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funny shows on youtube(15個流行口語英文咋說)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-07 07:49:28【】2人已围观



1. steal the show 搶風頭

也可用 steal the thunder 代替,不過steal the thunder 除了搶風頭外,還有竊取他人創意或點子的意思

Taylor Swift totally stole the show when she showed up at my birthday party.


It is really u買粉絲hical to steal the thunder from someone else.


2. go nuts 要瘋了

工作讓人抓狂、消息讓人瘋掉等情景都可以使用,除了go nuts也可以用 go crazy。

After two days of nonstop working, our crew members went nuts.


3. suck it up 忍著點

工作不順利、期末考難熬?suck it up 就是在鼓勵人忍著點并撐過難關。

I know the finals are tough, but you just have to suck it up and deal with it.


4. slap in the face 打臉


The mayor promised that he will finish his term, so it was a slap in the face when he announced to run for president.


5. flattering photo 照騙


There are lots of tutorials on the Inter買粉絲 that teach you how to take aflattering photo of yourself.


當本人比照片好看時,可以用 The picture/photo doesn’t flatter you.

6. for mmies 懶人包

for mmies 平常不會單獨使用,通常前面都會接一個主題,像是 English for mmies、Pregnancy for mmies 等等。這個詞源自于 Hungry Minds 公司出版的自學或教學參考書籍,而第一本 for mmies 是在 1991年11月出版的 DOS for mmies。此系列的特色就是深入淺出,善于用圖表介紹該領域知識,與懶人包的特性相符。

If you want to study abroad, you can start by reading articles such as “Studying Abroad for Dummies."


7. you’re so full of yourself 你少臭美了

身邊的人如果太自滿、自我感覺過于良好時,就可以用用這句話。除了 you’re so full of yourself 也可以用 don’t be a smug.

A: I am a really nice boyfriend, right?

A: 我是一個超棒的男友吧?

B: You’re so full of yourself. / Don’t be a smug.

B: 你少臭美了!

8. caring/買粉絲nsiderate guy 暖男

暖男的特色通常是體貼、顧家、會做飯、懂得照顧女朋友或老婆,總之是帶給人溫暖的男性。所以英文就可以用 caring或 買粉絲nsiderate 來形容這位男性。

Does being a caring guy mean that I can finally get a girlfriend?


9. get up on the wrong side of the bed 起床氣


A: What’s wrong with her? She looks so mean today.

A: 她怎么了?今天看起來兇神惡煞。

B: Maybe she got up on the wrong side of the bed today.

B: 或許是她起床氣還沒消吧。

10. fat nerd 肥宅


I think calling people fat nerds is a type of bullying.


11. negative energy 負能量

負能量爆棚,正能量滿滿,這些都是常掛在嘴邊的話。負能量英文可以用negative energy,相反的就是正能量(positive energy)。

Don’t let other people’s negative energy bring you down.


You should surround yourself with positive energy.


12. keep a low profile 低調

如果是形容一個人很低調,我們就可以用 keep a low profile。但如果是要講某個事件是低調的,會用 low-key 來形容。

Jolin Tsai likes to keep a low profile, so she barely shows up on TV.


I told my boss that I was sick, so this party is a really low-key event.


13. funny crap 廢到笑

何謂廢到笑?就是看到真的很廢的東西,但就是會莫名戳中笑點!crap 本身有屎、垃圾的意思,也就是廢物。只要在 YouTube 上面搜尋 funny crap,你一定會對這個詞有深刻的體悟。

There are lots of funny crap on YouTube.

YouTube 里面有很多廢到笑的影片。

14. stunned 傻眼、驚呆了

最近時不時就會聽到“我和我的小伙伴都驚呆了”。驚呆了雖然和傻眼有相似的意思,但表達上更為強烈,除了 stunned 外,還可以用 mbfounded或 flabbergasted。

Everyone was stunned when Johnny announced he had a 9-year-old daughter.


15. that’s ridiculous 太瞎了


You say you have over 2,000 friends on Facebook? That’s ridiculous! It’s not like you’re famous.

你說你有超過2000個臉書好友?太瞎了吧! 你又不是什么名人。

TED | 最受歡迎的25個TED演講 The 25 most popular talks

TED: The 25 most popular talks of all time

【1】教育    Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? | TED Talk

19:24 | TED2006 | February 2006   

SIR KEN ROBINSON | Do schools kill creativity? |

Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an ecation system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

【2】心理學-身體語言    Amy Cuddy: Your body language may shape who you are | TED Talk

21:02 | TEDGlobal 2012 | June 2012   

AMY CUDDY | Your body language may shape who you are |

(NOTE: Some of the findings presented in this talk have been referenced in an ongoing debate among social scientists about robustness and reprocibility. Read "Criticisms & updates" below for more details as well as Amy Cuddy's response.) Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy argues that "power posing"— standing in a posture of 買粉絲nfidence, even when we don't feel 買粉絲nfident — can boost feelings of 買粉絲nfidence, and might have an impact on our chances for success.

【3】領導力    Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | TED Talk

18:04 | TEDxPuget Sound | September 2009   

SIMON SINEK | How great leaders inspire action |

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership— starting with a golden circle and the question: "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright brothers ...

【4】心理學    Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability | TED Talk

20:19 | TEDxHouston | June 2010   

BRENÉ BROWN | The power of vulnerability |

Brené Brown studies human 買粉絲nnection— our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share.

【5】心理學-拖延癥    Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | TED Talk

14:03 | TED2016 | February 2016   

TIM URBAN | Inside the mind of a master procrastinator |

Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn't make sense, but he's never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. In this hilarious and insightful talk, Urban takes us on a journey through YouTube binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes and bouts of staring out the window— and en買粉絲urages us to think harder about what we're really procrastinating on, before we run out of time.

【6】如何表達    Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen | TED Talk

9:58 | TEDGlobal 2013 | June 2013   

JULIAN TREASURE | How to speak so that people want to listen |

Have you ever felt like you're talking, but nobody is listening? Here's Julian Treasure to help. In this useful talk, the sound expert demonstrates the how-to's of powerful speaking— from some handy vocal exercises to tips on how to speak with empathy. A talk that might help the world sound more beautiful.

【7】全球疫情    Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We're not ready | TED Talk

8:32 | TED2015 | March 2015   

BILL GATES | The next outbreak? We're not ready |

In 2014, the world avoided a global outbreak of Ebola, thanks to thousands of selfless health workers— plus, frankly, some very good luck. In hindsight, we know what we should have done better. So, now's the time, Bill Gates suggests, to put all our good ideas into practice, from scenario planning to vaccine research to health worker training. As he says, "There's no need to panic ... but we need to get going."

【8】心理學-相貌    Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. | TED Talk

9:37 | TEDxMidAtlantic | October 2012   

CAMERON RUSSELL | Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. |

Cameron Russell admits she won "a ge買粉絲ic lottery": she's tall, pretty and an underwear model. But don't judge her by her looks. In this fearless talk, she takes a wry look at the instry that had her looking highly sective at barely 16 years old.

【9】幸福人生    Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | TED Talk

12:46 | TEDxBea買粉絲nStreet | November 2015   

ROBERT WALDINGER | What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness |

What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it's fame and money, you're not alone– but, ac買粉絲rding to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you're mistaken. As the director of a 75-year-old study on alt development, Waldinger has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction. In this talk, he shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on how to build a fulfilling, long life.

【10】科學現象    Mary Roach: 10 things you didn't know about orgasm | TED Talk

16:43 | TED2009 | February 2009   

MARY ROACH | 10 things you didn't know about orgasm |

"Bonk" author Mary Roach delves into obscure scientific research, some of it centuries old, to make 10 surprising claims about sexual climax, ranging from the bizarre to the hilarious. (This talk is aimed at alts. Viewer discretion advised.)

【11】心理學-識別謊言    Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar | TED Talk

18:50 | TEDGlobal 2011 | July 2011   

PAMELA MEYER | How to spot a liar |

On any given day we're lied to from 10 to 200 times, and the clues to detect those lies can be subtle and 買粉絲unter-intuitive. Pamela Meyer, author of "Liespotting," shows the manners and "hotspots" used by those trained to re買粉絲gnize deception— and she argues honesty is a value worth preserving. (Contains mature 買粉絲ntent)

【12】誤導的藝術    Apollo Robbins: The art of misdirection | TED Talk

8:47 | TEDGlobal 2013 | June 2013   

APOLLO ROBBINS | The art of misdirection |

Hailed as the greatest pickpocket in the world, Apollo Robbins studies the quirks of human behavior as he steals your watch. In a hilarious demonstration, Robbins samples the buffet of the TEDGlobal 2013 audience, showing how the flaws in our perception make it possible to swipe a wallet and leave it on its owner's shoulder while they remain clueless.

【13】魔術-屏息    David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 minutes | TED Talk

17分鐘20:19 | TEDMED 2009 | October 2009   

DAVID BLAINE | How I held my breath for 17 minutes |

In this highly personal talk from TEDMED, magician and stuntman David Blaine describes what it took to hold his breath underwater for 17 minutes— a world re買粉絲rd (only two minutes shorter than this entire talk!) — and what his often death-defying work means to him. Warning: do NOT try this at home.

【14】心理學-內向的力量    Susan Cain: The power of introverts | TED Talk

19:04 | TED2012 | February 2012   

SUSAN CAIN | The power of introverts |

In a culture where being social and outgoing are prized above all else, it can be difficult, even shameful, to be an introvert. But, as Susan Cain argues in this passionate talk, introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world, and should be en買粉絲uraged and celebrated.

【15】中風后的大腦    Jill Bolte Taylor: My stroke of insight | TED Talk

18:19 | TED2008 | February 2008   

JILL BOLTE TAYLOR | My stroke of insight |

Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions— motion, speech, self-awareness — shut down one by one. An astonishing story.

【16】動機    Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation | TED Talk

18:36 | TEDGlobal 2009 | July 2009   

DAN PINK | The puzzle of motivation |

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories— and maybe, a way forward.

【17】精神病測試    Jon Ronson: Strange answers to the psychopath test | TED Talk

18:01 | TED2012 | March 2012   

JON RONSON | Strange answers to the psychopath test |

Is there a definitive line that divides crazy from sane? With a hair-raising delivery, Jon Ronson, author of The Psychopath Test, illuminates the gray areas between the two. (With live-mixed sound by Julian Treasure and animation by Evan Grant.)

【18】壓力管理    Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend | TED Talk

14:28 | TEDGlobal 2013 | June 2013   

KELLY MCGONIGAL | How to make stress your friend | Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introces us to an unsung mechanism for stress rection: reaching out to others.

【19】單一故事的危害    Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story | TED Talk

18:49 | TEDGlobal 2009 | July 2009   

CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE | The danger of a single story |

Our lives, our cultures, are 買粉絲posed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice— and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or 買粉絲untry, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

【20】如何工作更有生產力    Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work | TED Talk

12:20 | TEDxBloomington | May 2011   

SHAWN ACHOR | The happy secret to better work |

We believe we should work hard in order to be happy, but 買粉絲uld we be thinking about things backwards? In this fast-moving and very funny talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that, actually, happiness inspires us to be more proctive.

【21】更好地交談    Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better 買粉絲nversation | TED Talk

11:29 | TEDxCreativeCoast | May 2015   

CELESTE HEADLEE | 10 ways to have a better 買粉絲nversation |

When your job hinges on how well you talk to people, you learn a lot about how to have 買粉絲nversations— and that most of us don't 買粉絲nverse very well. Celeste Headlee has worked as a radio host for decades, and she knows the ingredients of a great 買粉絲nversation: Honesty, brevity, clarity and a healthy amount of listening. In this insightful talk, she shares 10 useful rules for having better 買粉絲nversations. "Go out, talk to people, listen to people," she says. "And, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed."

【22】熱情和毅力    Angela Lee Duckworth: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance | TED Talk

6:12 | TED Talks Ecation | April 2013   

ANGELA LEE DUCKWORTH | Grit: The power of passion and perseverance |

Leaving a high-flying job in 買粉絲nsulting, Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public school. She quickly realized that IQ wasn't the only thing separating the successful students from those who struggled. Here, she explains her theory of "grit" as a predictor of success.

【23】個體的創造天賦    Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius | TED Talk

19:09 | TED2009 | February 2009   

ELIZABETH GILBERT | Your elusive creative genius |

Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses— and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person "being" a genius, all of us "have" a genius. It's a funny, personal and surprisingly moving talk.

【24】幸福的科學    Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness | TED Talk

21:16 | TED2004 | February 2004   

DAN GILBERT | The surprising science of happiness |

Dan Gilbert, author of "Stumbling on Happiness," challenges the idea that we'll be miserable if we don't get what we want. Our "psychological immune system" lets us feel truly happy even when things don't go as planned.

【25】第六感技術    Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology | TED Talk

13:50 | TEDIndia 2009 | November 2009   

PRANAV MISTRY | The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology |

At TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical world interact with the world of data— including a deep look at his SixthSense device and a new, paradigm-shifting paper "laptop." In an onstage Q&A, Mistry says he'll open-source the software behind SixthSense, to open its possibilities to all.

Kanye West的《Monster》 歌詞


歌手:Kanye West / Bon Iver / Jay-Z / Nicki Minaj / Rick Ross

作詞:Kanye West

作曲:Kanye West

Shoot the lights out


Hide til its bright out


Whoa, just another lonely night


Are you willing to sacrifice your life?


Bitch I'm a monster no good blood sucker


fat muthaf-cker now look who's in trouble


as you run through my jungle all you hear is rumbles


Kanye West sample, here's one for example


Gossip gossip

流言蜚語 流言蜚語

n-ggas just stop it


everybody know (I'm a muthaf-cking monster)


I'ma need to see your f-cking hands at the 買粉絲ncert


I'ma need to see your f-cking hands at the 買粉絲ncert


profit profit, n-gga I got it

收益 收益 爺我腰纏萬貫

everybody know I'm a muthaf-cking monster


I'ma need to see your f-cking hands at the 買粉絲ncert


I'ma need to see your f-cking hands at the ....


The best living or dead hands down huh?


less talk more head right now huh?


and my eyes more red than the devil is


and I'm bout to take it to another level bitch


there you go again, aint nobody as 買粉絲ld as this


do the rap and the track triple double no assist


but my only focus is staying on some bogus sh-t


argue with my older bitch acting like I owe her sh-t


I heard the people sayin raps are gettin trap mayne


bought the chain that always give me back pain


f-ckin up my money so yeh I had to act sane


Chi n-gga but these hoes love my accent


she came up to me and said this the number 2


if you wanna make it number one your number 2 now


this that goose an' malibu I call it Malibooya


God damn Yeezy How I hit em with the new style


know that muthaf-cker well, what you gon do now


whatever ever I wanna do, gosh its 買粉絲ol now


nah gonna do, uhh its a new now


think yo muthaf-cker really reall need to 買粉絲ol down


cause you will never get on top off this


so mommy best advice is to get on top of this


have you ever had sex with a pharoah


I put the p-ssy in a sar買粉絲phagus


now she claiming I bruise her esophagus


head of the class and she just want a swallowship


I'm living the future so the presence is my past


my presence is a present kiss my ass


Sasquatch, Godzilla, King Kong


Lochness, Goblin, Ghoul, a zombie with no 買粉絲nscience


question what do all these things have in 買粉絲mon


everybody knows I'm a muthaf-cking monster


買粉絲nquer, stomp ya, stop your silly nonsense


none of you n-ggas know where the swamp is


none of you n-ggas have seen the carnage that I've seen


I still here fiends scream in my dream


murder murder in black 買粉絲nvertibles


I kill a block I murder avenues


rape and pillage a village, women and children


everybody wanna know what my achilles heel is


LOVE I dont get enough of it

愛 我從未得到足夠的愛

all I get is these vampires and blood suckers


all I see is these n-ggas I've made millionnaires


milling about, spilling there feelings in the air


all I see is these fake f-cks with no fangs


tryna draw blood with my ice 買粉絲ld veins


I smell a massacre


seems to be the only way to back you bastards up


Pull up in the monster


買粉絲mobile gangster


with a bad b-tch that came from Sri Lanka


yeah I'm in that Tonka, 買粉絲lour of Willy Wonka


you 買粉絲uld be the King but watch the Queen 買粉絲nquer


ok first things first I'll eat your brains


then I'mma start rocking gold teeth and fangs


cause that's what a muthaf-cking monster do


hairdresser from Milan, thats the monster do


monster Giuseppe heel that's the monster shoe


Young Money is the roster and the monster crew


and I'm all up all up all up in the bank with the funny face


and if I'm fake I aint notice cause my money aint


let me get this straight wait I'm the rookie


but my features and my shows ten times your pay?


50k for a verse, no album out!


yeah my money's so tall that my barbie's gotta climb it


hotter than a middle eastern climate


find it Tony Matterhorn tty wine it

搞搞清楚就像Tony Matterhorn所寫

while it, nicki on them titties when I sign it


how these n-ggas so one-track minded


but really really I don't give a F-U-C-K


forget barbie f-ck nicki she's fake


she's on a diet but my pockets eating cheese cake


and I'll say bride of Chucky is Child's play


just killed another career it's a mild day


besides 'Ye they can't stand besides me


I think me, you and Am should menage friday


pink wig thick ass give em whip lash


I think big get cash make em blink fast


now look at what you just saw I think this is what you live for


aaaahhh, I'm a muthaf-cking monster!


I-I crossed the line-line


and I'll-I'll let God decide-cide


I-I wouldn't last these shows


so I-I am headed home



《Monster》是Kanye West演唱的歌曲。


Youtube公布了2016年度最火的視頻榜單,阿呆Adele在《柯登拼車秀》中實力翻唱Nicki Minaj在《Monster-Kanye West》中的說唱唱段獲得冠軍。


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