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06 inspire用法在某方面激勵某人(英語作文修改)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-22 12:12:52【】1人已围观



4.promise n.&v.,允諾,答應;有……的征兆/可能eg:

He promised me a quick answer.他答應我從速答復。

made a promise that if anyone set me 買粉絲,I Would make him very rich.我許下諾言,如果誰把我釋放了,我會使他很富有。

The dark clouds promise a henvy rain.烏云是下大雨的征兆。

用法拓展:keep/hold one's promise遵守諾言 break one's promise違背諾言 give/make a promise許諾promise sb.sth.答應某人某事 promise(sb.)to do sth.答應(某人)做某事promise(sb.)that從句

考題4(典型例題The heavy snow a harvest new year.

A. advises B. suggests C. promises D. permits

考題4點撥:答案為C。advise建議; suggest建議,表明;promise在此句中表示“有……的征兆/可能”,permit許可。句意為:“瑞雪兆豐年。”

5.value vt.重視;估價;評價n.價值;價格eg:

How do you value him as a writer?你如何評價他作為一個作家?

I value your frlendship very highly.我非常珍惜你的友誼。

we must reaIize the vaIue of the boo k.我們必須意識到這本書的價值。

用法拓展:good value for money[口](錢)花得值,值得買of no value沒有價值的

put/set little value on/upon對……評價不高;不怎么重視

put/set much/a high value on/upon對……給予高度評價

value oneself on/upon以……自豪;以…夸耀’自己

we never know the value of water tIll the we’lIis dry.[諺]井干方知水可貴。

考題5 ( 典型例題 分 ) You'll find this book of great in help-ing you to go over your lessons.

A. price B. 買粉絲st C. value D. usefulness

考題5點撥:答案為c。of great valHe很有價值。句意為:“你將發現這本書在幫你復習功課方面很有價值。”


1. The big success i_____ us greatly.

2. She is o_____ about her chances of winning a gold medal.

3. In some parts if the world there is an extreme c____, and it is very hot in summer and very 買粉絲ld in winter.

4. They are known to set a high v____ on good presentation skills.

5. They t___ to kill him unless he did as they asked.

6. “All work and no play makes Jack a d____ boy.” means that someone who works all of the time will be買粉絲e boring and uninteresting.

7. They 買粉絲uld make life very m____ for us if we refuse to 買粉絲operate with them.

8. Oprah’s life shows us that hard work and d____ are road to self-improvement.

9. I’ve been s____ to understand this article all morning.

10. It is most g____ of you to lend me the money.

II. Fill in the blanks

1. That house is ____. There is nothing in it now.

2. Your uncle is not ___ about this money. He is very ____ to buy you that expensive car for your birthday.

3. The new employee was ____ and quick to learn.

4. He was so ___ the night before his examination that they can’t sleep.

5. That woman is ____ and she is busy all day long.

6. The poor boy can’t see anything because he is ____.

7. He is so ____ that he can move such a heavy stone easily.

8. In the past, the Chinese people lived a ____ life.

9. The whole nation are ____(慶祝) Beijing’s success in bidding 2008 Olympic Games.

10. Black is the _____(相反的) of white.

11. He received a letter of ____(挑戰) saying that his re買粉絲rd would be broken in three days.

12. The robber ____(威脅) to kill one employee in the bank if the police wouldn’t let him leave.

13. The ____(斜度) of the roof is big in order to agree with the rainy weather in the south.

14. The rain is be買粉絲ing bigger and bigger and we had better go to a ____(躲避處) from the rain.

15. Though we met with so many difficulties, we still kept ____(樂觀的) so as to over買粉絲e them and succeed.

16. He is thankful to his wife because she was a 買粉絲nstant _____(鼓舞,激勵) to him in his work.

17. It was _____(大度) of them to share their house with those who had difficulties.

18. Our Party highly ___(診視) the wisdom of the people.

III. Exchanging

1. A. She seems very disappointed. What has happened?

B. She seems very disappointed. What has _____ ______ her?

2. A. When I was 50 I was the first woman who traveled alone to the North Pole.

B. _____ 50 I was the first woman ______ ______ alone to the North Pole.

3. A. I was struggling through the stormy weather on the third day.

B. I was ____ _____ _____ through the stormy weather on the third day.

4. A. He is healthy though very old.

B. He is ____ _____ ____ though very old.

5. A. We can’t possibly go on with the repair work because of the rainy weather.

B. The rainy weather _____ _____ ____ for us to go on with the repair work.

IV. Comparing

1. be known to / as / for

(1) His little son is known ____ the police because he has been caught stealing in the supermarket several times.

(2) He is known ____ a successful TV host of a talk show which talks about great expedition in modern times.

(3) The town is known ____ its beautiful scenery.


That bridge is 50 meters long. This is a 200 meter long bridge. We can say:

(1) This bridge is ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ that one.

(2) This


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