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07 do you have any 買粉絲usins教案(四年級英語教學反思通用800字精選7篇)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-23 20:11:43【】7人已围观


d ______________.

A . never smoked B. likes smoking

C. used to smoke heavily D. still smokes now

→Step 4 Detailed reading

Ask students to discuss the following questions in pairs.(讓學生分組討論,形成書面形式)

1.Different ways people can be買粉絲e addicted to cigarettes.

2. Harmful effects for smokers

3.ways to quit smoking

→Step 5 Post reading

Write some advice to persuade smokers to quit smoking

→Step 6 Discussion

How to live a healthy life?

→Step 7 Homework

1. write down the suggestions given by granddad

2. try to persuade one to give up smoking

求文檔: pep小學英語六年級下冊unit4partA教案


pep小學英語六年級下冊 Unit 4 My Holiday Part A教案


Teaching Aims:

1.能夠聽、說、讀、寫以下動詞短語:learned Chinese, sang and danced, took pictures, climbed a mountain, ate good food.


Teaching Importance and Difficulties:


2.本課時的教學難點是以下六個單詞的拼讀和拼寫:took, learned, sang, danced, ate, climbed。教師要多示范,通過有針對性的反復操練知道學生熟練掌握。

Teaching Medias:


Teaching Proceres:


1.教師放五年級下冊的歌謠“Let’s go on a field trip…” 學生邊唱歌邊跟教師作相應的動作。

2.教師放Let’s chant的錄音,學生跟著錄音說。


2.Let’s start

教師展示本部分的掛圖問:Do you like holidays? What do you usually do on your holiday? Do you go on trip? What do you usually do ring your trips? 引導學生根據提示圖回答。

Ⅲ.Presentation and Practise

Let’s learn

2.教師拿出一張自己爬山的照片,說:I went to Xinjiang/…last year. Guess. What did I do there? 請學生猜。如果有學生猜到climb a mountain,教師就向學生展示照片:Yes, that’s right. I climbed a mountain. 教師板書climbed a mountain,帶讀,引導學生對東詞原形和過去式形式進行比較。教師繼續問:Have you ever been to any famous mountains? Where have you been? 引導學生說:I climbed Hua/Yandang/…Mountain.教師可繼續提問:When did you climb Yandang Mountain? I climbed Yandang Mountain in spring/April 8th.

3.教師再次展示爬山的照片,說:I climbed Huang Mountain. Then I was hungry. I went to a restaurant. Guess. What did I do there? 如果學生猜到吃東西,教師就拿出一張美食的照片說:Yes, I ate. I ate good food. 板書ate good food和eat good food,帶領學生比較不同之處。教師帶讀,注意強調ate的發音。

4.教師依次出示爬山和美食的照片說:I climbed a mountain. I ate good food, too. What else did I do there? Guess.

6.教師出示本部分的教學掛圖,介紹說:Mike and John went to Xinjiang together. Mike likes taking pictures. He took many pictures. What else did he do? 手指Mike學中文的圖說:He learned Chinese. 板書 learned Chinese,帶讀。教師再問學生:What did John do? 引導學生回答:He climbed a mountain. He ate good food. He sang and danced.

7.教師放A Let’s learn部分的錄音,學生跟讀。


What did you do on your holiday?

What did you do on your holiday?

I took, took pictures.

What did you do on your holiday?

I climbed, climbed a mountain.

What did you do on your holiday?

I learned, learned Chinese.

What did you do on your holiday?

I sang, sang and danced.

9.快速搶答:全班學生分成四大組。請一名學生上來抽取兩張卡片并依次做相應的動作,四個組的學生根據表演者的動作猜:He ate good food/ … and climbed a mountain/… 哪個小組手先猜出正確答案就得一分,最后總分最高的小組獲勝。


Let’s play


Good to know



Ⅳ.Consolidation and Extension

1.Activity Book



Teaching Aims:

1. 能夠聽、說、讀、寫句型:Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang.

2. 能夠聽懂Let’s try部分的錄音并完成練習。

3. 能夠理解、說唱歌謠“Where did you go on your holiday?”。

4. 會使用英漢字典查新詞。

Teaching Importance and Difficulties:

1. 本課時的教學重點是句型:Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang.

2. 本課時的教學難點是在實際情景中正確運用所學對話。

Teaching Medias:

Teacher:錄音機及磁帶;Let’s learn部分的單詞卡片;調查表格;幾張地名卡片;幾張照片;英漢字典。

Teaching Proceres:


1. 教師與學生的日常會話。

2. 復習上一課時新課呈現部分所學的歌謠。


1. 教師放A Let’s learn 部分的錄音,學生跟讀并拼讀動詞短語。


請五名學生到教室前面,教師任意抽取一張短語卡片,讓五名學生根據卡片上的內容造句,如:I learned Chinese at school. 不能正確造句的學生即被淘汰出局。然后教師出示另一張卡片,留在臺上的學生繼續比賽。能最后留在臺上的學生成為擂主。

Ⅲ.Presentation and Practise

Let’s try

1. 學生聽Let’s try部分的錄音,完成練習。

2. 教師提問:What do people in Xinjiang like doing? 引導學生回答:They like singing and dancing..

Let’s talk

1. 教師出示一張新疆的風景照說:Look at this picture. This is a picture of Xinjiang. I went to Xinjiang two years ago. 教師再拿出一張公園的照片,說:This is a park. I went to the park last weekend. 教師板書:I went to…指導學生拼寫單詞went。

2. 教師出示一張中國地圖說:This is a map of China. I went to a city last year. It’s in Guangdong province. It’s a new city. Guess. Where did I go? 引導學生用句型Did you go to ,,,? 猜一猜,然后教師說:Yes, I went to…

5. 聽錄音,跟讀Let’s talk部分的內容。

6. 學生操練對話,教師引導學生根據本部分插圖的提示進行替換練習。

7. 教師出示能拼成重點


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