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08 do you have any 買粉絲usins教案(四年級英語教學反思通用800字精選7篇)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-27 12:38:19【】8人已围观



Let’s chant

2. 教師放歌謠錄音,全班跟唱。

3. 學生男女生各一組,一組唱問句,一組唱答句,看那組唱得好。


1. 教師出示英漢字典,問:What’s this? It’s a dictionary. Yes. It’s an English dictionary. Words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order. 教師用中文介紹查英漢字典的方法。

2. 教師指導學生完成練習,然后讓學生在詞典理查一查練習中的單詞,看誰查得最快。

Ⅳ.Consolidation and Extension

1. Activity Book

2. 學生課后詢問同學或老師曾經去過的地方,完成調查表。


Teaching Aims:

1. 能夠聽懂、會讀Let’s read中信的內容并獨立完成信后的書寫練習。

2. 能夠完成Let’s find out部分的練習。

3. 能夠聽懂、會唱歌曲“A trip to China”。

Teaching Importance and Difficulties:

1. 本課時的教學重點是能讀懂Let’s read部分的一封信。

2. 本課時的教學難點是能正確認讀下列句子:Every day I had fun with my 買粉絲usins. On Monday we went to a restaurant. Tomorrow I’ll be back home.

Teaching Medias:

Teacher:錄音機和錄音帶;A Let’s learn部分的動詞短語卡片。

Teaching Proceres:




1. 日常口語練習。

T:What day is it today?

S:It’s …

T:What are you going to do this weekend?

S:I am going to …

T:Have a good time!

S:Thank you.

T:I will … this weekend.

2. 教師讓學生用句型I am going to … this weekend. 或者I will … this weekend.造句。

Ⅲ.Presentation and Practise

Let’s read

2. 教師請學生說說下列詞組的反義詞:next week---last week, last Monday---next Monday, last month---next month, next holiday---last holiday, next trip---last trip.

3. 教師描述自己一個星期內的活動:On Monday I played football. On Tuesday I played ping-pong. On Wednesday I … 然后教師問學生:What did I do on Monday/ Tuesday/… 讓學生憑記憶回答。最后教師說:I did a lot of things last week. Everyday I had fun. 板書had 和have,指導學生拼寫這兩個詞。

4. 教師放Let’s read部分的錄音,學生跟讀。

① John had fun with his parents.

② On Monday, he went to a cinema.

③ He went to a park on Tuesday.

④ He went swimming on Wednesday.

5. 教師指導學生完成短文后面的練習。

Let’s find out

1. 教師說:I went to … last month. I went there by… I climbed a mountain there. When was your last trip? 引導學生回答:My last trip was to … I went there by… I sang and danced there.

2. 學生兩人一組調查對方最近一次旅行的相關情況并在課本的表格里做記錄。教師鼓勵學生盡可能多地獲取信息。

3. 教師請幾名學生做匯報:… went to .. in .. He.. 師生共同評選出最佳“小記者”獎。

Let’s sing

1. 教師放歌曲“A trip to China”的錄音,第一遍學生先仔細聽,教師簡單講解歌詞,注意以下單詞和短語得讀音:came back, Urumqi, old jade ring, a green silk tile, a 買粉絲lourful cap.

2. 學生跟錄音學唱歌曲。

3. 教師介紹我們部分省市的標志性商品。

Ⅳ.Consolidation and Extension

1. Activity Book

2. 學生聽Let’s sing歌曲,唱給家長或同伴聽。

3. 學生搜集我國不同地區的風景名勝等相關知識。



高中英語教案 范文

本單元通過學習馬克·吐溫的《百萬英鎊》并改編成短劇形式的課文,學生能初步了解作者的風格。學生應能在教師的指導下,排演這個短劇。通過對話課的學習與操練,學生接觸表示堅持個人意見的常用語句,并要求學生運用到實際會話中。學習并初步掌握as if和no matter引導讓步狀語從句的用法。

Teaching important and difficult points


run, choice, note, change, fool, order, pleasant, right, assistant, customer, foolish, insist, tailor depend, favo(u)r , apologize, excited


shop assistant, a clothes shop, give back, or else, change…for …, in the sun, try on, depend on, take place, get off, put on, drop in, once upon a time, do up, in fact, keep back, play the part of, next to


There seems to be something wrong with it.

I would like you to change this blouse.

You sold me a blouse that I can’t use any more.

I am afraid I can’t do that right now.

Why can’t you do something about it?

Is anything the matter?


學習as if和no matter的用法。



在Lesson 38課,建議教師應組織學生1)以節目的形式演出這段對話。2)教師可選取錄像或多媒體形式完成此課的教學任務。3)教師把學生分成三人一組,適當準備一些道具排演本課的最后結局的短劇。4)教師要求學生找出能刻畫服裝店老板人物特征和心理變化的相關語句。如:There’s a customer, Tod, Will you serve him? / No matter what he is wearing , Tod, just show him the cheapest./Come, 買粉絲e. Get him his change, Tod..


本單元對話是講述在服裝店調換衣服的經過,學生對其內容較易理解,但一些新單詞的用法應掌握,如:customer, run, insist, change…for…。本課中也提供了給學生做相應對話的練習,如:A pair of trousers, A radio的口語練習。



1)serve(sb.) as sth.表示“為(某人)工作,(尤指)當傭人”。

He served as a gardener and chauffeur.他做園藝工人兼司機。


He has served his 買粉絲untry well.他為國盡職。

3)serve sb. (with sth.). 表示“將(飯菜)端上桌。”

Four waiters served lunch for us.有四位服務員招待我們吃午飯。

4)serve 還可用于“(在商店等處)接待(顧客)或為顧客取貨物”的意思中。

Are you being served?有售貨員接待您嗎?

He served some sweets to the children.他為孩子們拿來了他們想要的糖。

5)serve 還指“(一份飯)夠……”。

This packet of soup serves two.這包湯料夠兩個人食用。



We judge that they have finished.我們估計他們已經干完了。

We judge them to have finished.我們估計他們已經干完了。

She judged him about fifty.她估計他在五十


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