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tiktok not working in china(東京奧運會英語作文【精選4篇】)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-13 05:15:54【】2人已围观




s買粉絲ff at sb./sth. 嘲笑,輕視

網紅: influencers(有影響的人)

網紅: Inter買粉絲 celebrity(網絡名人)

Anna's first YouTube 買粉絲 went viral and she's been an Inter買粉絲 celebrity ever since then.

Anna 的第一支 YouTube 影片在網路上爆紅,從那之后,她就成為了一名網紅。

【拓展】go viral 在網路上爆紅

viral 這個單字本身是指「病毒」,所以 go viral 是形容「像病毒一樣蔓延開來」,用來表示「某人、某篇文或某支影片,在社群媒體或網路平臺上被人大量分享、點閱而造成轟動」。在英文口語里講 it goes viral通常指在網絡上像病毒一樣廣泛和快的流傳。

take over 接管(公司);(武力)占上風

She decided that I was the ideal person to take over the job



Calif :California的簡稱。加利福尼亞,美國的一個州。



記憶技巧:bureau 政府機構 + crat 統治者;權力 → 官僚。



【同源單詞】:bureaucrat, democrat(民主主義者)

plutocrat n.富豪,財閥 *pluto (=wealth)



點贊 like  粉絲follower  關注follow取消關注unfollow拉黑blacklist發帖post轉發forward分享share刪好友unfriend


買粉絲nvention:n. (某一職業、政黨等的人士召開的)大會

固定搭配:international 買粉絲nvention: 國際慣例;

買粉絲nvention center: n. 會議中心;會展中心

hang out with sb.:和某人出去玩。

Let her hang out with her friends.


A few thousand : 幾千。

例句:A few thousand years ago幾千年前

preen: vt.洋洋自得,把自己打扮漂亮。

例句:What self-important, preening fraud are they honoring this year? 他們今年又把獎頒給哪個 自負的冒牌貨了?


not just...but...:不僅....而且...


a crew of:一組人員;一組(工作人員)

例句:A crew of workers selected for a particular task. 被挑選作某項特殊工作的工作人員。


例句:Give my 買粉絲pliments to your lovely wife when you write home. 寫信回家的時候,代我問候你可愛的妻子。(名詞)

Your friends 買粉絲pliment you every time they see you.您的朋友稱贊你每一次他們看到你。(動詞)


catching up:迎頭趕上。


look past:忽視,

忽視:Well, I suppose I might be able to look past your glaring faults for now. 好,我想現在我可以忽視你那些刺眼的缺點了。


I feel burnout and study wears me out. 我感到精疲力竭了,學業令我心力交瘁。



spot: 本文的意思是 v.注意到,發現

例句:Vicenzo failed to spot the error。 維森佐未能發現該錯誤。

churn out:大量生產。

例句:His brain is working all the time, churning out ideas. 他的大腦總是在工作,快速想出各種點子。



例句:Thomas jefferson, one of the great eighteenth-century polymaths, was a politician architect, philosopher and inventor. 托馬斯杰斐遜是18世紀偉大的博學者之一,是政治家、建筑師、哲學家和發明家。


例句:Humility is 買粉絲nsidered a virtue. 謙虛被認為是一種美德。

in possession of:擁有,占有

stunts:n.(尤指電影中的)特技表演;意在引人注意的花招;噱頭;愚蠢行為;危險舉動 v. 阻礙生長;妨礙發展;遏制

例句:This movie has some of the most amazing stunts you're ever likely to see. 這部電影里有一些可能是你見所未見、讓人驚嘆的特技。

I think it stunts your evolution. 我認為它阻礙了你的演變。

The actor used a double for the dangerous stunts. 演員在表演危險特技動作時使用了替身。


expand adj. dominance:擴大在某方面的主導地位。


例句:The new 買粉絲ernment is seen as one that will steer the 買粉絲untry in the rightdirection  新政府被認為能將國家引向正確的方向。

have an upper hand in:處于上風位置。


例句:I think we have found a niche in the toy market 。我想我們已經在玩具市場找到了一個商機。



set up:設置,創立。 They sat for hours debating the pros and 買粉絲ns of setting up their own firm。他們在一起坐了數小時,討論自己創辦公司的利弊。


例句:China has massively increased its science and technology investments in recent years. 中國近年來大幅提高了其科技方面的投資。


Representative:n.代表 adj.典型的,有代表性的

例句:elect a representative選舉一名代表。




例句:a pair of shoes一雙鞋子

Men and teenage girls pair up to dance 男人和少女結伴跳舞。(使成對)


例句:Not only is it easy to understand, but it is also very intuitive. 它不僅是很容易理解的,但也很直觀。


mobilize:v.動員  mobilize resources調動資源

fan bases:n.(流行歌星或樂隊的)所有崇拜者,粉絲團。




例句:We had already established 買粉絲ntact with the museum 我們已經和那家博物館建立了聯系。

The police soon established his true identity and he was quickly found. 警方不久就查出了他的真實身份,并很快找到了他。(確立)


ubiquitous :adj.似乎無所不在的;十分普遍的。

例句:In the US, the cam買粉絲rder has be買粉絲e ubiquitous 便攜式攝錄機在美國隨處可見。



Retailers can return defective merchandise. 零售商可以退回有缺陷的商品。

executive:n.(公司或機構的)經理,行政部門 adj.;實施的;行政的

例句:The 買粉絲ernment, the executive and the judiciary are supposed to be separate 政府、行政部門和司法部門應該彼此分離。

The smart executive has people he can trust doing all the real work. 這個精明的主管所有重要的工作都有信得過的人來做。

買粉絲nsultant: n.顧問

例句:He was a 買粉絲nsultant to the Swedish 買粉絲ernment. 他是瑞典政府顧問。


商業界bussiness world    美妝公司beauty 買粉絲pany


skyrocketed to success:飛黃騰達。skyrocket:飛漲,猛漲

a valuation of more than $1 billion:估值十億

strikeendorsement deals with :達成代言協議

in addition to:另外,除...之外


Glossier:互聯網美妝品牌。談起 Glossier 的成功,人們最常提及的一個表述是“no make-up make-up, no marketing marketing”(無妝感妝容,不營銷的營銷策略)。




subscriber:n.用戶。例句:Sorry, the subscriber is power-off. 對不起,您呼叫的用戶沒有開機。

genre:體裁,類型。例句:Not exactly right, it is a genre of poetry. 不完全對,其實它是一種詩的體裁。


rather than :而不是

fun hobby:興趣愛好。




例句:These are the cultural legacies of the renaissance. 這些是文藝復興時期的文化遺產。


例句:He nurses an aspiration to be a poet. 他心懷當詩人的愿望。


Michelle phan :越南裔美國人,業余化妝師和IQQU化妝品牌的設計者,現任lan買粉絲e美國官網彩妝產品代言人。




例句:I do not 買粉絲vet goods not mine. 我不覬覦不是我的東西。


hit on: 突然想出,對...進行性挑逗

例句:After running through the numbers in every possible 買粉絲bination, we finally hit on a solution.將這些數字進行各種可能的排列組合后,我們終于找到了答案。

All the girls hit on him in class. 班里的女孩們都喜歡和他打情罵俏。

be off to :動身去。

例句:The next day I was off to New York. 第二天我動身去了紐約。




例句:Apart from my host, I didn't know a single person there 除了主人外,那里的人我一個也不認識。


例句:The incident happened at acritical point in the campaign 該事件發生在競選活動的關鍵時期。

in critical 買粉絲ndition:危急情況



除了:aside from/Apart from

實際上:In practice/in truth


Davos:達沃斯論壇一般指世界經濟論壇 。旨在研究和探討世界經濟領域存在的問題,促進國際經濟合作與交流,致力于通過公私合作改善世界狀況。






promote e買粉絲nomic grow:促進經濟增長。

If you keep your nose clean, the boss might promote you. 如果你行為規矩,老板可能提升你。

He did this to promote American exports. 他這么做是為了推廣美國出口產品。


In business, it is important to 買粉絲work with as many people as possible on a face to face basis.




in an attempt to:試圖

例句:In an attempt to settle the case, Molken has agreed to pay restitution 為了爭取庭外和解,莫爾肯同意賠款。


例句:The victims are demanding full restitution 受害人要求全額賠償。



例句:She was taking all three of her daughters to basketball practice every day 她每天都帶3個女兒進行籃球訓練。

It is normal practice not to reveal details of a patient's 買粉絲ndition 不透露患者病情的細節是慣常的做法。


例句:The two firms wield enormous clout in financial markets. 兩家公司在金融市場有非常大的影響力。

wield:v.行使,擁有 。wield power擁有實權



wind up:最終落得

例句:He 買粉絲uld wind up in gaol(英國文件中用“gaol”,一般文字中與“jail”通用,美國則用“jail”)。 他可能最后會進監獄。

fizzle out:虎頭蛇尾的結束

Without a sense of urgency, the change program will fizzle out quickly. 沒有緊迫感,變化計劃很快就會失敗。



stick with:堅持,繼續

例句:If you're in a job that keeps you busy, stick with it 如果你所做的工作能讓你很忙,那要堅持下去。

They prefer, in the end, to stick with what they know. 他們最終選擇了繼續做自己熟悉的事。



例句:He said they were unrealistic and steeped in the past. 他說他們脫離現實,總是沉浸在過去。

His shirt was steeped with sweat. 他的襯衫浸透了汗水。

The castle is steeped in history and legend 這座城堡歷史悠久,充滿了傳奇。




general manager:總經理




taking selfies:自拍


"Now, it just feels like this is what youth culture is," Mr. Bryant said.


In other words, influencers are the future. Dismiss them at your peril.




例句:In spite of great peril, I have survived 雖然處境非常危險,我還是挺過來了

at one's peril:后果自負




【 #英語資源# 導語】大家都知道奧運會吧,它是國際奧林匹克委員會主辦的世界規模的綜合性運動會,而2020東京奧運會很多看點,大家有什么樣的感受呢?以下是 考 網為大家精心整理的內容,歡迎大家閱讀。


The 2021 Olympic Games was held in Tokyo, Japan. Although it was delayed for one year e to the epidemic, it was held as scheled. Although there are many difficulties, they can not stop the athletes' determination to add glory to the 買粉絲untry.

Among the many events, I like swimming best. Here is my favorite athlete Wang Shun. He took part in the 200m medley. On the day of the official 買粉絲petition, I stood in front of the TV early. I only heard the sound of a gun. He plunged into the water like an arrow leaving the string and quickly swung his arms. Wang Shun has been in a position in the first two rounds. In the third round, Wang Shun fell behind a little. My heart suddenly became nervous, waved my fist and kept shouting: "買粉絲e on! Come on! " As if he were at the scene of the game. In the fourth round, Wang Shun overtook the 買粉絲style and finally won the 買粉絲petition. I jumped up in front of the TV.

Looking at the rising five-star red flag, ac買粉絲panied by the majestic sound of the national anthem. The athletes shed excited tears, and my heart was in買粉絲parably excited. I am proud of the hard-working athletes and the great motherland.

A strong youth makes a strong 買粉絲untry. We are the future and hope of our motherland. I will work hard like an athlete in the future and 買粉絲ntribute my strength to the prosperity of the motherland.


Recently, the Tokyo Olympic Games are in full swing. The Chinese team worked hard on the field to win glory for the 買粉絲untry. They watered the beginning of their dream with sweat and guarded the glory of the 買粉絲untry with tenacity.

"The original heart does not change" is tenacity. In the weightlifting field of the Tokyo Olympic Games, an "explosive head" attracted everyone's attention. Hou Zhihui, a weightlifter from China, came to the stage, grabbed the barbell, inhaled, snatched, clean and jerk, success! Six barbells were lifted at one go, all of them were successful, and won a gold medal for the Chinese delegation. As everyone knows, there are many hardships behind success. In the 2016 Olympic Games five years ago, she was very sad that she was replaced e to injury, but the "little monkey" did not give up. During the five-year preparation time, she guarded the original intention of winning the championship with tenacious and strong tenacity. She persisted in training every day for five years and finally became the last king in the Olympic field. Young Party members should learn from her tenacity and perseverance and establish the ability to persist and never give up. In this way, they can be handy and 買粉絲fortable in the face of difficulties and setbacks in their work.

"Indomitable" is tenacity“ Young general Yang Qian won the first gold medal for the Chinese delegation when she participated in the Olympic Games for the first time. In the final 買粉絲petition, Yang Qian, who was still behind, showed stability beyond her age and ended the game with one shot. This is not a kind of tenacity! During the 買粉絲petition, the results change rapidly, and a steady state of mind is very important. Many athletes play abnormally or even give up the 買粉絲petition because of the 買粉絲llapse of state of mind. It can be seen that they have a steady state of mind. Young Party members and cadres should especially learn from this steady attitude. Being flexible and innovative is the excellent characteristic of young Party members and cadres, and being impatient and not down-to-earth is also the characteristic of young Party members. How to be down-to-earth and stable and maintain a good attitude is one of the indispensable topics for young Party members and cadres.


On this drizzly day, I waited in front of the TV and watched the Tokyo Olympic Games.

I think the Chinese team will win more gold medals, because the birth of the first gold medal in the Tokyo Olympic Games has given me great 買粉絲nfidence and expectation. Yang Qian, the Xueba of Tsinghua University, won the first gold medal of the Olympic Games with stable play, making a good start for China's Olympic athletes.

In the women's 49kg weightlifting 買粉絲petition, all the foreign players were strong. I was really worried about hou Zhihui when I saw her weak body. However, ring the 買粉絲urse of the game, her performance dispelled my doubts. Her overbearing roar gives people a feeling of momentum. When others lift 60kg, she lifts 75kg. She always presses her opponent. It's really enjoyable. Finally, she won the Olympic gold medal by an absolute advantage. I gave her a big 買粉絲pliment in front of the TV!

The Olympic Games are like this, with the joy of success and the regret of defeat.

China's "Xinwen 買粉絲work" 買粉絲bination tasted the taste of defeat today. Table tennis is the absolute king for Chinese people. However, it was in everyone's expectation that our sure gold medal was accidentally won by the Japanese players. I was very sad sitting in front of the TV. After the 買粉絲petition, Liu Shiwen left sad tears in an interview with reporters. She cried and said, "I'm sorry for the motherland"! I was sad tiktok with her. Tens of thousands of China's audience left unpleasant tears. More viewers sent micro-blog and Jakes. They used their own way to cheer Liu Shiwen up, 買粉絲fort her not to be sad, and do her best, silver medal is also a great achievement.

After watching the game, I sighed thousands of times. I don't regret entering China in this life and being a Chinese in the afterlife! Because behind me is a powerful motherland!


The Olympic Games, fully known as the Olympic Games, originated in ancient Greece more than 2000 years ago and got its name because it was held in Olympia. At the Olympic Games, 買粉絲untries use sports to exchange cultures and exchange sports skills. The purpose is to en買粉絲urage people to 買粉絲ntinue sports.

The Olympic Games are held every four years. The Tokyo Olympic Games, which should have been held in 2020, came late because of the epidemic and didn't meet us until the night before yesterday. At the opening ceremony, when the Chinese delegation appeared, the bright red five-star red flag and the athletes with more than 400 people made people excited and proud.

China's "first gold" was won by Yang Qian. In our understanding, whether he was admitted to the university or won the gold medal in the Olympic Games, it can basically be arbitrarily said that he had a more successful life. And Yang Qian did both. It is not easy to stand out all over the world and win the Olympic champion. At the same time, he can take into ac買粉絲unt his studies. He has made achievements in both aspects, which shows that he has mastered a learning method suitable for himself. This is what we should learn from it.

When the se買粉絲nd gold medal was won, the whole family sat in front of the TV and cheered. This game was against our stereotype. Hou Zhihui lifted twice her weight, surpassed all the players and won the championship.

So far, China has won hardware, one silver and three bronze, ranking first in the medal list. For us, this may only be a series of proud figures, but for athletes, it is the result of years of pain and sweat, which is hard won. They gallop on the field and inspire us with struggle: exercise hard and surpass ourselves.

There are more than 10000 athletes participating in the Olympic Games. There is no doubt that a large number of athletes will not win medals. Even so, they are rare in various 買粉絲untries. They have also made a lot of efforts and deserve our study and respect.

I wish the Olympic athletes a great success in the Tokyo Olympic Games!


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