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06 Inspiring Moments(英語口語問題)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-18 03:09:46【】0人已围观


ausing anxiety 引起憂慮的; 令人擔心的: We had a few anxious moments before landing safely. 我們在安全著陸以前, 感到陣陣憂慮.

absorbing adj holding the attention fully 十分吸引人的: an absorbing film 引人入勝的影片.

alluring adj attractive; charming 吸引人的; 迷人的; 誘惑人的: an alluring smile, prospect, promise 迷人的微笑, 前景, 承諾.

affecting moving or touching 動人的; 感人的: an affecting appeal for help 感人的求助.

addictive adj causing addiction 使人上癮的: addictive drugs 使人上癮的麻醉藥物 *| Coffee is addictive in a mild way. 咖啡能稍微使人上癮.

aggrieved adj ~ (at/over sth) made to feel resentful (because of unfair treatment, etc) (因受到不公平對待等而感到)憤恨的; 憤憤不平的; 受屈的: feel much aggrieved at losing one's job 對失去工作感到極大怨恨 *| I was aggrieved to find that someone had used my toothbrush. 我發現有人用過我的牙刷, 我很不高興. *| the aggrieved party, eg in a legal case 受冤屈的一方(如案件中).

agonizing, -ising adj causing agony 使人痛苦的: an agonizing pain, delay, decision 折磨人的疼痛, 惱人的耽擱, 痛苦的決定.

agonizingly, -isingly

adv agonizingly slow 折磨人地緩慢.

astonishing adj very surprising 使人驚訝的; 驚人的: I find it quite astonishing that none of you liked the play. 我感到驚訝的是你們誰都不喜歡那個劇. *| There were an astonishing number of applicants for the job. 申請這份工作的人數多得驚人.

astounding adj amazing 使人震驚的: The figures revealed by the report are astounding. 這份報告透露的數字使人震驚.

mind-boggling adj. 使某人驚奇或吃驚的.

agreeable adj pleasing; giving pleasure 令人喜悅的; 令人愉快的; 宜人的: agreeable weather 宜人的天氣 *| agreeable 買粉絲pany 合得來的同伴 *| I found him most agreeable. 我覺得他極易相處.

blessed adj [attrib 作定語] giving pleasure; enjoyable 帶來歡樂的; 令人愉快的: a

moment of blessed calm 充滿歡樂的太平時刻.

bewitching adj very delightful or attractive 使人心醉的; 使人著迷的: a bewitching smile 迷人的微笑.

alarming adj causing fear; disturbing 使人害怕的; 嚇人的; 擾亂人心的: an alarming increase in the number of burglaries 竊案驚人的增多 *| The report is most alarming. 這個報告最為擾亂人心. alarmingly adv: Prices have increased alarmingly. 價格驚人地增長.

arid adj ll; uninteresting 枯燥的; 無趣味的: have long, arid discussions about unimportant matters 對雞毛蒜皮的事進行的冗長而枯燥的討論.

besetting adj [attrib 作定語] habitually affecting or troubling sb 經常影響著或困擾著某人的: a besetting difficulty/fear/sin 重重的困難[經常性的恐懼/易犯的罪惡].

bewildering adj puzzling 令人困惑的; 費解的: bewildering speed, 買粉絲plexity 令人暈頭轉向的速度、復雜性.


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