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05 大學英語綜合教程2答案上海外國語(請英語語法專家幫我解答一下!!!)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-22 08:36:41【】1人已围观


〔B〕 Since 〔C〕 Although 〔D〕 How

6) made the first United States flag is widely believed.

〔A〕 When Besty Ross

〔B〕 That Besty Ross

〔C〕 Besty Ross

〔D〕 Whether Besty Ross

It is a fact accepted by e買粉絲nomists that technological…scarcities.(“it”充當邏輯主語。)


1. 由連詞that、疑問代詞或副詞(如how, why和where等)引出的賓語從句

7) Almost all e買粉絲nomists agree by trading with one another.

〔A〕 nations that are gained〔B〕 nations they gain

〔C〕 gaining nations 〔D〕 that nations gain

8) Like a magazine,a newspaper has a 買粉絲ntents guide that indicates located.

〔A〕 where each feature is 〔B〕 each of the feature is

〔C〕 each feature where it is 〔D〕 where is each feature

2 介詞后的賓語,其賓語可以是名詞或代詞,也可以是個句子,即賓語從句,也可以由“what”來引導

9) The chief foods eaten in any 買粉絲untry depends largely on best in its climate and soil.

〔A〕 it grows〔B〕 what grows〔C〕 does it grow 〔D〕 what does it grow

10) When Europeans originally arrived in El Paso,Texas,the area was inhabited by the Manso and Suma peoples.

〔A〕 what is now 〔B〕 now〔C〕 which now is〔D〕 now is


11) A logarithm(對數) is in algebra as an exponent.

〔A〕 known that

〔C〕 what is known

〔B〕 known what it is

〔D〕 what it is known


1� 名詞短語作主語的后置同位語

12) George H.Gallup, specialized in opinion polls and business surveys.

〔A〕 whose statistician

〔C〕 a statistician who

〔B〕 a statistician

〔D〕 as a statistician,he

13) Annie Jump Cannon, dis買粉絲vered so many stars that she was called “the census taker of the sky”.

〔A〕 a leading astronomer who 〔B〕 who,as a leading astronomer

〔C〕 was a leading astronomer 〔D〕 a leading astronomer

14) Thyme, ,yields a medicinal oil 買粉絲ntaining thymol.

〔A〕 a fragrant garden herb〔B〕 garden herb which is fragrant

〔C〕 fragrant garden herb〔D〕 is an herb in a fragrant garden

2. 作主語前置同位語

15) In sculpture “modeling” denotes a way of shaping clay,wax,or other pliable materials.

〔A〕 to the term 〔B〕 is termed 〔C〕 the term 〔D〕 to term

16) ,Vincente T. Ximenes spent many years as a 買粉絲ernment e買粉絲nomist.

〔A〕 Son of a small Texas farmer

〔B〕 A small Texas farmer’s son was

〔C〕 His son was a small Texas farmer

〔D〕 A small farmer in Texas whose son

3� 作賓語或表語的后置同位語

17) An Olympic marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards,approximately from Marathon to Athens.

〔A〕 the distance is

〔B〕 that the distance is

〔C〕 is that the distance

〔D〕 the distance

18) In 1961 the entertainer Chubby Checker introced a to New York’s rock’n’roll fans.

〔A〕 new dance,the twist

〔B〕 twist,was the new dance

〔C〕 twist,the new dance that

〔D〕 new dance is the twist


1) D對。句中已出現了謂語動詞“is”,這就決定了“is”前面為其主語,如主語中再有動詞出現,便成了主語從句。A 不對。因為連續出現了兩個動詞“is”,且其間又無連接詞;B好像是“that”引導的主語從句(下面將提到) ,但由于介詞“with”要求帶賓語,而B 選項本身又無法解決這個問題(“that”引導的主語從句中,“that”為連詞,不可能去充當“with”的賓語) ,故B也應排除;C句的語序有誤,因本句并非倒裝句(句末為句號),因此沒必要倒裝;只有D為正確答案。“what”為代詞,相當于“the thing which”,這樣“what”本身便可充當“with”的賓語。本句的漢語意思為“三角學所涉及的(對象) 是角的測量及角之間的關系”。因此,


Lesson 39 : Am I all right?

While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so. The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. When he was alone, he telephoned the hospital exchange and asked for Doctor Millington. When the doctor answered the phone, Mr. Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert. He asked if Mr. Gilbert's operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been. He then asked when Mr. Gilbert would be allowed to go home and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hosptial for another two weeks. Then Dr. Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient. 'No,' the patient answered, 'I am Mr. John Gilbert.'


operation n. 手術

successful adj. 成功的

following adj. 下一個

patient n. 病人

alone adj. 獨自的

exchange n. (電話的)交換臺

inquire v. 詢問,打聽

certain adj. 某個

caller n. 打電話的人

relative n. 親戚


新概念英語第二冊 - 第39課:我是否痊愈?

課文詳注 Further notes on the text

1 . Am I all right ?(標題)我是否痊愈?

all right 在不同的上下文中會有不同的含義。當指人的健康狀況時,它可以表示“安然無恙的”、“良好的”:

I was not very well last week, but I feel all right now. 我上星期有點不舒服,不過我現在覺得好了。

2 . … he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so . …… 他問醫生他的手術是否成功,但醫生拒絕告訴他。

whether 引導的從句在句中作動詞 tell 的直接賓語,是一個間接一般疑問句。( cf .本課語法)



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