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07 外貿業務員郵件常用語(作為外貿業務員,如何給曾經合作過的客戶寫郵件?如何措辭才是適當的呢?)

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uitable for our item.這條測試要求對我們的產品不適用。

24. ship做動詞,并非單純指海運,也可用于指代空運。比如:When 買粉絲uld you ship the samples? / 請問您什么時候可以寄出樣品呢?很顯然這里的寄樣,不可能是海運,一定是快遞空運了。又比如:We will ship the goods by air next week. 這里的ship,就等同于deliver。

25. 英文中“一次性付款”可以用lump sum來表示。比如客人下了一個很小的試單,只有500美金,這時候如果根據常規收30%定金,剩下70%見提單復印件,就太麻煩了,兩筆款項的銀行費用也很貴,就可以給客人郵件:Could you help to pay in one lump sum for this trial order? Thanks.請問此次訂單您可以一次性付款嗎?謝謝。

26. 當客戶來公司拜訪的時候,很多業務員或者管理層會滔滔不絕的給客戶介紹公司,產品,發展等。但如果客戶說一句:Please make a long story short. / 請您長話短說。這就表示客戶已經不太想聽長篇大論了。

27. 假設你連續接了幾個大單,業績很棒。客戶從你老板那得到消息可能要給你升職,提前恭喜你的時候。你就可以說:I really hope so. It's still up in the air. / 這事兒還不確定呢。up in the air,表示對某事不確定,還在天上飄著呢,相當于not sure。

28. 在表示“很遺憾、很可惜”的時候,我們常用what a pity,但其實在美國,還有一個短語 what a bummer 也很常見。比如客戶跟你說一件不開心的事情時,你就可以答:What a bummer you losing the opportunity. 這就很地道。

29. 談判的時候,如果你的某個專業建議被客戶采納的話,他可能會說一句:You can say that again! 這意思就相當于Great/ Wonderful!這其實是對你的夸獎,而不是讓你把話再重復一遍。

30. 比如給客戶發貨的貨代讓對方不滿意,客戶吐槽他們服務差的時候,可能會說:I don't like their red tape. 這里,red tape表示“打官腔、做事不專業”。

31. sauce是醬汁的意思,但沙拉醬往往不用salad sauce,歐美的習慣用法是salad dressing。如我們吃鱈魚條,可能會用到千島醬,英文是Thousand Island dressing。如是蔬菜沙拉,配上橄欖油香草和胡椒的醬汁,就屬于意式沙拉醬,就是Italian dressing。

32. 我們常用unfortunately表示運氣不好,但這個詞在書面中使用較多,對于習慣用get、make這類簡單動詞的地道老美而言,自然會不習慣。他們通常會用Tough luck. 來表示運氣不好,很簡單的美式表達。

33. 表達“窮”的時候我們常喜歡用poor。比如iphone剛出新款,跟客戶閑聊的時候對方問:你怎么沒買?我習慣性就回答:I'm poor nowadays. Maybe tomorrow. / 最近窮,以后再說吧。客戶會很訝異,糾正poor這詞用得不妥。在美國,這種情況都用broke這個詞,而poor只用來形容真正的窮人。

34. Knock yourself out! 這句話在美國很常用。意思就是“把這里當自己家一樣”。同樣的,當客戶來看樣或者來你展會攤位時,如果問能不能拍照之類的,你就可以說這句話,顯得非常地道。

35. 在英語中,“氣壞了、氣炸了”可以用be going nuts這個短語表達。如果客戶在跟你聊天的時候說:I'm going nuts. 就表示他是真的很生氣了。

36. 我們常用important來表達“重要的”,這當然沒錯。但是在日常生活中,這個詞的使用頻率并沒有那么高。歐美客戶交流的時候往往更喜歡使用critical來表示。比如critical moment:關鍵時刻;critical issue:關鍵問題。

37. 當客戶跟你說“white feather”的時候,你可千萬不要以為是“白色羽毛”的意思。在英語口語中,white feather 是指“膽怯”。比如:Pull yourself together! Do you want to show the white feather in front of these people? 振作起來!難道你甘愿在這些人面前示弱嗎?

38. white lie 是英語口語中常用的一個詞,意思是善意的謊言。比如當訂單操作中出現某些問題,但是具體原因不方便告訴客戶的時候,我們往往會編個理由可能就能體面地解決。但比較尷尬的是,一旦謊言被識破,受到責問的時候,也千萬別驚慌失措。可以先sorry,再跟客人解釋一下當初用white lie 是不想他過分擔心。

39. 在外貿談判中,我們經常會遇到客戶拿別家的低價來壓你。但你心里有底,產品質量是完全不同的,這時就可以告訴客人:There is a world of difference between their item and ours.我們的產品和他們有極大的不同。 這里a world of difference就表示“極大的不同”,語氣程度得到了加強。

40. 在外貿銷售的時候,如果要跟客戶表達“品質無法改進,單純靠降價是無用的”這個概念的時候,可以用of no avail來表示“無用的、無效的”。比如:It is of no avail to rece the price only without quality improvement.



1. 向顧客推銷商品

Dear Sir: May 1, 2001

Inquiries regarding our new proct, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been 買粉絲ing in from all parts of the world. Reports from users 買粉絲nfirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure.

Yours faithfully

2. 提出詢價

Dear Sir: Jun.1, 2001

We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the U.S.A. Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at 買粉絲petitive prices in order to secure our business. We look forward to hearing from you soon..


3. 迅速提供報價

Dear Sir: June 4, 2001

Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st 買粉絲ncerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price list. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you.


4. 如何討價還價

Dear Sir: June 8, 2001

We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully. However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market, If you are prepared to grant us a dis_買粉絲untof 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer. You should note that some price cut will justify itself by an increase in business. We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours truly

5-1 同意進口商的還價

Dear Sirs: June 12, 2001

Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We have accepted your offer on the terms suggested. Enclosed our will find a special price list that we believe will meet your ideas of prices. You should note that the recent advances in raw materials have affected the 買粉絲st of this proct unfavorably. However, for your order we have kept our prices down.


5-2 拒絕進口商的還價

Dear Sirs: June 12, 2001

Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We regret that we cannot meet your terms. We must point out that the falling market here leaves us little or no


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