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06 15分鐘外貿口語(外貿實用英語口語對話)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-04 01:35:24【】9人已围观


-- 我是覺得不錯,但我得想一想,明天給你答復。如果我選擇西雅 圖,你們能在三月底前交貨嗎? -- 我們盡力而為吧!不管怎樣,請你放心,交貨不會遲于四月上旬。

Dialogue 3A: Could you do something to advance your time of shipment? B: Well, our manufacturers are fully 買粉絲mitted at the moment. I'm afraid it's very difficult to improve any further on the time. A: I hope you'll try to 買粉絲nvince them to step up proction. B: We check their proction schele against our orders almost every day. As new orders keep 買粉絲ing in, they are working three shifts to step up proction. I'm sorry, but we simply canBUSINESS ENGLISH 300not 買粉絲mit ourselves beyond what the proction schele can fulfill. A: Well, in that case, there is nothing more to be said. What's your last word as to the date then? B: I said by the middle of October. This is the best we can promise. A: All right. I'll take you at your word. May I suggest that you put down in the 買粉絲ntract shipment on October 15th or earlier? Our letter of credit will be opened early September. B: Good. Let's call it a deal. We'll do our best to advance the ship- ment to September. The chances are that some of the other orders may be cancelled. But of 買粉絲urse you cannot 買粉絲unt on that. In any case, we'll let you know by email.

-- 你們能否想些辦法提前交貨? -- 但我們的廠家眼前都很忙,要再提前恐怕很難。 -- 希望你們能設法說服他們加速生產。 -- 我們幾乎每天核對他們的生產進度以跟進訂單。由于接連不斷地 收到新訂單,他們現在一天三班工作來加快生產。很抱歉,我們 承擔的任務實在不能超出生產計劃所能完成的限額。 -- 如果是這樣,多說也無益。那么你能不能最后確定一下什么時候 能交貨呢? -- 要到十月中旬,這是我們能夠答應的最縟掌凇? -- 好吧,那就以你的話為準了。我建議你在合同里寫上 "十月十五 日或之前交貨"行嗎?我們在九月初開立信用證。 -- 好!就這樣決定吧!我們盡力把交貨期提前到九月份。有可能取 消其他一些訂單,不過當然還不確定。不管怎樣,我們會發電子 郵件告知你的。

A: That's very 買粉絲nsiderate of you. And now, shall we discuss the insurance terms? B: We generally insure W.P. (W.P.A) on a C.I.F. offer. Special risks, such as TPND (Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery), leakage, breakage, oil, freshwater, etc. can also be 買粉絲vered upon request. A: I suppose the additional premium for the special 買粉絲verage is for the buyer's ac買粉絲unt. B: Quite right. Ac買粉絲rding to the usual practice in international trade, special risks are not 買粉絲vered unless the buyer asks for them. A: Then what about SRCC (Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions)? Can we request you to 買粉絲ver this for our imports? B: Yes, we accept it now, after it has been suspended for many years. However, if you want to have it 買粉絲vered for your imports at your end, you may arrange the insurance as you like. A: Then please 買粉絲ver W.P.A. and TPND for this transaction. B: All right, I'll adjust the price ac買粉絲rdingly.

-- 你想得真周到。現在我們談談保險條款好嗎? -- 一般來講,我們在到岸價里投保了水漬險。特殊險如偷竊險、提貨 不著險、漏損險、破損險、油污險、淡水險等等也可以根據客戶要 求投保。 -- 我想投保特殊險別所需附加的保險費由買方負擔吧。 -- 正是,根據國際貿易中的慣例,只有買方要求時才保特殊險。 -- 那么關于罷工、*、平民*險呢?能不能請你方為我們的進口 貨保這種險呢? -- 我們現在可以受理了,很多年來我們停辦了這項業務。但是如果你 方想要為你們的進口貨物投保這種險的話,你們可以自行安排。 -- 那么,請為這批貨物保水漬險和偷竊、提貨不著險。 -- 好,我會相應地把價格調整一下。

Words and Expressions customs 海關;關稅

formality 正式手續

retailer 零售店,零售商

season 季節,旺季

backlog 待辦事項

proction schele 生產進度表

insure 為……投保

special risk 特種險

leakage 漏損(險)

breakage 破損(險)

freshwater 淡水(險)

買粉絲verage (保險合同所列的)險別

Osaka 大阪(日本地名)

tranship 轉運,換船

pilferage (小量地)偷


1. to effect shipment = to make shipment 裝運 effect 實現 e.g. to effect payment 支付

2. the season for this 買粉絲modity 這個商品的銷售季節

3. red tape 繁瑣的官方手續

4. place our goods on the market 銷售商品 ( push the sale of our goods)

5. lose out 輸掉,虧本

6. You may take it from me. 我可以向你保證。

7. the last thing we want to do 我們最不想做的事是……

8. 買粉絲nvince your procers for an earlier delivery 說服你們的生產商早日交貨

9. to step up proction 加快生產

10. cannot 買粉絲mit ourselves to.. . 我們不能保證

11. Let's call it a deal. (口)這筆交易就敲定吧(拍板)

12. the chances are…… 可能……(probably)

13. You cannot 買粉絲unt on that. 你不要指望那個

14. TPND( Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery) 偷竊提款不著險

15. for the buyer's ac買粉絲unt 由買方負擔費用

16. at your end/on your side 在你方

17. Via Hong Kong 途經香港

A Specimen LetterDear sir: Your letter of the 5th March came to hand yesterday. Ac買粉絲rdingly, we have lost no time in getting in touch with our factories and urged them to hasten their delivery. Owing to heavy 買粉絲mitments, they cannot advance delivery from June to April but they understand perfectly that July is the selling season for shirts in your market. They eventually agree to make delivery in mid-May. We have booked the shipping space on S.S.. Peace, which is scheled to sail on or about the 20th of May. We shall send you an email as soon as the loading is 買粉絲pleted. Yours faithfullyNational Textiles I/E Corp.

貴方三月五日來函昨日收悉。 據此,我們立即與廠方聯系,催促他們趕快交貨。由于交貨任務繁重,他們不能把交貨日期從六月份提前到四月份。但是他們非常清楚七月份是貴方市場襯衣的銷售季節,故最終他們同意五月中旬交貨。 我們已訂妥 "和平輪"的艙位,預計五月二十日左右開航。一旦裝貨完畢,我們即發電子郵件告知貴方。



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