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07 finishes怎么翻譯(finⅰsh用英語怎么說)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-02 05:42:24【】0人已围观


English(P.37)得:if anything= if there is any difference 并附例句:If anything,the new Job Is harder than my old one.上句據此可得順暢之譯。

有時不同詞典對某一專業性較強的詞匯會提供"專業性"程度不一的譯語。以 Jack-knife 一詞為例,《新英漢詞典》(P.679)的釋義為:(跳入水中前彎身的)一種跳水法;《英漢大詞典》(P.940)的譯語是:[體] 屈體跳水,鐮刀式跳水。

譯路漫漫,不乏"車到山前"時,查覽形形色色的專業詞典會使我們產生"必有路"的感覺。如:this is the most wonderful ad most exciting picture ever made;… more expensive than Chu Chin Chow,more beautiful than Romeo and Juliet.(Essential English for Foreign Students,Book I,P. 173)句中的 Romeo and Juliet 為眾人所知,Chu Chin Chow 為何許人也?《英漢美國社會知識小詞典》(董樂山、劉炳章主編)對此有釋:Chu Chin Chow:《朱清周》,英國 Frederick Norton 根據阿里•巴巴故事寫的一部歌舞劇,假托中國人名,1916年在倫敦演出,轟動一時,連續演出2238場。例句:One night before departing back to his estates,Julius,without previous warning,had invited Mrs.Baxter to the theatre to see the popular musical 買粉絲edy of that year called Chu Chin Chow.



有人戲言,詞典一旦出版即成"過時貨"。英語構詞靈活,美國英語又擅長標新立異,再加上科學技術的迅猛發展,英美報刊上的新詞層出不窮,常令我們手頭的詞典"無奈"。有些詞尚可猜而譯之。如 Dis買粉絲ver 上一文中出現 the Earlens,顯然是仿 eyelens 而生。而有些詞卻令我們如墮云霧。一篇議論白宮人事的文章中出現了 FOB,國內某刊發表的譯文把FOB譯成"離岸價格"。實際上此 FOB 指 friends of Bill (Clinton)。


印刷錯誤。如: That's something that has been hothering us.(College English第三冊第一分冊,P.17O)詞典上尋覓不見hother一詞,但讀者不難察覺:hothering系bothering之誤印。然而并非所有的印刷錯誤都如此易識破。如:

But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession that fair thou

gow'st.(William Shakespeare)


也不會損失你這皎潔的紅勞。(College English,P484)


發音欠準的土語,如黑人英語等。"Tha nigger son of you is erroun here somewheres n we aim t find him. Ef yuh tell us where he is n ef he talks mabbe he'll get off easy."(Richard Wright)它的標準英語表達是:"That nigger son of yours is around here somewhere and we aim to find him.If you tell us where he is and if he talks maybe he'll get off easy." 句中的 Tha,erroun,Ef,mabbe...是不會出現在詞典中的。

臨時造詞(nonce Word)。如:I prefer a polygamist who doesn't polyg to a monogamist who doesn't monog. 有一種人主張一夫多妻或一妻多夫,但并不實行,另一種人主張一夫一妻,卻也并不照辦,在這兩種人之間,我覺得還是前者較好。polyg與monog都是精彩的臨時


尚未進入"流通"領域的拼綴詞( blend)。如: The lady is now suffering from haptephobia. haptephobia是何疾?《英漢大詞典》上也尋覓不到。然而,詞典上卻可分別發現haptic(觸覺的)與phobic(懼怕……的),兩者拼綴而得haptephobiaa,其義已自明。

異體詞(variant)。如:Camelon which may be the best known of all animals that change 買粉絲lors rapidly.Cameleon是Chameleons的異體。一般詞典(如《新英漢詞典》等)僅收入后者(變色龍)。

非英語表達。如:But he noticed at once that Colins was far more rapport with the various sergeants and the captain…(Theodore Dreiser: A Story of Stories)句中突然出現的 enrapport不是新詞、不是發音欠準的土語、不是臨時造詞、也不是異體詞,而是法語,其意思是"融洽"。在各類體裁的英語作品中,夾雜個別非英語詞匯的現象也不鮮見。此時不妨拓展思路,擱下"無奈"的英漢詞典而另有所查.


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