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06 inspire用法和句型(求學霸解釋非謂語動詞的用法)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-08 02:53:43【】9人已围观


t working. 那個年輕人使那臺舊機器開動了。

The teachers helped the students (to) learn English well. 老師幫助學生學好英語。


Two men were seen to enter the house. 有人看見兩個人進了那座房子。

The old machine was made to start working by the young man. 那臺舊機器被那個年輕人開動了。

⑸ 用作定語:不定式可以像形容詞一樣用來修飾名詞,但是它必須后置。例如:

He is always the first (person) to 買粉絲e to the office. 他總是第一個到辦公室(的人)。

The teacher will have something important to tell us. 老師將會有重要的事情告訴我們。

He is not a man to talk with. 他不是一個可以與之交談的人。(本句末尾的介詞with不可遺忘。)

We must first find something for him to eat. 我們必須先給他找點吃的來。(本句中的for him為不定式to eat的邏輯主語。)

⑹ 用作狀語:不定式用作狀語時一定要帶to,可以表示多種語義,如目的、結果、程度、原因等。

① 用作目的狀語,例如:

He came to borrow my dictionary. 他是來借我的詞典的。

They went on foot, so as not to be heard.

In order not to be heard, they went on foot.


so as to, in order to意思都是“以便,為的是”,它們都可以用在句中,但是在句首要用in order to。另外,以上后兩句例句中用了否定式,意思是“以免,免得”。

② 用作結果狀語,例如:

He hurried to the house, only to find it empty. 他匆忙趕到那屋子,發現已經空無一人。

She left home, never to return again. 她離開了家再也沒有回來。

He was so foolish as to leave his car unlocked. 他是那樣傻,竟然沒鎖車。

③ 用作程度狀語,例如:

She is old enough to travel all by herself. 她已經到了可以獨自旅行的年齡了。

She is too young to swim across the big river. 她年紀太小,不能游過這條大河。

④ 用作原因狀語,例如:

We jumped with joy to hear the news. 聽到這消息我們高興得跳了起來。

She wept to find them deep in debt. 她因發現他們負債累累而流淚。

I am very pleased to meet you. 我很高興見到你。

3 不定式使用中的幾個問題

⑴ 不定式前可以帶what, when等疑問詞(why除外),構成“疑問詞+to do”短語,可以用作主語、表語、賓語等成分。例如:

How to get there is a question. 怎樣去那里是一個問題。(主語)

The problem is which to choose. 問題是選擇哪一個。(表語)

He didn’t tell us when to set out. 他沒有告訴我們何時動身。(賓語)

⑵ 不定式的否定形式是在符號to的前面加否定詞not,例如:

The head of the group told them not to stay too long. 隊長吩咐他們不要在那里呆太久。

We’ve decided not to buy the house there. 我們決定不買那里的房子。



1 分詞的形式

分詞有現在分詞和過去分詞兩種。現在分詞由“動詞原形+-ing”構成(如:ask → asking, study → studying, live → living, stop → stopping)。現在分詞短語具有形容詞和副詞的作用,在句中可用作多種句子成分。過去分詞的構成有兩種:規則的變化由“動詞原形+-ed”構成(如:ask → asked, live → lived, study → studied, stop → stopped),不規則的變化請參見教材中的《不規則動詞表》。

2 分詞的基本用法

⑴ 用作定語:如果是單詞,則為前置定語,現在分詞表示正在進行的行為,過去分詞表示性質或行為所造成的結果狀態;如果是短語,則為后置定語,其作用相當于定語從句,現在分詞表示一個正在進行的主動行為,過去分詞則表示被動的行為。例如:

a sleeping boy = a boy who is sleeping 一個正在睡覺的孩子

the rising sun = the sun that is rising 正在升起的太陽

He is a young man with pleasing manner. 他是一個舉止討人喜歡的年輕人。

The room was full of people waiting for the headmaster. 房間里擠滿了等候校長的人們。

Things seen from behind seem a little different. 從背后看到的東西顯得稍有不同。

⑵ 用作表語:分詞用作表語時,已經完全形容詞化了,可以被very, rather等副詞修飾,而且可以有比較等級。例如:

The story of his life sounds (very) interesting. 他的生平故事聽起來很有趣。

That was the most exciting film of the year. 那是一年中最激動人心的電影。


This cup is broken. How about that one? 這只杯子是破的,那只怎么樣?(系表結構)

The cup was broken by my brother. 杯子被我弟弟打破了。 (被動語態)

⑶ 用作賓語補足語:分詞作賓語補足語時,用于表示感覺、致使的動詞,如:see, watch, hear, feel, smell, notice, find; have, get, leave, keep等。例如:

I saw him talking with the doctor. 我看見他在跟醫生講話。

He kept the machine running for ten hours. 他使得機器一直轉了10個小時。

We have never seen the mountain 買粉絲vered in snow. 我們從未見那座山被雪覆蓋過。


I saw the old man crossing the street. 我看見那個老人在過街。 (表示動作正在進行)

I saw the old man cross the street. 我看見那個老人過街的。 (表示動作已發生過)

⑷ 用作狀語:分詞用作狀語,具有多種語義。例如:

Hearing / When hearing a noise, they stopped talking. (= When they heard….) 聽到喧鬧聲,他們便停止了談話。 (時間狀語)

She sat there reading a newspaper. (= … and read a newspaper.) 她坐在那里看報紙。 (伴隨狀況狀語)

Deeply moved, she 買粉絲uldn’t say a word. (= As she was deeply moved….) 她深受感動,一句話也說不出來。 (原因狀語)



1 動名詞的形式

動名詞的形式跟現在分詞一樣,由“動詞原形+-ing”構成,例如:do → doing, study → studying, close → closing, stop → stopping。注意加-ing的不同情況。

2 動名詞的用法


⑴ 用作主語:跟不定式一樣,動名詞作主語時常位于句末,而在其原來的位置用it作形式主語。例如:

Saying so much is useless.

It is useless saying so much.


Swimming in the sea is his favourite sport.

It is his favourite sport swimming in the sea.


⑵ 用作表語:動名詞用作表語表示主語是什么,而不是主語的性質或特征如何。例如:

My greatest pleasure is traveling. 我最大的樂趣就是旅游。

One of his bad habits is biting nails. 他的一個壞習慣是咬手指甲。

⑶ 用作動詞賓語:只能接動名詞而不能接不定式作賓語的動詞有:enjoy, finish, keep, mind, miss, practise, stop, suggest等等。例如:

She enjoys going to the cinema. 她喜愛看電影。

He keeps making the same mistakes. 他老是犯同樣的錯誤。

I suggest leaving now. (= … that we leave now.) 我建議(我們)現在就離開。

⑷ 用作介詞賓語:與介詞一起用作狀語等,也可用在部分形容詞后。例如:

After finishing my work, I took a short rest. 干完活后,我休息


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