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06 going back inside 意思(just gonna stand there什么意思)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-03 06:51:20【】4人已围观


describing what I saw. The miracle is you.


Charlotte A. Cavatica: Goodbye... my sweet, sweet Wilbur.

Wilbur: Goodbye, Charlotte. I love you.


Homer Zuckerman: Well, what can I say about this pig that hasn't already been said? I know a lot of you folks have 買粉絲e out to the farm and you've seen the words, and a lot of you have asked me, 'how 買粉絲uld this have happened?'. I don't know, but it has happened... at a time when we really don't see many miraculous things. Maybe we do. Maybe they're all right there around us everyday, we just don't know where to look. There's no denying that our own little Wilbur... he's part of something that's bigger than all of us. And life on that farm's just a whole lot better with him in it. He really is some pig.


[repeated line]

Templeton: The rat rules!


Homer Zuckerman: How 買粉絲uld this have happened? A miracle, in a time when we don't see many miraculious things!


Wilbur: Since you said Salu-what, does this mean your my friend?

Charlotte A. Cavatica: Well, let me think... Hmmm... Well... Yes.

Wilbur: Ya-hooo!


Brooks: I am gonna get me some rat!


[repeated line]

Wilbur: Great name!


Charlotte A. Cavatica: You're very kind.

Templeton: Don't go spreading it around.


Wilbur: Templeton, Charlotte is very sick.

Templeton: Yeah, and twisted.


Mr. Arable: [Mr. Arable looks at pigs, finds a runt, a picks up ax]

Fern: What are you doing?

Mr. Arable: Nothing, now go back to bed.

Fern: You're not going to kill it, are you?

Mr. Arable: It's a runt.


Mrs. Zuckerman: I mean it was clear as day. T-E-R-R-I-F-I-C, I mean can you believe a spider wrote that? I didn't learn how to spell that word until I was in the 10th grade!


Charlotte A. Cavatica: Templeton, haven't you ever heard that good things 買粉絲e to those who wait?

Templeton: No. Good things 買粉絲e to those who find it and shove it in their mouth!


Wilbur: [looking at Charlotte's new web, at the fair] But is is a good word, Charlotte? I mean, is it a TRUE word? I don't feel like I deserve all of the great words you've written about me...

Charlotte A. Cavatica: Then, Wilbur, it's a PERFECT word.

[Charlotte looks at the web, which says "HUMBLE"]


E·B·懷特(E.B.White)(1899-1985),二十世紀美國最杰出的 隨筆 作家,美國當代著名 散文 家、評論家,以散文名世,“其文風冷峻清麗,辛辣幽默,自成一格”。生于紐約蒙特弗農, 畢業 于康奈爾大學。作為《紐約客》主要撰稿人的懷特一手奠定了影響深遠的 “《紐約客》文風”。懷特對這個世界上的一切都充滿關愛,他的道德與他的 文章 一樣山高水長。除了他終生摯愛的隨筆之外,他還為孩子們寫了三本書:《斯圖爾特鼠小弟》(又譯《精靈鼠小弟》)、《夏洛的網》與《吹小號的天鵝》(又譯《天鵝的喇叭》),美國當代大作家厄普代克把懷特的這三部童話都歸于 兒童 文學經典作品之列。其中最受歡迎的就是《夏洛的網》,至今已經發行5000萬冊以上,擁有20多種文字的譯本。在美國1976年《出版周刊》搞的一次讀者調查中,這本童話位居“美國十佳兒童文學名著”中的首位,可見它受歡迎的程度。


1924年他回到紐約,當了一位 廣告 撰稿人。1926或1927年,他來到《紐約客》雜志社作編輯工作。在《紐約客》工作的這11年來,他為這本雜志寫下了大量的散文和詩歌,還有些別的體裁的文章。

1929 年他和凱瑟琳(Katherine)結婚。(1941年他們一起撰寫了《美國幽默文庫》一書)不久,懷特開始為《新紐約周刊》工作。但是,直到他和他的同事兼朋友James Thurber合寫的《性是必需的嗎?》一書在同年出版后,懷特才真正引起了文壇的注意。


名詞 n.


Someone patted me on the back.


2.后部[the S][(+of)]

Grandpa and grandma sat in the back of the car.


3.后面,背面[the S][(+of)]

4.椅背[the S] [(+of)]

5.(書報等的)末尾[the S][(+of)]

There is an appendix at the back of th


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