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10 we good friends中間填什么(英語翻譯)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-18 14:25:06【】8人已围观


Julia and I are in the same school. We don’t like eating vegetables. But my parents tell us to eat vegetables. They are good for us. Look! We have a happy family.




Unit 1 Sports and Games

Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball?



team, win, almost, join, club, dream, shame, hour, pretty, popular, healthy, weekend, cheer…on, quite a bit/a lot, grow up, in the future, arrive in/at, play against, leave for, the day after tomorrow, take part in, World Cup, pretty well, the high jump, the long jump, all over, be good for, keep fit

2.語法:be going to結構


(1)—Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?

—I prefer rowing.

(2)—Do you row much?

—Yes, quite a bit/ a lot. No, seldom.

(3)—Are you going to join the school rowing club?

—Yes, I am. /No, I am not.

(4)—What are you going to be when you grow up?

—I'm going to be a dancer.

(5)It's too bad that they aren't going to stay in Beijing for long.

(6)They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.

(7)What a shame!

(8)She spends half an hour doing exercise in the gym every day.

(9)There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.

(10)Because it makes me strong and it is popular all over the world.


1.I saw you play basketball almost every day ring the summer holidays.


see sb. do sth. 看見某人做某事。表示某動作經常性發生,

這個句型也可以用doing 的形式表示動作正在進行

1)I see you go to school early every morning. 我看見你每天早晨上學很早。

2)I often see the boys play basketball. 我經常看見男孩子們打籃球。

3)I saw my brother reading in his bedroom just now. 剛才我看見我弟弟在房間里看書。

2.Would you like to 買粉絲e and cheer us on? 你愿意來為我們加油嗎?

cheer sb. on為……喝彩,向……歡呼。

如果后面接名詞,放在cheer on的中間和后面都可以,如果后面接的是人稱代詞賓格,則必須放在中間。如:

I'll cheer you on. 我將為你喝彩。

3.I hope our team will win. 我希望我們隊獲勝。

(1)hope to do sth. 希望做某事。如:

Betty hopes to study Chinese in Peking University. 貝蒂希望在北京大學學中文。


I hope it will be fine. 我希望天氣好轉。

4.I prefer rowing. 我更喜歡劃船。


此句還可以說I like rowing better.

prefer doing sth. 更喜歡,寧愿做某事。如:

We prefer listening to music. 我們更喜歡聽音樂。

Do you prefer watching TV at home? 你寧愿在家看電視嗎?

5.—Do you row much? —你經常劃船嗎?

—Yes quite a bit/ a lot. /No, seldom. —是的,經常。/不,幾乎沒有。


—Do you read much? 你看書多嗎?

—Yes, quite a bit. 是的,相當多。

—Do you swim much? 你游泳多嗎?

—No, seldom. 不,幾乎不游泳。

6.Are you going to join the school rowing club?



He joined in the game. 他參加了這個游戲。

My uncle joined the Party in 1988. 我叔叔是1988年入黨的。

7.What are you going to be when you grow up? 你長大后想干什么?

grow up 長大成人。

1)When I grow up, I want to work in Shenzhen. 長大后,我要去深圳工作。

2)I grew up in a beautiful city. 我在一個美麗的城市長大。

David Beckham, a famous soccer star, arrived in Beijing with his team yesterday. 著名球星大衛·貝克漢姆和他的球隊昨天到達了北京。

arrive in/at到達,區別是in后賓語為大地點,而at后賓語為小地點。如:

He arrived in Hong Kong yesterday. 他昨天到達了香港。

They arrived at the bus stop early this morning. 今天他們很早到達了車站。

get to到達,后接地點。

When did you get to Shanghai?


8.The team will play against China's national team.


play against…跟……比賽。如:

Would you like to play against us? 你們愿意和我們比賽嗎?

9.It's too bad that they aren't going to stay in Beijing for long. 很遺憾他們不在北京待很久。

It's too bad that…很遺憾……

1)It's too bad that I can't help you. 很遺憾我不能幫你。

2)It's too bad that they aren't going to 買粉絲e here. 非常遺憾他們不來這里。

對于很遺憾的事,我們還可以用I'm so sorry. 或It's a pity. 來表達。如:

1)—I'm ill, so I can't take part in the party.


—I'm so sorry. 很遺憾。

2)—He worked hard, but be didn't pass the English exam.


—It's a pity. 很遺憾。

10.What a shame! 真遺憾! 多可惜啊!


1)Oh, it's raining. What a shame! 啊!下雨了。真糟糕!

2)—I can't find my cellphone. 我找不到我的手機了。

—What a shame! 真可惜!

11.He broke the Olympic re買粉絲rd and won a gold medal in the Athens Olympic. 他在雅典奧運會上打破了奧運會紀錄并獲得了一枚金牌。

(1)break the re買粉絲rd 打破紀錄

(2)win a gold medal獲得金牌

win v. 獲勝、贏得,后常跟某種比賽,過去式為won。如:

Which team won the football game? 哪個隊贏了這場足球賽?

12.They are sure that she will win. 他們肯定她能獲勝。

be sure+從句,表示“肯定,有把握”。如:

I'm sure (that) the story is true. 我肯定這故事是真的。

I'm sure (that) eatin


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