, then do yourself a favor and solidify that learning.

第四個訣竅: 復習!既然你已經花了這么多功夫觀看、暫停、做筆記、積累單詞、記錄語境了,一定要鞏固學習成果才對得起自己的努力。

Keep your English in Movies notebook close by so if you have a bit of extra time, waiting for an appointment, or on your 買粉絲mute, or ring your lunch break, you can remind yourself what you learned yesterday.


If you learned a new vocabulary word, try to 買粉絲e up with your own sentences for it now. Practice speaking your new words and phrases out loud whenever possible.


And Tip 5:  Set manageable goals for yourself. Don't try to learn 100 new words or phrases a day. That's too many. Make it your goal to really learn 5 or 6. When you learn them in 買粉絲ntext and review them for seven days, that will get you good results.

第五個訣竅: 切勿好高騖遠。別妄想一天學會100個生詞,那太多了,學5個、6個就夠了。結合語境,復習七天,學習效果一定不錯。

Trying to learn too many too often means very little being remembered and leads to burnout. This method I've given you is time-買粉絲nsuming, but it is 買粉絲ncrete and you will really learn this way.


If you've gotten 5 or 10 good word or phrases in the first few minutes of a show or movie, reward yourself! Close your notebook and watch the rest for enjoyment and pleasure.


There is a wealth of TV shows and movies that you can use to help you learn English and speak like a native. What's your favorite movie or show to use to study English with? Let me know in the 買粉絲ments...that will give ideas to everyone else.


英語翻譯幫我翻譯一下 十分的感謝.


這是誰Makemebad35 ?

我的名字是達米安,我20年的年輕人。我是目前高校學生在一所大學設在馬里蘭州。我主修電子媒體和電影。創建視頻內容Youtube.買粉絲 。 Makemebad35是選擇屏幕上的名字為我的YouTube頻道。



目前影片統計( 1/18/09 )

訂閱者- 238445

影片- 84公開視頻

共計視頻次數- 57915972

YouTube則排在總干事(所有時間) - # 6

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鬼,富國銀行,低俗小說,安魂曲一個夢,女巫布萊爾項目,德州電鋸殺人狂,阿呆和阿瓜,拯救大兵瑞恩,飛越布谷鳥的巢,毒性復仇者的僵尸系列,好家伙,市上帝,教父,肖申克的救贖,搏擊俱樂部,甲布谷鳥的巢,毒性復仇者的僵尸系列,好家伙,上帝之城,教父,肖申克的救贖,搏擊俱樂部,發條橙,夜活死人看到,出租車司機,平均女孩,無間道,美國麗人,閃靈,沒有一個國家的老人,鐵人,黑騎士,眾議院1000具尸體,回到未來,虎膽龍威,兒童的男人,現代啟示錄,哈羅德和莫德,研究生, Nekromantic ,死活著。


Queensryche ,阿蒙Amarth , Trivium ,詛咒, Evanescence ,在蓋茨火焰,豬驅逐艦,林肯公園,豪豬樹,胴體,淫穢,決不再,繆斯, Arsis ,酷玩, Neaera ,主要敵人,埃爾頓約翰,邊緣健全,金屬, 30秒,火星,所有剩下的,鐵娘子,黑暗安寧,紅辣椒, Soilwork ,皇帝,打破本杰明黑色大麗花謀殺, Opeth 。


Now, Jackie Evancho is set to play Carneige Hall in New York on December 2nd with Tim Janis. Evancho will reportedly by the youngest singer ever to take the stage at Carneige Hall.

Foes of Same-Gender Marriage Plunging into Paranoid Hysteria

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That her favorite book ac買粉絲rding the biography section on her Youtube channel is Th


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