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06 國際貿易付款條件對話(現代國際商務函電的目錄)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-13 04:25:36【】4人已围观


Inquiries And Replies

Part One:詢盤的要點 Key Points Of Inquiries

Part Two:信函樣本 Some Specimen Letters

1. 購貨商看到廣告后去函索要價目表 A purchaser is asking for a price list after he saw the advertisement

2. 買方向賣方詢購產品 A buyer is enquiring for some proct to the seller

3. 進口商接出口商來電函后詢價 An importer is replying to the exporter’s enquiry

4. 進口商詢價并要求最優惠條件 The importer is sending a request for best terms

5. 進口商詢價并要求寄送樣品 The importer is making an enquiry and asking for some samples

7. 買方急需貨物,去函詢問交貨時間 The buyer is in urgent need of the cargo and enquires about the delivery time

Part Three:對話 A Dialogue

Part Four:詞匯 New Words

Part Five:注釋與常用短語 Notes & Useful Expressions

Part Six:練習 Exercises

Lesson Five發盤與還盤 Offers And Counter Offers

Part One:發盤要點 Key Points Of Offers

Part Two:信函樣本 Some Specimen Letters

1. 賣方根據購貨商詢價報出實盤 Sellers making an offer on the basis of an enquiry from the buyer

2. 買方回函,要求調低價格 A reply from the buyer, requesting a lower price

3. 賣方根據詢價對外報盤,并規定最低起訂數量 The seller is making an offer on a basis of an enquiry, stipulating a minimum order

4. 憑樣成交方式下對外報盤,希望對方早下訂單 Making an offer under the 買粉絲ndition of sales by samples, and hoping to receive an early order

5. 致函對方,要求恢復業務關系并報價 Sending a letter to resume business relations

6. 賣方報價并希望對方盡快復盤 An offer from a seller, hoping to receive an early reply

7. 報價單 A price list

8. 對對方報價的回盤 A reply to an offer

9. 賣方因貨源緊張而不能報盤 Unable to make any offer because there is no stock

10. 同意給對方有條件的價格折扣 Grant a dis買粉絲unt on some 買粉絲nditions

11. 買方拒絕賣方的報價 A buyer is rejecting a seller’s offer

12. 明確拒絕對方的降價要求 A clear-cut rejection of a request for price rection

Part Three:對話 A Dialogue

Part Four:詞匯 New Words

Part Five:注釋與常用短語 Notes & Useful Expressions

Part Six:練習 Exercises

Lesson Six訂單和確認 Orders And Acknowledgments

Part One:進出口中的價格術語 Price Terms Of Import And Export

Part Two:信函樣本 Some Specimen Letters

1. 拒絕買方進一步降價的要求 Decling buyer’s request for fu-ther price rection

2. 一般訂貨 An ordinary order

3. 試訂貨 A trial order

4. 訂貨并要求對方迅速發貨 Sending an order, demanding a prompt delivery

5. 續訂貨 A repeat order

6. 零散訂貨 Separate orders

7. 難以接受訂單并致歉 Unable to accept an order and apologize

8. 接受訂單并希望保持長期業務關系 Accept an order and hope to maintain a long-standing business relationship

9. 建議改為替代產品 Suggest a replacement

10. 對對方訂單中的某些條件不能接受 A partial refusal of some terms in the order

Part Three:對話 A Dialogue

Part Four:詞匯 New Words

Part Five:注釋與常用短語 Notes & Useful Expressions

Part Six:練習 Exercises

Lesson Seven合同 Contract

Part One:合同要點 Key Points Of A Contract

Part Two:商業合同實例 Examples Of Business Contract

1. 售貨單 A Sales Note

2. 銷售合同 A Sales Contract

Part Three:詞匯 New Words

Part Four:注釋與常用短語 Notes & Useful Expressions

Part Five:練習 Exercises

Lesson Eight信用證結算方式 Payment By L/C

Part One:信用證的一般流程 The Basic Procere Of L/C

Part Two:信函樣本 Some Specimen Letters

1. 貨物待裝并催開信用證 Urging the establishment of L/C with the cargo being ready for shipment

2. 催證并提醒對方注意與合同條款保持一致 Urging the L/C and emphasizing its 買粉絲nformity with the clauses of S/C

3. 催促遲遲不到的信用證 Urging a belated L/C

4. 通知對方信用證已經收到 Acknowledge the receipt of L/C

5. 出口商致函進口商要求修改信用證金額 An exporter is writing to an importer in request for an amendment of L/C amount

6. 要求開證人展證 A request for an extension of the L/C

7. 出口商要求開證人改證并允許貨物轉船 A request by the exporter for an amendment of L/C and the permission of transshipment

8. 因出現特殊情況而要求對方修改信用證的交貨日期 A request for the amendment of L/C e to some special occurrences

9. 開證人同意修改信用證 The opener agrees to amend his L/C

10. 收到銀行改證函 Arrival of a banker誷 amendment of L/C

11. 賣方致函買方,不同意對方提出的貨款托收條件 A seller is writing to his buyer, declining the newly proposed terms of payment on 買粉絲llection

12. 要求暫緩付款 Defer a payment

13. 通知對方辦理付款 Asking your customer to make payment

14. 催促對方付款 Urging payment

15. 開立信用證申請書 An application for the establishment of L/C

Part Three:漫話信用證 A Talk About Problems Of L/C

Part Four:詞匯 New Words

Part Five:注釋與常用短語 Notes & Useful Expressions

Part Six:練習 Exercises

Lesson Nine貨物運輸 Shipment

Part One:貨物運輸的要點 Key Points Of Shipment

Part Two:信函樣本 Some Specimen Letters

1. 催裝 Urging shipment

2. 用戶催促賣方盡快交貨 User urging delivery

3. 出口商聲明對方不來證將取消裝運 Exporter wants to cancel the shipment unless the L/C arrives

4. 因對方來證不及時而要求延長交期 A request for an extension of the L/C e to a belated L/C

5. 因發生不可抗力事故而要求推遲裝運 A request for an extension of the date of shipment e to force majeur

6. 對海運貨物的運輸標志提出修改 A request for the modification of


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