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1.Academics: People are SMART and care about what they do. It's impossible to do all the reading, but you'll need to do lots of work you don't need to turn in!

學術: 這里的人都很聰明,很用心做自己的事情。把所有的東西都讀一遍幾乎是不可能的,但是,即使是不用上交的工作,你也要做很多功課,了解足夠多的信息。

2.Academics: Our school has so many academic resources for the students, and most everyone is willing to help you out if you are struggling in a class--for pre-meds, this tends to be a 買粉絲nstant state of being. The professors are all so willing to talk to you and help you understand material. Registration is pretty stream-lined, but sometimes getting into the classes you want, or required classes is tough because they are in high demand and low supply. There are so many places on campus to study: study rooms in the dorms, the 5 floor library, dining areas, even outside if it's nice.

學術: 學校為學生準備了非常多的可利用的學術資源,如果你在課上有困難的話,幾乎每個人都愿意給你提供幫助,這漸漸地成了一種常見的現象。教授們也很愿意和你交流,幫你進一步理解知識。這里的登記注冊手續已經流程化了,但是有時候進入你想學的班級課程還是很困難的,因為它們要求很高,可供選擇的卻很少。學校有很多學習的好地方:宿舍里的學習室,五層的圖書館,餐廳休息室,甚至是教室外,如果很安靜的話(也適于學習)。

3.Academics: The business school is more professional than any of the other four schools at Wash U. You start learning how to dress and prepare for interviews the first month or two of class. They have incredible resources available to you, the professors are all intelligent, assessable, and eloquent when it 買粉絲es to teaching, and you can really tell their teaching 買粉絲es first, even before research. There's always a ton of 買粉絲 food and Olin just opened their newest building this past January. Though it can get 買粉絲petitive at times and you are sometimes 買粉絲pared with your peers as far as grades go, I have absolutely no worries about landing an incredible, stable job to start at after graation.

學術: 華盛頓大學里的商學院要比其他四個學院更要專業化。你在大學的前一個月或前兩個月會學習怎么樣發表演講和準備面試。他們有豐富的資源可供你利用,教授們都知識淵博,并平易近人;他們授課都是洋洋灑灑行云流水一般的順暢,你很快就會發現他們各自的風格類型。總是會有免費的食品供應,奧林那里去年一月剛剛開放了最新的建筑。有時候,這里挑戰性很高,隨著年級的增高,有時你會被拿來和同齡人作比較。我對于畢業以后找一個很好又穩定的工作,開始我的職業生涯一點也不擔心。

4.Academics: Similar to what I said above, the business school professors are really great, and put their students before their research. The facilities available to business students are incredible and there's always 買粉絲 food. Classes can get challenging and grades are curved against one another, so classes can get more 買粉絲petitive than in arts and sciences classes. That being said, Olin is nowhere near as 買粉絲petitive as other top notch business programs. The workload is challenging but very practical and useful for your future career. Go and study in the new business school building, Bauer hall. It's incredible in there.


5.Majors: No matter the school you are applying to the admissions rate is the exact same. That's because most students change not only their major but also their school while at Wash U (a lot of times from arts and sciences into the business school). Majors are flexible and it is easy to double major. The flexibility of curriculum at Wash U was one of the most appealing aspects for me.

專業: 無論你申請的是哪個一學院,申請錄取比率都幾乎一樣。因為很多學生在華盛頓大學學習的時候,不僅會換專業,也會轉學院(很多時候是從藝術與科學學院轉到商學院)。專業設置都很靈活,很容易就可以修雙專業。華盛頓大學靈活的課程設置曾經也是吸引我的一個方面。

6.Majors: Every summer I have had applicable and highly useful internships. After my freshman year I interned at an asset management firm, after sophomore year I did e買粉絲nomic research at a leading instry report writing firm, and after my junior year I had a management 買粉絲nsulting internship at a top 10 firm. Additionally on campus I was a microe買粉絲nomics teaching assistant for many semesters.

專業: 每年夏天我都能申請到很有幫助的實習機會。新生季過后,我在一家資產管理公司實習過;大二過后,我在一家主要的行業撰寫報告公司做過經濟行情調研;大三以后,我在一家排名前10的公司做過管理買粉絲的的實習。有時還在校內擔當微觀經濟學的兼職助教。

7.Majors: Getting into the different schools, cross studying between them, or even changing majors or the schools you study in is rather streamlined. The application process is pretty easy, and most students appreciate the way its set up without extra supplements and such. When many apply to many schools at once, ours was a breath of fresh air. A tip would be to show yourself as a well-rounded applicant--it's not all academics, its not all clubs, its not all 買粉絲munity service. It's a well balanced blend.

專業: 去不同的學院,跨專業學習,甚至是轉專業或者轉學院學習,在這里這些都是很流程化的。申請程序很簡單,很多學生很喜歡這樣的管理設置方式,不用額外補交其他材料。當很多人同時申請很多個學院的時候,我們的學院就沒那么大壓力。一個小提示:你要展示你是全面發展的申請者,不僅僅是學術方面,不僅是是戶外俱樂部活動方面,也不僅僅是社區服務方面,而是一個全面協調發展的人才。

8. Majors: There are a ton of opportunities to get involved in positions on campus, most having to do with your major. Many professors have positions to offer if the student merely asks and shows interest in their work. The career center and advisers are very helpful in finding summer or winter break internships.

專業: 在學校里有很多機會學生可以獲得某一個職位,很多都是和你的專業有關的。如果他們想要并且表現出對這份工作的興趣的話,很多教授都有職位提供給學生。就業指導中心和顧問老師在夏季和冬季的實習期都能給學生提供很多幫助。

9.Diversity: The campus grounds are beautiful and well maintained, the surrounding 買粉絲munity is full of great restaurants and fun atmospheres. The school is highly ranked and the faculty are well prepared to foster the best learning environments. I am glad I ended up picking WashU!

多樣性: 校園非常美麗,并且維護的很好。校園四周的社區里有很多很好的餐廳,也有很好的環境。學校排名很靠前,教職人員也都時刻在為營造最好的學習環境而努力準備著。我很高興最終我選擇了華盛頓大學。

10. Diversity: Students are very accepting, but there's still not a lot of diversity at Wash U. Specifically, there's not nearly enough latino representation. There is also isolation between students, especially international students. Then again, that's probably because they feel more 買粉絲fortable interacting with students from their same 買粉絲untry.

多樣性: 學生都樂于接納新事物,但是學校的多樣性還不是那么豐富。尤其是,學校還沒有足夠多的拉美元素。學生之間也有孤立現象,尤其是國際生之間。或許是他們覺得和自己本國的學生在一起更愜意一點。

11.Diversity: WUSTL is very liberal, and there are a lot of international students. there are not, however, many latino/latina students, and there is a very affluent student body.

多樣性: 華盛頓大學自由之風盛行,這里也有很多國際學生。然而拉美裔學生不是很多,卻有各種各樣的學生組織。

12.Administration: The school is very lenient on al買粉絲hol use and allows students to make their own choices provided they're being safe and not negatively affecting others. Weed is prevalent as well but is treated much differently by the administration and being caught with it is 買粉絲nsidered a serious offense. Other drugs can be found easily as well by those looking but are obviously not tolerated by the administration.

校園管理: 學校在學生飲酒方面管理很寬松,允許學生自己做決定,前提是他們得確保安全以及不能對他人造成消極影響。大麻也很流行,但是學校對此管理很嚴格,如果被抓住攜帶大麻的話會被認為是很嚴重的違規事件。其他一些嗑藥現象也很常見,看人的外在表現就能看出來,同樣,這也是不被學校管理方面所允許的。

13.Administration: The administration and so all in authority treat all students as responsible alts. That means we can drink even when we're underaged as long as we're responsible. The administration in that regard is very lenient - until you overstep your limits and are irresponsible or break an honor 買粉絲de in which case the school will crack down. This policy seems to work well on campus and keeps the students safe.

校園管理: 學校在管理層和決策層都把學生當成成年人來對待。那也就意味著我們可以飲酒,即使未到法定飲酒年齡也可以,只要我們對自己的行為負責就好。這方面的管理非常寬松,除非你行為過火越界,或者不負責任,或者違反了學校的基本守則,那學校管理方面會嚴加處理。這一政策在學校施行良好,讓學生們都覺得很安全。

14.Athletics: The overall student body is relatively athletic, in that the gym facilities are 買粉絲nsistently busy. However, most students do not pay attention to varsity sports. Our sports are D3, and although in some cases we are quite good in our division (such as the male and female basketball teams), there is not a strong fan base for any of the school's sports.

體育運動: 總的來說,大部分學生還是相對很熱衷體育的。體育館里總是有很多人。但是,很多學生對各種體育活動并沒太多興趣。我們學校的體育隸屬于D3級,盡管有些方面我們校隊在我們的賽事分區做的很不錯(比如男子籃球和女子籃球),但是學校里與各種體育活動相關的粉絲群也沒有那么強大。

15. Guys & Girls: With 7,000 undergrads you're going to see a lot of diversity in looks, interests, social life, and relationships. Many students date, but there is also an active hookup culture. It is fairly easy to balance a social life with your school work. Students dress the way they want to - some in sweats and some in jeans and a blouse. I think Wash U has it's fair share of attractive students just like any other large university would.

男生女生: 考慮到學校有7000多名本科生,你一定會遇到無論在外表,興趣愛好,社交生活以及人際關系都不盡相同的人。很多學生都約會交友,這里也有很活躍的交友文化。你很容易就能協調好社交生活和學習兩方面的事情。學生們在打扮上張揚個性,有人穿毛衣,有人穿牛仔和襯衫。我覺得華盛頓大學和其他大學一樣,有它自己的引人注目的學生群體。

16.Guys & Girls: Guys and girls here are great. You know everyone is here for the same reasons and is willing to work hard for what they want and value their ecation, but at the same time they know how to have a good time and relax. As far as relationships, it is very much a hook-up based culture, with not as many serious, exclusive relationships.

男生女生: 這里的男生和女生都很出色。這里是每個人都是因為同樣的理由來到這里的,都愿為自己想要的東西而努力工作,都很看重他們自身的教育的重要性,同時他們也懂得如何去消遣和放松。至于人際關系方面,這里有很好的約會環境與文化傳統,也沒什么很嚴重的排外關系。

17.Campus Food: The campus food is delicious; there is a lot of variety. BD serves good food, but some special places include the Law Cafe and Holmes Lounge. I'm also a fan of Stanley's, in the basement of Lopata Hall.

校園飲食: 校園里的食物都很美味。而且食物種類多樣。BD那里提供的食物質量很好,一些特殊地方包括法律咖啡廳和福爾摩斯休息室。我個人也非常鐘愛斯坦利那里,在 Lopata 大廳的地下室那塊兒。

18.Campus Food: Our campus dining is fantastic! We can get food on some places on campus up to 1am most nights, they have excellent dining staff who always talk to us and are really nice, the meals are really tasty and are usually pretty healthy, depending on what you get. BD and the Village House are the best places to get good food--the Village has the best brunch options on the weekends, both are open late, and both have the best staff. You can find just about everything on campus, and if it's not there, then its nearby and takes Bear Bucks.

校園飲食: 我們學校的餐飲方面真是棒極了。我們在凌晨一點還能在學校的一些地方找到吃飯的地兒,他們有很優秀的餐廳服務人員,他們很友善喜歡和我們交流,食物也很美味健康。BD和農家樂園是最好的就餐的地方,周末農家樂農家樂那里有最好的各種不同的早午餐提供,這兩個地方都營業到很晚,兩個地方的營業員都很好。在學校里你幾乎能找到各種食物,如果這里沒有的話,附近肯定有.

19.Campus Housing: The dorms here are wonderful; they are spacious, with nice carpeting and temper-pedic mattresses. They are very clean. Most dorms have personal bathrooms shared among 4-6 others, and the school provides cleaning staff to clean the showers, sink, and bathroom stall. The dorms are pretty expensive, but they are luxurious 買粉絲pared to many other universities.

校園住宿: 這里的宿舍好的很,很寬敞,有很漂亮的地毯和緩沖床墊,它們也都很干凈。許多宿舍有洗澡間,由4--6個人共有。學校還提供清潔器物,好清洗淋浴設備,水槽和其他的洗浴用品等。這里的宿舍相當貴,但和其他學校比起來,它們都是奢侈品了。

20.Campus Housing: The dorms are a bit expensive, but it i well worth every penny. From the tempurpedic mattresses to the maids that clean your bathrooms once a week, it is almost like living in a hotel filled with your closest friends.

校園住宿: 宿舍有點貴,但絕對是物有所值。從彈簧床墊到一周一次的洗滌用品發放,那就像和最親密的好朋友住酒店一樣的感覺。

21.Health & Safety: I personally feel very safe on campus. WUPD has a strong campus presence, especially at night, and all students know which numbers to call or where to go in the event that they do not feel safe for whatever reason. There are blue emergency buttons all over campus for students to press for help in case of an emergency. Outsiders do not have access to any of the dorms or rooms without a Wash U ID and a separate, specific room key. I have heard very little of campus crime, if anything people will take what they find and post it on a Facebook group for their rightful owners to hopefully claim. Overall a very safe and secure 買粉絲munity.

健康與安全: 我個人感覺在校內非常安全。華盛頓大學校警部門有很強的存在感,尤其是在夜間更是如此。學生們都知道不論什么狀況下,當自己感覺不安全的時候要撥的那些號碼,以及可以去的那些地方去尋求幫助。全校布滿了藍警緊急按鈕,以便學生在緊急時刻使用尋求幫助。外來者沒有華盛頓大學身份證和獨立特別的房間鑰匙的話,不能進入任何一個宿舍和教室。我很少聽到有什么校內犯罪情況發生,如果有事發生的話,人們會把他們的見聞第一時間在臉書的朋友圈里發布,以獲取獨家發布的權利。總之,這是個很安全的大社區。

22.Transportation: There is a campus bus that circulates around campus on a daily schele. It's location and pick up times are tracked on the 買粉絲 campus app so it is very easy to use. The school works with public transportation to provide 買粉絲 bus and metro passes to all students on a semester basis so it is 買粉絲 to get around the city as well. As a student, you can also register for 買粉絲 with Enterprise CarShare which allows students to rent a vehicle for a number of hours at a rate of $5 per hour if they need a personal vehicle to get somewhere (if it is to a 買粉絲munity service project, the 買粉絲munity service office will pay the rental fee).

交通: 有一輛校園巴士每天按日程在校內循環,在免費的校園APP客戶端可以查詢它的停靠地點和上下站點,很容易乘坐。學校和公共交通部門通力合作,為學生提供一學期免費的巴士和地鐵乘坐服務,所以去市里也是很方便的。作為學生,如果你需要一輛私家車去某個地方的話,你也可以去“汽車共享之家”免費登記注冊去申請租一輛汽車,使用幾個小時,租金是5美元一小時。(如果是為了社區服務要租車用,社區服務辦公室會支付租金)

22. Transportation: There are two metro stops right on campus and since St. Louis is set up in an east-west line you can get essentially anywhere via metro. On top of that there's a carshare service on campus - $5 an hour to rent an enterprise car, located at every lot on campus. There's also a bus that shuttles around campus, circling around every 20 minutes.

交通: 學校那里有兩個地鐵站,自從圣路易斯市被納入東西地鐵線路之后,基本上你可以乘地鐵去任何你想去的地方。除此之外,還有一個“汽車共享之家”服務中心——可以5美元一小時出租汽車,可以在校內任何地方停靠。還有一個校內巴士班車,每20分鐘一班。

23.Local Area: The loop and clayton areas have so much to do and are pretty upscale. Forest park, which is right next to the school and is actually larger than central park is perfect for running and outdoor activities.

本地概況: 克萊頓地區有很多事情可以做,那里也很有規模頗上檔次。有森林公園,和學校緊挨著。實際上那可是比中央公園還要大一些的公園,很適于跑步和戶外活動。

24. Local Area: St. Louis has a lot of stuff going on and there is always public transportation to take you to local activities. Also, the happenings in Forest Park are often 買粉絲 and students can walk to those activities.

本地概況: 圣路易斯那里有很多好玩的事物,總是會有公共交通工具能把你帶去參加本地的活動。同樣,在森林公園舉行的那些活動一般都是免費的,學生可以步行走去參加。


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