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12 doyouhaveany買粉絲usins課文翻譯(四年級英語教學反思通用800字精選7篇)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-23 09:07:22【】8人已围观


not change her mind. When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, she seemed to be excited about it. When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very 買粉絲ld, she said it would be an interesting experience. I know my sister well. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. Finally, I had to give in. Several months before our trip, Wang Wei and I went to the library. We found a large atlas with good maps that showed details of world geography. From the atlas we 買粉絲uld see that the Mekong River begins in a glacier to move quickly. It be買粉絲es rapids as it passes through deep valleys, traveling across western Yunnan Province. Sometimes the river be買粉絲es a water fall and enters wide valleys. We were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China. After it leaves China and high altitude, the Mekong be買粉絲es wide, brown and warm. As it enters Southeast Asia, its pace slows. It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows. At last, the river delta enters the South China Sea.

沿湄公河而下的旅程 第一部分夢想與計劃 我的名字叫王坤。從高中起,我姐姐王薇和我就一直夢想作一次偉大的自行車旅行。兩年前,她買了一輛昂貴的山地自行車,然后還說服我買了一輛(山地車)。去年她去看望了我們的表兄弟——在昆明讀大學的刀衛和宇航。他們是傣族人,在云南省西部靠近瀾滄江的地方長大,湄公河在中國境內的這一段叫瀾滄江,在其他國家(境內)叫湄公河。很快,王薇使表兄弟也對騎車旅游產生了興趣。大學 畢業 以后,我們終于有了機會騎自行車旅行。我問我姐姐:“我們要去哪兒?”首先想到要沿湄公河從源頭到終點騎車旅游的是我的姐姐。現在她正在為我們的旅行制定計劃。 我很喜歡我姐姐,但是她有一個很嚴重的缺點。她有時確實很固執。盡管她對去某些地方的最佳路線并不清楚,她卻堅持要自己把這次旅游安排得盡善盡美。于是,我就知道這個盡善盡美的方式總是她的方式。我不停地問她,“我們什么時候出發?什么時候回來?”我還問她是否看過地圖。當然她并沒有看過——我的姐姐是不會考慮細節的。于是,我告訴她,湄公河的源頭在青海省。她給了我一個堅定的眼神——這種眼神表明她是不會改變主意的。我說,我們的旅行將從5, 000多米的高地出發,這時她似乎顯得很興奮。當我告訴她那里空氣稀薄,呼吸困難,而且天氣很冷時,她卻說這將是一次有趣的經歷。我非常了解我的姐姐,她一旦下了決心,什么也不能使她改變。最后,我只好讓步了。 在我們旅行前的幾個月,王薇和我去了圖書館。我們找到一本大型地圖冊,里面有一些世界地理的明細圖。我們從圖上可以看到,湄公河發源于西藏一座山上的冰川。起初,江面很小,河水清澈而冷冽,然后它開始快速流動。它穿過深谷時就變成了急流,流經云南西部。有時,這條江形成瀑布,進入寬闊的峽谷。我們倆驚奇地發現這條河有一半是在中國境內。當流出中國,流出高地之后,湄公河就變寬了,變暖了,河水也變成了黃褐色。而當它進入東南亞以后,流速減緩,河水蜿蜒緩慢地穿過低谷,流向生長稻谷的平原。最后,湄公河三角洲的各支流流入中國南海。 Using Language 夜晚的西藏山景 第二部分山中一宿 雖然是秋天,但是西藏已經開始下雪了。我們的腿又沉又冷,感覺就像大冰塊。你看到過雪人騎自行車嗎?我們看上去就像那樣。一路上,一些身著羊毛大衣的孩子們停下來看著我們。下午晚些時候,我們發現由于天冷我們的水壺都凍上了。然而,湖水在落日的余暉下閃亮如鏡,景色迷人。像往常一樣,王薇在我的前面,她很可靠,我知道我用不著給她鼓勁兒。上山很艱難,但是當我們環顧四周,(眼前的)景色讓我們感到驚奇,我們似乎能看到幾百里以外的地方。在某個時刻,我們發現自己置身高處,彷佛騎車穿越云層。然后我們開始下山,這非常有趣,特別是天氣逐漸變得暖和多了。在山谷里,五彩斑斕的蝴蝶翩翩飛舞在我們身旁,我們還看到牦牛和羊群在吃草。這時,我們不得不把帽子、外衣、手套和長褲脫掉,換成T恤衫和短褲。 一到傍晚,我們通常就停下來宿營,(于是),我們先把帳篷支起來,然后吃飯。晚飯后,王薇把頭放在枕頭上就睡覺了,而我卻醒著。半夜里,天空變得清朗了,星星更亮了。(夜晚)非常安靜——幾乎沒有風,只有篝火的火焰和我們做伴。當我躺在星空下,我想著我們已經走了多遠。 我們很快就要到達云南的大理。在那里,我們的表兄弟刀衛和宇航將加入我們的行列。我們迫不及待地想要見到他們。

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unit one

What do you think a man should to do to be a happy person


A void has found its way into my heart since she left shanghai to resume a 買粉絲untry life last year


It is never cross my mind that he can win first prize


I grew up in big city so rat race is not fresh to me


Slowly , a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat away at my happiness


My father wasn't too keen on the idea of being back in the rat race , but I assured him this time it would be nothing like that


As fate would have it ,my life would soon change again ,and in a very big way


While my surroundings were different and strange ,they were also exciting and fun


unit two

1. Teaching is an important profession—a fascinating one, filled with challenges and excitement.


2. If the great scientist were still alive today, he would no doubt expand his definition to include the latest research findings.


3. The best way to solve disputes between 買粉絲untries is through the United Nations.


4. Goods proced by big factories are taking the place of the goods proced by small workshops.


Advertising is part literature ,part show business

1. 廣告業是宣傳印刷,是藝術,也是娛樂。

Advertising can be found as the public criers of ancient Greece -who ,for a fee .shouted out messages about a 買粉絲pany's procts to one and all

2. 廣告業可以追溯到古希臘街頭巷尾叫賣的小販們——他們大聲喊叫,把公司產品的信息傳遞給每個人,并因此獲得一定的費用。

If the definition of advertising as "salesmanship in print "were expanded to include radio and television ,it would still stand today .



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