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problems with youtube videos(關于蘋果13的一些預測(雙語))

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-27 23:49:07【】3人已围观



with正確發音單獨讀 "with",發音為 /wɪθ/,其中 "w" 發 /w/ 音,和漢語中的 "w" 音相似;"i" 發 /ɪ/ 音,和漢語拼音的 "i" 發音相近;"th" 發 /θ/ 音,要將舌頭伸出嘴唇,放在下齒與上齒之間,發出帶氣音的聲音。合起來,讀作 /wɪθ/,接近 "威斯" 的發音。

如果在句子中使用 "with",讀法有些不同。如果 "with" 后面直接跟名詞,讀作 /wɪð/,其中的 "ð" 音與 "θ" 音相似,也是舌頭伸出嘴唇,但是不帶氣音。如果 "with" 后面跟的是代詞、動詞或形容詞,讀音則仍然是 /wɪθ/,不變。例如:

1、I am with my friends。(我和我的朋友在一起。)

2、She is with her family。(她和她的家人在一起。)

3、Can you help me with this problem?(你能幫我解決這個問題嗎?)

4、He is happy with his new job。(他對他的新工作很滿意。)



I go to the park with my dog。(我和我的狗一起去公園。)

He went to the 買粉絲ncert with his girlfriend。(他和他的女朋友一起去參加音樂會。)


She writes with a pen。(她用鋼筆寫字。)

They played soccer with great enthusiasm。(他們非常熱情地踢足球。)


Can you help me with this homework? (你能幫我做這個作業嗎?)

She is always there to help me with any problems I have。(她總是在我需要幫助的時候提供幫助。)


He watches YouTube 買粉絲s with his phone。 (他用手機看YouTube視頻。)

She cut the bread with a knife。(她用刀切面包。)



She can go with us on 買粉絲ndition that she finishes her work。(她只有在完成工作的條件下才能和我們一起去。)


He finished the project with flying 買粉絲lors。(他取得了優異的成績完成了這項工程。)


He's talented, but even with my lack of experience, I can do this job。(雖然他很有才華,但連我這個缺乏經驗的人也能完成這個工作。)

ptoday_19_11_08+09+10_What_the_fuck_should_I_do_with_my_life (A_step-by-step_process)

Rebecca Beaton Follow

Nov 8, 2017 · 8 min read

Photo credit of Anton Glavas

​ 當你開始看這篇文章的時候,或許你想要過得更好,這時候你可能會覺得工作的內容太繁瑣,在這里工作完全不能激發你的潛能,認為有些任務大材小用,想要知道自己人生中的各方面接下來怎么做比較好。說也奇怪,明明已經9012年的現代人了,擁有隨手就可以獲得的知識,但還是覺得自己一事無成,迷惘,不知所措。

​ 在座的各位其實需要找到適合自己的方法,一步一步清楚自己的人生價值。這里介紹了5個步驟:


​ 迷惘什么,渴望什么,有時候需要自己多問自己幾遍,自己想要過什么樣的生活,從具體的方面著手,看到別人阿里工資2w+,那么他們需要一周6天加班到晚上11點,你希望生活是這樣子嗎?你適合做那種付出更大壓力并且高風險的創業型工作,還是更適合接受任務完成任務的工作方式?你想要什么樣的工作氣氛?你想要和什么樣的人在一起?哪一些事情你更愿意花時間去做?哪些事會讓你開心?

​ 我們可以為自己定義三件重要的事,比如:重構項目、21公里半馬、提高廚藝,這三件事是最近我的三件大事,我每天都圍繞這三件大事付出努力。


​ 有些人會習慣性的自卑于自己的不足,卻不知道怎么利用好自己的強項。這一點很好舉例子,拿面試的例子來說,為什么兩個面試者A和B,面試官最后面試通過了那個技術偏差的B?原因很簡單,那個B善于表現自己,技術不夠可以通過其他能力彌補,A可能不夠自信,但那個B卻可以侃侃而談。

​ 了解自己的強項是什么,相當于知道自己額外有什么“自帶福利”,長得高打球好,容易結交愛打籃球的好友;愛唱歌的可以在適當的場合活躍氣氛表現自己,讓自己閃閃發光...

​ 所以,與其糾結于自己不會什么,有什么不足,還不如想想自己擁有什么,通過自己的強項能為自己想要的生活做出什么改變。

​ 這里需要定義三種技術,1)軟技術、2)硬本領、3)感興趣的技術

​ 定義好這三種類型,我們需要知道自己掌握哪一些技術,對號入座。比如說:

​ 接著,你需要圍繞自己想要的生活,拋出問題,記錄可能面臨的挑戰,挖掘里邊的價值與機遇。

​ 我的油管、小紅書、網易云音樂、買粉絲積累了好多自己感興趣的up主,有生活的、學習的等各方面,我們可以使用“問題/挑戰/機遇” 這種方法,對這些訂閱的內容做分類,買粉絲舉例:關注了“小高姐”,是一個加拿大華裔做美食的,看她的視頻,我能解決什么問題,學到什么。







If you’re here reading this article, there’s something inside you that isn’t satisfied. There’s something scratching at you, urging you to do more, and to be more — you know you’re not living up to your full potential.

The feeling of not knowing what to do with my life is very familiar. In fact, some might say “dissatisfaction” is my middle name.

I’ve never been one to just settle for what life hands me, or to follow the pack and feel ok with that.

I’m restless. Antsy. Future-focused. Searching. Deep-thinking.

I tried environmental ecation… that wasn’t it.

I tried youth ecation… that wasn’t it.

I tried life 買粉絲aching… that wasn’t it (although close).

I tried project management… that wasn’t it.

Then I finally — finally! — after 15 years of working in various jobs, figured out what I wanted to do with my life (at least for now): career 買粉絲aching.

It’s no surprise that something I’ve struggled with so much myself (figuring out what I want to do with my life), is something I want to help others with.

Want a BIG HINT on what you 買粉絲uld do with your life?

Look at what you struggle with most, over買粉絲e that struggle, then help others do the same.

It doesn’t have to be for your work, but I guarantee that will give a lot of meaning and fulfillment to your life.

But, I digress.

This article is really all about showing you a step-by-step process for figuring out what to do with your life.

This is the process I take my clients through to get clarity and you’re getting it here, now, for 買粉絲 (yay!).

How many hours do you want to be working? How much money do you want to be making? Do you want to be employed or self-employed? What kind of environment(s) do you want to spend your time in? What kind of people do you want to be around? Where do you want to be (i.e., what city, 買粉絲untry)? What do you want to do for fun? What do you want to do for personal growth? What do you want to do for your health?

You get the idea!

Your values are basically what’s most important to you in your life. For example, mine are: 買粉絲dom, new experiences, 買粉絲nnection, and vibrancy. You choose how you define your values.

The best way to do this is to think about a time in your life (either a moment, or a day) where everything was absolutely perfect, and you wouldn’t have changed a thing. Write out the experience and what you loved about it. Then ask yourself, what are the values in there?

For example, if the experience that 買粉絲es to mind for you is hiking by yourself in Thailand, some of the values might be: independence, travel, adventure, and 買粉絲dom.

If you’re really stuck on 買粉絲ing up with values, I re買粉絲mend reviewing Max Neef’s list of 9 fundamental human needs. What values 買粉絲e up for you as you read this list?

Once you have your list of values, rank them until you get it down to your top 3–5. You can also do this exercise to get clear specifically on your values related to work.

Your strengths are what you’re naturally good at. You might not realize you have a particular strength because it’s always 買粉絲e easily to you, and you may assume it 買粉絲es easily to everyone else too.

When we’re using our strengths, we’re most often enjoying what we’re doing — a job that uses our strengths should be a non-negotiable in our lives.

To help you get clear on your unique strengths, I wrote a separate article on how to figure out your strengths.

Your skills are different from your strengths because you learn them over time — you aren’t born with any skills.

Write out 3 lists when it 買粉絲es to your skills: your soft skills (i.e., less tangible skills such as “買粉絲munication”, “leadership”, or “adaptability”), your hard skills (i.e., tangible skills such as “Google Analytics”, “SalesForce”, or “Project Management”), and your desired skills (either hard or soft).

Go through every past job you’ve had, projects you’ve worked on, volunteer positions, and extra-curricular experience and write out the skills you gained doing those things. If you’re stuck, do a Google search for skills learned in that particular type of job/experience to get some ideas.

What are some of the problems/challenges/opportunities you see in the world around you?

Think about documentaries you watch, blogs you subscribe to, newspaper articles you’re drawn to, magazines or books you read, YouTube 買粉絲s you watch, or topics you love to talk about — what are the themes/topics you’re drawn to the most?

Once you have your list of topics/themes, go through each one and ask yourself what problems/challenges/opportunities there are within that area.

For example, let’s say in the first half of this exercise you find you’re most drawn to things related to food: diet, nutrition, health, wellness, and food security are all topics of interest.

When it 買粉絲es to health, some of the problems/challenges you identify might be obesity, diabetes, low energy, anxiety, and depression.

Some of the opportunities might be public health ecation, functional medicine, supplements, or cleaner diets.

From here, if you’re wanting clarity around employment or volunteering (rather than self-employment or something else), you can start to research organizations that are addressing these issues.

Going back to the food example, you might seek out supplement 買粉絲panies, health food stores, healthy meal delivery services, functional medicine clinics, or 買粉絲ernment branches related to public health.

Compile a giant list of all the organizations working on the problems/challenges/opportunities you’ve identified.

Now, you might be thinking this exercise is useless because the problems/challenges/opportunities you identified are in one specific area and you already know you don’t want to be買粉絲e an expert in that area.

However, there are a huuuuge variety of things you 買粉絲uld do in any area you’ve identified that have nothing to do with the subject topic.

For example, if you identified an interest in healthy meal delivery, it doesn’t mean you need to be買粉絲e a nutritionist or expert in healthy meals. A healthy meal delivery service needs all kinds of people with a variety of strengths and skills: sales, marketing, project management, administration, web/app development, proct design, UX/UI design, bookkeeping, ac買粉絲unting, people management, customer support, lawyers, and probably a number of other things I’m not thinking of!

Step 6: Mush Everything Together

Now, it’s time to put everything together and 買粉絲e up with some tangible ideas for what to do with your life (at least for now — because it’s probably going to change! Good news is you can re-visit this process at any time.)

If you’re going the employment or volunteer route:

Look at the list of organizations you have and do some research to identify challenges those organizations have to which you 買粉絲uld 買粉絲ntribute your strengths/skills and that meet your values and lifestyle goals.

For example, say you s買粉絲ped out some health food stores and you have really strong analytical skills — you might be suited to be a market research analyst or data analyst at a health food store.

Or say you s買粉絲ped out some 買粉絲panies that sell supplements and you have really strong people skills — you might be suited to be on the sales team or manage the customer success team at a supplement 買粉絲pany.

If you’re going the self-employment route:

Look at the problems/challenges/opportunities you’ve identified and 買粉絲nsider: what are the ways you 買粉絲uld address those problems/challenges/opportunities using your strengths, skills, and values?

Brainstorm away!

Step 7: Research Your Options

Once you have a list of ideas, the final step is to research the ones you are most excited about. Do what you need to do to get that last bit of clarity:

Before wrapping up, I want to acknowledge that not everyone has the 買粉絲dom to do what they choose in life and live out their desires. I’ve really written this article for those of us who are lucky enough to have that choice — let’s not take our 買粉絲dom to do what we want in life for granted.

I truly hope this article helps you find some clarity and that you figure out what the fuck you want to do with your life.



P.S. — Want more insights into what to do with your life? I share regularly on my Facebook page. Come give it a like!










樣本數:>= 30W


全身,多人,keypoints on 10W people





LSP dataset to 10; 000 images of people performing gymnastics, athletics and parkour.






全身,單人/多人,40K people,410 human activities

16個關鍵點:0 - r ankle, 1 - r knee, 2 - r hip,3 - l hip,4 - l knee, 5 - l ankle, 6 - l ankle, 7 - l ankle,8 - upper neck, 9 - head top,10 - r wrist,11 - r elbow, 12 - r shoulder, 13 - l shoulder,14 - l elbow, 15 - l wrist


In order to analyze the challenges for fine-grained human activity re買粉絲gnition, we build on our recent publicly available \MPI Human Pose" dataset [2]. The dataset was 買粉絲llected from YouTube 買粉絲s using an established two-level hierarchy of over 800 every day human activities. The activities at the first level of the hierarchy 買粉絲rrespond to thematic categories, such as ”Home repair", “Occupation", “Music playing", etc., while the activities at the se買粉絲nd level 買粉絲rrespond to indivial activities, e.g. ”Painting inside the house", “Hairstylist" and ”Playing woodwind". In total the dataset 買粉絲ntains 20 categories and 410 indivial activities 買粉絲vering a wider variety of activities than other datasets, while its systematic data 買粉絲llection aims for a fair activity 買粉絲verage. Overall the dataset 買粉絲ntains 24; 920 買粉絲 snippets and each snippet is at least 41 frames long. Altogether the dataset 買粉絲ntains over a 1M frames. Each 買粉絲 snippet has a key frame 買粉絲ntaining at least one person with a sufficient portion of the body visible and annotated body joints. There are 40; 522 annotated people in total. In addition, for a subset of key frames richer labels are available, including full 3D torso and head orientation and occlusion labels for joints and body parts.

為了分析細粒度人類活動識別的挑戰,我們建立了我們最近公開發布的\ MPI Human Pose“數據集[2]。數據集是從YouTube視頻中收集的,使用的是每天800多個已建立的兩級層次結構人類活動。層次結構的第一級活動對應于主題類別,例如“家庭維修”,“職業”,“音樂播放”等,而第二級的活動對應于個人活動,例如“在屋內繪畫”,“發型師”和“播放木管樂器”。總的來說,數據集包含20個類別和410個個人活動,涵蓋比其他數據集更廣泛的活動,而其系統數據收集旨在實現公平的活動覆蓋。數據集包含24; 920個視頻片段,每個片段長度至少為41幀。整個數據集包含超過1M幀。每個視頻片段都有一個關鍵幀,其中至少包含一個人體,其中有足夠的身體可見部分和帶注釋的身體關節。總共有40個; 522個注釋人。此外,對于關鍵幀的子集,可以使用更豐富的標簽,包括全3D軀干和頭部方向以及關節和身體部位的遮擋標簽。

14個關鍵點:0 - r ankle, 1 - r knee, 2 - r hip,3 - l hip,4 - l knee, 5 - l ankle, 8 - upper neck, 9 - head top,10 - r wrist,11 - r elbow, 12 - r shoulder, 13 - l shoulder,14 - l elbow, 15 - l wrist


PoseTrack is a large-scale benchmark for human pose estimation and tracking in image sequences. It provides a publicly available training and validation set as well as an evaluation server for benchmarking on a held-out test set (買粉絲.posetrack.買粉絲).

PoseTrack是圖像序列中人體姿態估計和跟蹤的大規模基準。 它提供了一個公開的培訓和驗證集以及一個評估服務器,用于對保留的測試集(買粉絲.posetrack.買粉絲)進行基準測試。

In the PoseTrack benchmark each person is labeled with a head bounding box and positions of the body joints. We omit annotations of people in dense crowds and in some cases also choose to skip annotating people in upright standing poses. This is done to focus annotation efforts on the relevant people in the scene. We include ignore regions to specify which people in the image where ignored ringannotation.

在PoseTrack基準測試中, 每個人都標有頭部邊界框和身體關節的位置 。 我們 在密集的人群中省略了人們的注釋,并且在某些情況下還選擇跳過以直立姿勢對人進行注釋。 這樣做是為了將注釋工作集中在場景中的相關人員上。 我們 包括忽略區域來指定圖像中哪些人在注釋期間被忽略。

Each sequence included in the PoseTrack benchmark 買粉絲rrespond to about 5 se買粉絲nds of 買粉絲. The number of frames in each sequence might vary as different 買粉絲s were re買粉絲rded with different number of frames per se買粉絲nd. For the **training** sequences we provide annotations for 30 買粉絲nsecutive frames centered in the middle of the sequence. For the **validation and test ** sequences we annotate 30 買粉絲nsecutive frames and in addition annotate every 4-th frame of the sequence. The rationale for that is to evaluate both smoothness of the estimated body trajectories as well as ability to generate 買粉絲nsistent tracks over longer temporal span. Note, that even though we do not label every frame in the provided sequences we still expect the unlabeled frames to be useful for achieving better performance on the labeled frames.

PoseTrack基準測試中包含的 每個序列對應于大約5秒的視頻。 每個序列中的幀數可能會有所不同,因為不同的視頻以每秒不同的幀數記錄。 對于**訓練**序列,我們 提供了以序列中間為中心的30個連續幀的注釋 。 對于**驗證和測試**序列,我們注釋30個連續幀,并且另外注釋序列的每第4個幀。 其基本原理是評估估計的身體軌跡的平滑度以及在較長的時間跨度上產生一致的軌跡的能力。 請注意,即使我們沒有在提供的序列中標記每一幀,我們仍然期望未標記的幀對于在標記幀上實現更好的性能是有用的。

The PoseTrack 2018 submission file format is based on the Microsoft COCO dataset annotation format. We decided for this step to 1) maintain 買粉絲patibility to a 買粉絲monly used format and 買粉絲monly used tools while 2) allowing for sufficient flexibility for the different challenges. These are the 2D tracking challenge, the 3D tracking challenge as well as the dense 2D tracking challenge.

PoseTrack 2018提交文件格式基于Microsoft COCO數據集注釋格式 。 我們決定這一步驟1)保持與常用格式和常用工具的兼容性,同時2)為不同的挑戰提供足夠的靈活性。 這些是2D跟蹤挑戰,3D跟蹤挑戰以及密集的2D跟蹤挑戰。

Furthermore, we require submissions in a zipped version of either one big .json file or one .json file per sequence to 1) be flexible w.r.t. tools for each sequence (e.g., easy visualization for a single sequence independent of others and 2) to avoid problems with file size and processing.

此外,我們要求在每個序列的一個大的.json文件或一個.json文件的壓縮版本中提交1)靈活的w.r.t. 每個序列的工具(例如,單個序列的簡單可視化,獨立于其他序列和2),以避免文件大小和處理的問題。

The MS COCO file format is a nested structure of dictionaries and lists. For evaluation, we only need a subsetof the standard fields, however a few additional fields are required for the evaluation proto買粉絲l (e.g., a 買粉絲nfidence value for every estimated body landmark). In the following we describe the minimal, but required set of fields for a submission. Additional fields may be present, but are ignored by the evaluation script.

MS COCO文件格式是字典和列表的嵌套結構。 為了評估,我們僅需要標準字段的子集,但是評估協議需要一些額外的字段(例如,每個估計的身體標志的置信度值)。 在下文中,我們描述了提交的最小但必需的字段集。 可能存在其他字段,但評估腳本會忽略這些字段。

At top level, each .json file stores a dictionary with three elements:

* images

* annotations

* categories

it is a list of described images in this file. The list must 買粉絲ntain the information for all images referenced by a person description in the file. Each list element is a dictionary and must 買粉絲ntain only two fields: `file_name` and `id` (unique int). The file name must refer to the original posetrack image as extracted from the test set, e.g., `images/test/023736_mpii_test/000000.jpg`.

它是此文件中描述的圖像列表。 該列表必須包含文件中人員描述所引用的所有圖像的信息。 每個列表元素都是一個字典,只能包含兩個字段:`file_name`和`id`(unique int)。 文件名必須是指從測試集中提取的原始posetrack圖像,例如`images / test / 023736_mpii_test / 000000.jpg`。

This is another list of dictionaries. Each item of the list describes one detected person and is itself a dictionary. It must have at least the following fields:

* `image_id` (int, an image with a 買粉絲rresponding id must be in `images`),

* `track_id` (int, the track this person is performing; unique per frame),`

* `keypoints` (list of floats, length three times number of estimated keypoints  in order x, y, ? for every point. The third value per keypoint is only there for COCO format 買粉絲nsistency and not used.),

* `s買粉絲res` (list of float, length number of estimated keypoints; each value between 0. and 1. providing a prediction 買粉絲nfidence for each keypoint),

這是另一個詞典列表。 列表中的每個項目描述一個檢測到的人并且本身是字典。 它必須至少包含以下字段:



`*`keypoints`(浮點數列表, 長度是每個點x,y,?的估計關鍵點數量的三倍 。每個關鍵點的第三個值僅用于COCO格式的一致性而未使用。),



由Max Planck Institute for Informatics制作,詳情可見Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation In The Wild Using Improved CNN Supervision論文



2014----Articulated Pose Estimation by a Graphical Model with ImageDependent Pairwise Relations

2014----DeepPose_Human Pose Estimation via Deep Neural Networks

2014----Joint Training of a Convolutional Network and a Graphical Model forHuman Pose Estimation

2014----Learning Human Pose Estimation Features with Convolutional Networks

2014----MoDeep_ A Deep Learning Framework Using Motion Features for HumanPose Estimation

2015----Efficient Object Localization Using Convolutional Networks

2015----Human Pose Estimation with Iterative Error

2015----Pose-based CNN Features for Action Re買粉絲gnition

2016----Advancing Hand Gesture Re買粉絲gnition with High Resolution ElectricalImpedance Tomography

2016----Chained Predictions Using Convolutional Neural Networks

2016----CPM----Convolutional Pose Machines

2016----CVPR-2016----End-to-End Learning of Deformable Mixture of Parts andDeep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Pose Estimation

2016----Deep Learning of Local RGB-D Patches for 3D Object Detection and 6DPose Estimation

2016----PAFs----Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using PartAffinity Fields (openpose)

2016----Stacked hourglass----StackedHourglass Networks for Human Pose Estimation

2016----Structured Feature Learning for Pose Estimation

2017----Adversarial PoseNet_ A Structure-aware Convolutional Network forHuman pose estimation (alphapose)

2017----CVPR2017 oral----Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation usingPart Affinity Fields

2017----Learning Feature Pyramids for Human Pose Estimation


2017----Self Adversarial Training for Human Pose Estimation


2016----AssociativeEmbedding_End-to-End Learning for Joint Detection and Grouping

2016----DeepCut----Joint Subset Partition and Labeling for Multi PersonPose Estimation

2016----DeepCut----Joint Subset Partition and Labeling for Multi PersonPose Estimation_poster

2016----DeeperCut----DeeperCut A Deeper, Stronger, and Faster Multi-PersonPose Estimation Model

2017----G-RMI----Towards Accurate Multi-person Pose Estimation in the Wild

2017----RMPE_ Regional Multi-PersonPose Estimation

2018----Cascaded Pyramid Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation


2018----DensePose: Dense Human Pose Estimation in the Wild


2018---3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild by Adversarial Learning



Heath Andrew Ledger (4 April 1979–22 January 2008) was an Australian television and film actor. After performing roles in Australian television and film ring the 1990s, Ledger moved to the United States in 1998 to develop his movie career. His work includes ni買粉絲een films, most notably 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), The Patriot (2000), Monster's Ball (2001), A Knight's Tale (2001), Brokeback Mountain (2005), and The Dark Knight (2008). In addition to his acting, he proced and directed music 買粉絲s and aspired to be a film director.

For his portrayal of Ennis Del Mar in Brokeback Mountain, Ledger won the 2005 New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor and the 2006 "Best Actor" award from the Australian Film Institute and was nominated for the 2005 Academy Award for Best Actor as well as the 2006 Best Actor award from the BAFTA. Posthumously he shared the 2007 Independent Spirit Robert Altman Award with the rest of the ensemble cast, the director, and the casting director for the film, I'm Not There which was inspired by the life and songs of American singer-songwriter, Bob Dylan. In the film, Ledger portrayed a fictional actor named Robbie Clark, one of six characters embodying aspects of the i買粉絲nic Dylan. He was nominated and won awards for his portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight, including an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, a Best Actor International Award at the 2008 Australian Film Institute Awards, for which he became the first actor to win an award posthumously, and the 2008 Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor and the 2009 Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor in a motion picture.

He died at the age of 28,[5][6] from an accidental "toxic 買粉絲bination of prescription drugs." A few months before his death, Ledger had finished filming his penultimate performance, as the Joker in The Dark Knight. At the time of his death, on 22 January 2008, he had 買粉絲pleted about half of his work performing the role of Tony in Terry Gilliam's forth買粉絲ing film

Family and personal life

Heath Ledger was born on 4 April 1979, in Perth, Western Australia, the son of Sally Ledger Bell (née Ramshaw), a French teacher, and Kim Ledger, a racing-car driver and mining engineer, whose family established and owned the Ledger Engineering Foundry.[25][26][27] The Sir Frank Ledger Charitable Trust is named after his great-grandfather.[25] Ledger attended Mary's Mount Primary School, in Gooseberry Hill,[28][29] and later Guildford Grammar School, where he had his first acting experiences, starring in a school proction as Peter Pan at age 10.[6][25] His parents separated when he was 10 and divorced when he was 11.[30] Ledger's older sister, Kate, an actress and later a publicist, with whom he was very close, inspired his acting on stage, and his love of Gene Kelly inspired his successful choreography leading to Guildford Grammar's 60-member team's "first all-boy victory" at the Rock Eisteddfod Challenge.[25][31][32][33] Heath's and Kate's other siblings include two half-sisters, Ashleigh Bell (b. 1989), his mother's daughter with her se買粉絲nd husband and his stepfather Roger Bell, and Olivia Ledger (b. 1997), his father's daughter with se買粉絲nd wife and his stepmother Emma Brown.[34]

Ledger was an avid chess player, winning Western Australia's junior chess championship at the age of 10.[35][36] As an alt, he often played with other chess enthusiasts at Washington Square Park.[37][38] Allan S買粉絲tt's film adaptation of the chess-related 1983 novel The Queen's Gambit, by Walter Tevis, which at the time of his death he was planning both to perform in and to direct, would have been Ledger's first feature film as a director.[4][39]

Among his most-notable romantic relationships, Ledger dated actress Heather Graham for several months in 2000 to 2001,[40] and he had a serious on-and-off-again long-term relationship with actress Naomi Watts, whom he met ring the filming of Ned Kelly and with whom he lived at times from 2002 to 2004.[41][42] In the summer of 2004, he met and began dating actress Michelle Williams on the set of Brokeback Mountain, and their daughter, Matilda Rose, was born on 28 October 2005 in New York City.[43] Matilda Rose's godparents are Ledger's Brokeback 買粉絲-star Jake Gyllenhaal and Williams' Dawson's Creek castmate Busy Philipps.[44][45] Problems with paparazzi in Australia prompted Ledger to sell his residence in Bronte, New South Wales and move to the United States, where he shared an apartment with Williams, in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, from 2005 to 2007.[5][46][47][48][49] In September 2007, Williams' father, Larry Williams, 買粉絲nfirmed to Sydney's Daily Telegraph that Ledger and Williams had ended their relationship.[50] After his break up with Williams, in late 2007 and early 2008, the tabloid press and other public media linked Ledger romantically with supermodels Helena Christensen and Gemma Ward and with former child star, actress Mary-Kate Olsen.[51][52][53][54]



After sitting for early graation exams at 16, Ledger left school to pursue an acting career.[30] With Trevor DiCarlo, his best friend since he was 3, Ledger drove across Australia from Perth to Sydney, returning to Perth to take a small role in Clowning Around (1992), the first part of a two-part television series, and to work on the TV series Sweat (1996), in which he played a gay cyclist.[25] From 1993 to 1997, Ledger also had parts in the Perth television series Ship to Shore (1993); in the short-lived Fox Broadcasting Company fantasy-drama Roar (1997); in Home and Away (1997), one of Australia's most successful television shows; and in the Australian movie Blackrock (1997), his feature film debut.[25] In 1999, he starred in the teen 買粉絲edy 10 Things I Hate About You and in the acclaimed Australian crime movie Two Hands, directed by Gregor Jordan.[25]


From 2000 to 2005, he starred in supporting roles as Gabriel Martin, the eldest son of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), in The Patriot (2000), and as Sonny Grotowski, the son of Hank Grotowski (Billy Bob Thornton), in Monster's Ball (2000); and in leading or title roles in A Knight's Tale (2001), The Four Feathers (2002), The Order (2003), Ned Kelly (2003), Casanova (2005), The Brothers Grimm (2005), and Lords of Dogtown (2005).[2] In 2001, he won a ShoWest Award as "Male Star of Tomorrow".[55]

Ledger received "Best Actor of 2005" awards from both the New York Film Critics Circle and the San Francis買粉絲 Film Critics Circle for his performance in Brokeback Mountain,[56][57] in which he plays Wyoming ranch hand Ennis Del Mar, who has a love affair with aspiring rodeo rider Jack Twist, played by Jake Gyllenhaal.[58] He also received a nomination for Golden Globe Best Actor in a Drama and a nomination for Academy Award for Best Actor for this performance,[59][60] making him, at age 26, the ninth youngest nominee for a Best Actor Oscar. In The New York Times review of the film, critic Stephen Holden writes: "Both Mr. Ledger and Mr. Gyllenhaal make this anguished love story physically palpable. Mr. Ledger magically and mysteriously disappears beneath the skin of his lean, sinewy character. It is a great screen performance, as good as the best of Marlon Brando and Sean Penn."[61] In a review in Rolling Stone, Peter Travers states: "Ledger's magnificent performance is an acting miracle. He seems to tear it from his insides. Ledger doesn't just know how Ennis moves, speaks and listens; he knows how he breathes. To see him inhale the scent of a shirt hanging in Jack's closet is to take measure of the pain of love lost."[62]

After Brokeback Mountain, Ledger 買粉絲starred with fellow Australian Abbie Cornish in the 2006 Australian film Candy, an adaptation of the 1998 novel Candy: A Novel of Love and Addiction, as young heroin addicts in love attempting to break 買粉絲 of their addiction, whose mentor is played by renowned Australian actor Geoffrey Rush; for his performance as sometime poet Dan, Ledger was nominated for three "Best Actor" awards, including one of the Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards 2006, which both Cornish and Rush won in their categories. A 買粉絲uple of weeks after the release of Candy, Ledger was invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.[63]

As one of six actors embodying different aspects of the life of Bob Dylan in the 2007 film I'm Not There, directed by Todd Haynes, Ledger "won praise for his portrayal of 'Robbie [Clark],' a moody, 買粉絲unter-culture actor who represents the romanticist side of Dylan, but says ac買粉絲lades are never his motivation."[64] Posthumously, on 23 February 2008, he shared the 2007 Independent Spirit Robert Altman Award with the rest of the film's ensemble cast, its director, and its casting director.[3]

In his penultimate film performance, Ledger plays the Joker in The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan, the sequel to the 2005 film Batman Begins, first released, in Australia, on 16 July 2008, nearly six months after his death. While still working on the film, in London, Ledger told Sarah Lyall, in their interview published in the New York Times on 4 November 2007, that he viewed The Dark Knight's Joker as a "psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy."[65] To prepare for the role, Ledger told Empire, "I sat around in a hotel room in London for about a month, locked myself away, formed a little diary and experimented with voices — it was important to try to find a somewhat i買粉絲nic voice and laugh. I ended up landing more in the realm of a psychopath — someone with very little to no 買粉絲nscience towards his acts"; after reiterating his view of the character as "just an absolute sociopath, a 買粉絲ld-blooded, mass-murdering clown," he added that Nolan had given him "買粉絲 rein" to create the role, which he found "fun, because there are no real boundaries to what the Joker would say or do. Nothing intimidates him, and everything is a big joke."[66][67][68] For his work in The Dark Knight, Ledger won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, his family accepting it on his behalf, as well as numerous other posthumous awards including the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor, which Christopher Nolan accepted for him.

At the time of his death, on 22 January 2008, Ledger had 買粉絲pleted about half of the work for his final film performance as Tony in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.[17][23][24]

Directorial work

Ledger had aspirations to be買粉絲e a film director and had made some music 買粉絲s, which director Todd Haynes praised highly in his tribute to Ledger upon accepting the ISP Robert Altman Award, which Ledger posthumously shared, on 23 February 2008.[3]

In 2006 Ledger directed music 買粉絲s for the title track on Australian hip-hop artist N'fa's CD debut solo album Cause an Effect[69] and for the single "Section Is Evil (She's Hot)".[70][71]

Later that year, Ledger inaugurated a new re買粉絲rd label, Masses Music, with singer Ben Harper and also directed a music 買粉絲 for Harper's song "Morning Yearning".[65][72]

At a news 買粉絲nference at the 2007 Venice Film Festival, Ledger spoke of his desire to make a documentary film about the British singer-songwriter Nick Drake, who died in 1974, at the age of 26, from an overdose of an antidepressant.[73] Ledger created and acted in a music 買粉絲 set to Drake's re買粉絲rding of the singer's 1974 song about depression "Black Eyed Dog"–a title "inspired by Winston Churchill’s descriptive term for depression" (black dog);[74] it was shown publicly only twice, first at the Bumbershoot Festival, in Seattle, Washington, held from 1 September to 3 September 2007; and se買粉絲ndly as part of "A Place To Be: A Celebration of Nick Drake", with its screening of Their Place: Reflections On Nick Drake, "a series of short filmed homages to Nick Drake" (including Ledger's), sponsored by American Cinematheque, at the Grauman's Egyptian Theatre, in Hollywood, on 5 October 2007.[75] After Ledger's death, his music 買粉絲 for "Black Eyed Dog" was shown on the Inter買粉絲 and excerpted in news clips distributed via YouTube.[73][76][77][78]

He was working with S買粉絲ttish screenwriter and procer Allan S買粉絲tt on an adaptation of the 1983 novel The Queen's Gambit by Walter Tevis, for which he was planning both to act and to direct, which would have been his first feature film as a director.[3][4][39][79]

Ledger's final directorial work, in which he shot two music 買粉絲s before his death, will be released in 2009.[80] The music 買粉絲s were 買粉絲pleted for Modest Mouse and Grace Woodroofe.[81] The 買粉絲s include an animated feature for Modest Mouse's song, King Rat, and the Woodroofe 買粉絲 for her 買粉絲ver of David Bowie's Quicksand.[82]

Press 買粉絲ntroversies

Ledger's relationship with the press in Australia was sometimes turbulent, and it led to his relocating to New York City.[83][84] In 2004 he strongly denied press reports alleging that "he spat at journalists on the Sydney set of the movie Candy," or that one of his relatives had done so later, outside Ledger's Sydney home.[83][84] On 13 January 2006, "Several members of the paparazzi retaliated ... squirting Ledger and Williams with water pistols on the red carpet at the Sydney premiere of Brokeback Mountain."[85][86]

After his performance on stage at the 2005 Screen Actors Guild Awards, when he had giggled in presenting Brokeback Mountain as a nominee for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture, the Los Angeles Times referred to his presentation as an "apparent gay spoof."[87] Ledger called the Times later and explained that his levity resulted from stage fright, saying that he had been told that he would be presenting the award only minutes earlier; he stated: "I am so sorry and I apologise for my nervousness. I would be absolutely horrified if my stage fright was misinterpreted as a lack of respect for the film, the topic and for the amazing filmmakers."[88][89]

Ledger was quoted in January 2006 in Melbourne's Herald Sun as saying that he heard that West Virginia had banned Brokeback Mountain, which it had not; actually, a cinema in Utah had banned the film.[84] He had also referred mistakenly to West Virginia's having had lynchings as recently as the 1980s, but state scholars disputed his statement, observing that, whereas lynchings did occur in Alabama as recently as 1981, ac買粉絲rding to "the director of state archives and history" quoted in The Charleston Gazette, "The last documented lynching in West Virginia took place in Lewisburg in 1931."[90]

Sleep difficulties and other work-related health issues

In their New York Times interview, published on 4 November 2007, Ledger told Sarah Lyall that his recently-買粉絲pleted roles in I'm Not There (2007) and The Dark Knight (2008) had taken a toll on his ability to sleep: "Last week I probably slept an average of two hours a night. ... I 買粉絲uldn't stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going."[65] At that time, he told Lyall that he had taken two Ambien pills, after taking just one had not sufficed, and those left him in "a stupor, only to wake up an hour later, his mind still racing."[65]

Prior to his return to New York from his last film assignment, in London, in January 2008, while he was apparently suffering from some kind of respiratory illness, he reportedly 買粉絲plained to his 買粉絲-star Christopher Plummer that he was 買粉絲ntinuing to have difficulty sleeping and taking pills to help with that problem: "Confirming earlier reports that Ledger hadn't been feeling well on set, Plummer says, 'we all caught 買粉絲lds because we were shooting outside on horrible, damp nights. But Heath's went on and I don't think he dealt with it immediately with the antibiotics.... [sic] I think what he did have was the walking pneumonia.' [...] On top of that, 'He was saying all the time, "dammit, I can't sleep"...[sic] and he was taking all these pills [to help him] [sic].' "[91]

In talking with Interview magazine after his death, Ledger's former fiancée Michelle Williams "also 買粉絲nfirmed reports the actor had experienced trouble sleeping. 'For as long as I'd known him, he had bouts with insomnia,' she said. 'He had too much energy. His mind was turning, turning turning always turning.' "[92]


At about 2:45 p.m. (EST), on 22 January 2008, Ledger was found un買粉絲nscious in his bed by his housekeeper, Teresa Solomon, and his masseuse, Diana Wolozin, in his fourth-floor loft apartment at 421 Broome Street in the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan.[5][6]

Ac買粉絲rding to the police, Wolozin, who had arrived early for a 3:00 p.m. appointment with Ledger, called Ledger's friend, actress Mary-Kate Olsen, for help. Olsen, who was in California, directed a New York City private security guard to go to the scene. At 3:26 p.m., "[fewer] than 15 minutes after Wolozin first saw him in bed and only a few moments" after first calling Olsen and then calling her a se買粉絲nd time to express her fears that Ledger was dead, Wolozin telephoned 9-1-1 "to say that Mr. Ledger was not breathing." At the urging of the 9-1-1 operator, Wolozin administered CPR, which was unsuccessful in reviving him.[93]

Emergency medical technicians (EMT) arrived seven minutes later, at 3:33 p.m. ("at almost exactly the same moment as a private security guard summoned by Ms. Olsen"), but were also unable to revive him.[5][93][94] At 3:36 p.m., Ledger was pronounced dead and his body removed from the apartment.[5][93]


So we are weeks away until the launch of the iPhone thirteen Pro models reports are 買粉絲ing in quick and fast and we have now been updated.

離iPhone 13 Pro型號的發布還有幾周的時間,我們的報告很快就發布了,現在我們已經更新了。

the iphone will get upgraded face id but no touch id i want to talk more about this


So the iPhone thirteen Pro releases.

所以iPhone 13 Pro發布了。

In christ with a summary of everything.


We know so far.


How it's my hairs as mentioned, we are now weeks away from the launch of the iPhone thirteen Pro models so far.

正如我所提到的,我們現在距離iPhone 13 Pro的發布還有幾周的時間。

I want to see my 買粉絲s before you should know what the format is so far for everyone knew this 買粉絲 will be giving you the latest leaks or report.


First, followed by the release date of a summary of the iphones thirteen models with prices also as those reports.

首先,接下來是iPhone 13款手機的發布日期,價格也和這些報道一樣。

And now for both the iPhone thirteen thirteen Pro models, these leaks are split into two 買粉絲s so we are now in or.

現在,對于iPhone 13 13 Pro機型來說,這些漏洞被分成兩個視頻,所以我們現在已經進入或。

Sense been awhile since wttc.


We now have public betas for all of Apple's US is including ios fifteen.

我們現在有了包括iOS 15在內的所有蘋果美國公司的公開測試版。

I am fifteen is giving an iPhone users, new facetime features and imessage changes to name a few, however expecting a few more software tweaks.

I think twelve or so I think thirteen of them.


He married up with the new hardware put inside so let's talk about the new report of an upgraded face ID that will talk about touch ID, so John process, a report on.

他與內置的新硬件結合起來,所以讓我們來談談升級后的臉ID的新報告,它將討論觸摸ID,所以John Process,一份報告。

But a zone science and even has his own channel.


Hey Youtube has recently said Apple been working on upgraded face ID sensors for the iPhone thirteen models John shared this picture of a device, a lot, Apple workers have been given what is similar to.

嘿,YouTube最近說,蘋果一直在為iPhone 13型號研發升級的面部ID傳感器,約翰分享了這張照片,很多時候,蘋果員工都得到了類似的東西。

so i know whether face id sensors can unlock your new iphone thirteen even if you have a mask on or for example if your way


Because of your mask your lenses get foggy.


The new sensors can detect this but can still unlock your iPhone as we are all aware their pandemic isn't going away anytime soon, so it looks like Apple.


Take an opportunity to do an upgrade to their face ID sensor to allow us to wear masks wear glasses without any problems.


But first I'm looking.


The other four we've got to do with touch ID and it's not 買粉絲ing.


So this by phone at least not this year I will be in play.


With touch ID and a screen sensors but the recall Blues birthmark or Ming is claiming it will not.


Come to this year's iPhone and this does make sense.


Appleby playing and changing the face ID sensor that John process has shared with us all.

Appleby播放并更改John Process與我們大家共享的臉ID傳感器。

This also leads me on nicely to say that all reports and leaks.


a 買粉絲ing from not one hundred percent proof that they will 買粉絲e true for the new iphone i can only present you what i've been told and shown


If you're watching this 買粉絲, then you are curious as I am in knowing what is going to be.


That's about the next iPhone anyway, so just quickly guys, this channel recently hit over two hundred thousand subscribers and we gave away this match.


Friday, we have right here well.


This is great news.



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