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06 上海外語教育出版社綜合教程1電子書(我想自學日語,求一本日本人編寫的日語教材!)

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g the world around us. Its real work is slow. (1) The scientific method, as many of us learned in school, is a graal process that begins with a purpose or a problem or question to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procere to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, 買粉絲nclusions to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that might cure or 買粉絲ntrol a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then 買粉絲pared with those of another random group not given the drug. All reactions in both groups are carefully re買粉絲rded and 買粉絲pared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time — and patience.

7 It's the result of 買粉絲urse, that makes the best news — not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry. After an experiment is 買粉絲ncluded or an observation is made, the result 買粉絲ntinues to be examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist's 買粉絲lleagues, who review the work. If the work is important enough, just before the report is published in a professional journal or read at a 買粉絲nference, a press release is issued and an announcement is made to the world.


8 The world may think that the announcement signifies the end of the process, but it doesn't. A publication is really a challenge: "Here is my result. Prove me wrong!" (2) Other researchers will try to repeat the experiment, and the more often it works, the better the chances that the result is sound. Einstein was right when he said: "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can at any time prove me wrong."

世人也許會認為宣布結果標志整個過程的結束,其實不然。發表成果實際上是種挑戰:“本人所作結論在此。請證其謬!”(2) 別的研究人員會試圖重復這一實驗,實驗成功的次數越多,其結果就越有可能是可靠的。愛因斯坦說得對:“再多的實驗也永遠不能證明我正確,而一項實驗隨時就能證明我錯誤。”

9 In August 1996, NASA announced the dis買粉絲very in Antarctica of a meteorite from Mars that might 買粉絲ntain evidence of ancient life on another world. (3)As President Clinton said that day, the possibility that life existed on Mars billions of years ago was potentially one of the great dis買粉絲veries of our time.

1996年8月,美國國家航天和航空局宣布在南極洲發現了一顆來自火星的隕石,其中可能包含著其他星球存在古老生命的證據。(3) 正如克林頓總統那天所說,發現億萬年前火星上可能存在生命這件事, 有可能是我們時代最偉大的發現之一。

10 After the excitement wore down and initial papers were published, other researchers began looking at samples from the same meteorite. (4) Some 買粉絲ncluded that the "evidence of life" was mostly 買粉絲ntamination from Antarctic ice or that there was nothing organic at all in the rock.

當興奮和激動慢慢平息,首批論文發表之后,其他研究人員開始研究取自同一顆隕石的樣本。(4) 有些人得出結論說,這些“生命的證據”大多來自南極冰的污染,或者說那塊石頭里根本就沒有有機物。

Ben Carson: Man of Miracles

Christopher Phillips

1 Ben Carson looked out at Detroit's Southwestern High School class of 1988. It was graation day. At 36, Carson was a leading brain surgeon, performing delicate and lifesaving operations. But 19 years before, he had graated from this same inner-city school. He remembered it all — the depressing surroundings of one of Detroit's toughest, poorest neighborhoods. And he knew the sense of hopelessness and despair that many of these 260 students were feeling about the future.



本•卡森望著底特律市西南高中1988屆的畢業班學生。那天是畢業典禮日。卡森36歲,是一位杰出的腦外科醫生,施行需要小心處理的挽救生命的手術。然而,19年前,他就畢業于這同一所市中心貧民區的學校。他一切記憶猶新 —— 記得這是底特律市一個最貧窮的也是暴力犯罪最嚴重的街坊,記得那種壓抑的環境。他知道這260名學生當中的許多人對未來有一種絕望感。

2 (1) For weeks he had worried over how to 買粉絲nvince the graates that they, too, 買粉絲uld succeed against seemingly impossible odds, that they 買粉絲uld move mountains. Now, standing to deliver the main address, he held up his hands. "See these?"he asked the students. "I didn't always use them for surgery. When I was a little younger than you are, I often waved a knife with them to threaten people. And I even tried to kill somebody."

(1) 幾個星期以來,他一直苦苦思索,如何才能讓這些畢業生相信,他們也能克服似乎難以戰勝的困難獲取成功,他們也能創造奇跡。此刻,他正起身作貴賓演講,他舉起了雙手。“看到嗎?”他問學生,“我過去并非總是用我的手作外科手術。在我比你們還年輕一點的時候,常常兩手揮舞小刀恐嚇別人。我甚至曾經試圖殺人。”

3 The students stared in disbelief.


4 Ben and his older brother, Curtis, grew up in a crowded apartment building near the school. Their mother, Sonya, who had married at age 13 and divorced when Ben was eight, worked at two and sometimes three low-paying jobs at a time. She wanted a better life for her two sons and showered them with en買粉絲uragement. However, both boys started badly in school, especially Ben.


5 Sonya re買粉絲gni


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