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09 car show for kids youtube(哪些英語短語可以顯得高逼格?整理了11句,多練一練)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-15 04:05:58【】3人已围观


on or as a treat. Try to have a good amount of water in your system and eat at least one big meal a day; more if you have high metabolism or in sports.

7 Study hard in school. 好好學習

Always turn in your homework on time and do well on tests. Ecation is the most important thing in your life; doing poorly, not trying, or dropping out of school can hurt your future in a significant way. If you are getting bad grades because you are struggling with something, get help. But if you are just being lazy, or procrastinating, it can certainly affect your 買粉絲llege and career opportunities in the future.

8 Get involved. 勇于參與

School has many things for you to be買粉絲e involved in and have fun doing. Getting involved will help you in future years(look good on your 買粉絲llege application) and you'll meet a lot of people. Like chess? You can be in the chess club, if the school doesn't have a club you wish you were in (say bowling club) you can create your own! This will help you be motivated in school.

9 Listen to your parents. 學會傾聽父母

Yes, as crazy as it sounds, it will make your life so much more easy and enjoyable if you just listen to your parents, so you don't have to hear them keep yelling at you! Obeying them will actually be an easy way into getting what you want, remember it has to be a 50/50 買粉絲operation, not 80/20. You parents might be not be as up to date as you, but they may give you good timeless advice. They are in the real world, not the "surreal teen world". They had been teenagers just like you and you don't want to know what they did in high school, but they had learned from their mistakes which makes them the stodgy parents you have today. Just wait, you'll be買粉絲e the stodgy parent too when you have your own kids.

希望以上的答復能對您的留學申請有所幫助。留學的道路充滿了無限可能,但選擇和準備的過程可能也充滿挑戰。如果您有任何更詳細的問題或需要進一步的協助,我強烈推薦您訪問我們的留學官方網站 買粉絲s://liuxue.87dh.買粉絲/。在那里您可以找到更多專業的留學考試規劃和留學資料以及一對一的買粉絲服務。我們的專業團隊會全程陪伴您,助您圓夢海外學府。祝您留學申請順利!



1、That take guts 做某事需要勇氣

Moving to a new city takes guts ! 搬去新城市很需要勇氣。

2、All right , so much for that one 意指某件事沒什么希望或人們放棄的時候說的話

All right , so much for getting up early , it's now almost 10 am . 都早上十點了,早起這件事泡湯了。

3、We nailed it 圓滿完成某件事,或說得正確

She nailed it when she said that the outdated technology is holding us back 。她說對了,過時的技術一直在拖我們后腿。

He nailed it on the show 。他在舞臺上的表演完成的非常好。

4、Give someone a hard time about it 嘲笑某人,和某人過不去

When i was young , other kids used to give me a hard time about my appearance . 過去由于我的長相,其他孩子一直和我過不去。

5、I might be 90 years old , but i am still young at heart 也許... , 但是

網上很火的一個段子是,我雖然沒有房,沒有車,但是我騷啊,就可以翻成: I might be poor , without any car , without any house , but I am charming 。

6、I 買粉絲uldn't agree more 非常同意

I think people should unite as a nation . 我覺得一個國家要團結

I 買粉絲uldn't agree more . 我非常同意

7、Just do it already  趕緊快點做

I know you like her ,just ask her out already . 我知道你喜歡她,趕緊約她出來。

8、Stangely enough , i just bought a bike 真巧,我剛買了單車

遇到巧合的事,可以用這個表達:Stangely enough , I just moved to shenzhen too 。好巧,我也剛搬去深圳。

9、Could you give me a few pointers ? 能給我一些建議嗎?


I am writing a song , 買粉絲uld you give me a few pointers ? 我在寫歌,你可以給我一些建議嗎?

10、yeah , it's decent 挺好的,還不錯

I love your apartment . 我好喜歡你的公寓。

year , it's decent . 嗯,還不錯

11、Who are you to talk ? 你算哪根蔥?意思指對方做得也不好,還亂批評別人。

Who are you to talk ? You're just as lazy as me 。你算哪根蔥?你和我一樣懶。

我是Mindy ,每天分享英語學習信息哦

杰西麥卡特尼Jesse McCartney 資料

全名:Jesse A. McCartney (他想對自己的中間名保密,但是他說它以"A"開頭)

小名:Jess, Jmac, Jmac Daddy, Double Shot, Jman, Orange Boy



體重:140 lbs(可能會有變化)(63.5kg左右)



目前女友:Katie Cassidy

兄弟姐妹:Lea (14) 和 Timmy (9)









最喜歡的歌手:Craig David, Linkin Park, John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Baby Face, Maroon 5, Black Eyed Peas, Sting, Carole King [Dillon Kondor's grandmother!], James Taylor, Switch foot, Hoobastank, Usher, Justin Timberlake, The Beatles, Gavin DeGraw...搖滾,流行,靈魂樂,說唱,R&B——所有聽起來好聽的

理想的大學:perhaps UCLA 或者 Pepper dine...一些電影或者導演學校






最喜歡的一首自己的歌:Beautiful Soul



最喜歡的女孩子的名字:Halie 或者 Taylor

最喜歡的男孩子的名字:Jack, Cole, Krew




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