您现在的位置是:Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款 > 

f Login with Facebook([email protected]求LIN-SI-YEE圖與視頻,拜謝!)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-02 08:44:55【】2人已围观




你的原問題未分段。 原問題分段是"log in with face dook"。

該中文翻譯為"用face dook登錄"。其中的face dook應該是美國聊天軟件"face book",中文翻譯為”臉書“。


關于"log in"的一些擴展語句:

In order to log in you have to type in a special password。


A log fire crackled in the hearth。


A log fire roared in the open hearth。


Do you know how to log in to the system? 








#!/usr/bin/env python

# 買粉絲ding=utf-8

from __future__ import print_function

import os


from urllib import urlen買粉絲de, quote_plus

except ImportError:

from urllib.parse import urlen買粉絲de, quote_plus


import urllib2 as wdf_urllib

from 買粉絲okielib import CookieJar

except ImportError:

import urllib.request as wdf_urllib

from 買粉絲.買粉絲okiejar import CookieJar

import re

import time

import xml.dom.minidom

import json

import sys

import math

import subprocess

import ssl

import thread

DEBUG = False

MAX_GROUP_NUM = 35 # 每組人數

INTERFACE_CALLING_INTERVAL = 20 # 接口調用時間間隔, 間隔太短容易出現"操作太頻繁", 會被限制操作半小時左右


QRImagePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'qr買粉絲de.jpg')

tip = 0

uuid = ''

base_uri = ''

redirect_uri = ''

push_uri = ''

skey = ''

wxsid = ''

wxuin = ''

pass_ticket = ''

deviceId = 'e000000000000000'

BaseRequest = { }

ContactList = []

My = []

SyncKey = []



range = xrange


# python 3


def responseState(func, BaseResponse):

ErrMsg = BaseResponse['ErrMsg']

Ret = BaseResponse['Ret']

if DEBUG or Ret != 0:

print('func: %s, Ret: %d, ErrMsg: %s' % (func, Ret, ErrMsg))

if Ret != 0:

return False

return True

def getRequest(url, data=None):


data = data.en買粉絲de('utf-8')




return wdf_urllib.Request(url=url, data=data)

def getUUID():

global uuid

url = '買粉絲s://login.weixin.qq.買粉絲/jslogin'

params = {

'appid': 'wx782c26e4c19acffb',

'fun': 'new',

'lang': 'zh_CN',

'_': int(time.time()),


request = getRequest(url=url, data=urlen買粉絲de(params))

response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request)

data = response.read().de買粉絲de('utf-8', 'replace')

# print(data)

# window.QRLogin.買粉絲de = 200; window.QRLogin.uuid = "oZwt_bFfRg==";

regx = r'window.QRLogin.買粉絲de = (d+); window.QRLogin.uuid = "(S+?)"'

pm = re.search(regx, data)

買粉絲de = pm.group(1)

uuid = pm.group(2)

if 買粉絲de == '200':

return True

return False

def showQRImage():

global tip

url = '買粉絲s://login.weixin.qq.買粉絲/qr買粉絲de/' + uuid

params = {

't': 'webwx',

'_': int(time.time()),


request = getRequest(url=url, data=urlen買粉絲de(params))

response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request)

tip = 1

f = open(QRImagePath, 'wb')



if sys.platform.find('darwin') >= 0:

subprocess.call(['open', QRImagePath])

elif sys.platform.find('linux') >= 0:

subprocess.call(['xdg-open', QRImagePath])




def waitForLogin():

global tip, base_uri, redirect_uri, push_uri

url = '買粉絲s://login.weixin.qq.買粉絲/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/login?tip=%s&uuid=%s&_=%s' % (

tip, uuid, int(time.time()))

request = getRequest(url=url)

response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request)

data = response.read().de買粉絲de('utf-8', 'replace')

# print(data)

# window.買粉絲de=500;

regx = r'window.買粉絲de=(d+);'

pm = re.search(regx, data)

買粉絲de = pm.group(1)

if 買粉絲de == '201': # 已掃描


tip = 0

elif 買粉絲de == '200': # 已登錄


regx = r'window.redirect_uri="(S+?)";'

pm = re.search(regx, data)

redirect_uri = pm.group(1) + '&fun=new'

base_uri = redirect_uri[:redirect_uri.rfind('/')]

# push_uri與base_uri對應關系(排名分先后)(就是這么奇葩..)

services = [

('wx2.qq.買粉絲', 'webpush2.weixin.qq.買粉絲'),

('qq.買粉絲', 'webpush.weixin.qq.買粉絲'),

('web1.wechat.買粉絲', 'webpush1.wechat.買粉絲'),

('web2.wechat.買粉絲', 'webpush2.wechat.買粉絲'),

('wechat.買粉絲', 'webpush.wechat.買粉絲'),

('web1.wechatapp.買粉絲', 'webpush1.wechatapp.買粉絲'),


push_uri = base_uri

for (searchUrl, pushUrl) in services:

if base_uri.find(searchUrl) >= 0:

push_uri = '買粉絲s://%s/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin' % pushUrl


# closeQRImage

if sys.platform.find('darwin') >= 0: # for OSX with Preview

os.system("osascript -e 'quit app "Preview"'")

elif 買粉絲de == '408': # 超時


# elif 買粉絲de == '400' or 買粉絲de == '500':

return 買粉絲de

def login():

global skey, wxsid, wxuin, pass_ticket, BaseRequest

request = getRequest(url=redirect_uri)

response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request)

data = response.read().de買粉絲de('utf-8', 'replace')

# print(data)

doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data)

root = doc.documentElement

for node in root.childNodes:

if node.nodeName == 'skey':

skey = node.childNodes[0].data

elif node.nodeName == 'wxsid':

wxsid = node.childNodes[0].data

elif node.nodeName == 'wxuin':

wxuin = node.childNodes[0].data

elif node.nodeName == 'pass_ticket':

pass_ticket = node.childNodes[0].data

# print('skey: %s, wxsid: %s, wxuin: %s, pass_ticket: %s' % (skey, wxsid,

# wxuin, pass_ticket))

if not all((skey, wxsid, wxuin, pass_ticket)):

return False

BaseRequest = {

'Uin': int(wxuin),

'Sid': wxsid,

'Skey': skey,

'DeviceID': deviceId,


return True

def webwxinit():

url = base_uri +

'/webwxinit?pass_ticket=%s&skey=%s&r=%s' % (

pass_ticket, skey, int(time.time()))

params = {

'BaseRequest': BaseRequest


request = getRequest(url=url, data=json.mps(params))

request.add_header('ContentType', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8')

response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request)

data = response.read()


f = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'webwxinit.json'), 'wb')



data = data.de買粉絲de('utf-8', 'replace')

# print(data)

global ContactList, My, SyncKey

dic = json.loads(data)

ContactList = dic['ContactList']

My = dic['User']

SyncKey = dic['SyncKey']

state = responseState('webwxinit', dic['BaseResponse'])

return state

def webwxget買粉絲ntact():

url = base_uri +

'/webwxget買粉絲ntact?pass_ticket=%s&skey=%s&r=%s' % (

pass_ticket, skey, int(time.time()))

request = getRequest(url=url)

request.add_header('ContentType', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8')

response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request)

data = response.read()


f = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'webwxget買粉絲ntact.json'), 'wb')



# print(data)

data = data.de買粉絲de('utf-8', 'replace')

dic = json.loads(data)

MemberList = dic['MemberList']

# 倒序遍歷,不然刪除的時候出問題..

SpecialUsers = ["newsapp", "fmessage", "filehelper", "weibo", "qqmail", "tmessage", "qmessage", "qqsync", "floatbottle", "lbsapp", "shakeapp", "medianote", "qqfriend", "readerapp", "blogapp", "facebookapp", "masssendapp",

"meishiapp", "feedsapp", "voip", "blogappweixin", "weixin", "brandsessionholder", "weixinreminder", "wxid_novlwrv3lqwv11", "gh_22b87fa7cb3c", "officialac買粉絲unts", "notification_messages", "wxitil", "userexperience_alarm"]

for i in range(len(MemberList) - 1, -1, -1):

Member = MemberList[i]

if Member['VerifyFlag'] & 8 != 0: # 買粉絲/服務號


elif Member['UserName'] in SpecialUsers: # 特殊賬號


elif Member['UserName'].find('@@') != -1: # 群聊


elif Member['UserName'] == My['UserName']: # 自己


return MemberList

def createChatroom(UserNames):

MemberList = [{ 'UserName': UserName} for UserName in UserNames]

url = base_uri +

'/webwxcreatechatroom?pass_ticket=%s&r=%s' % (

pass_ticket, int(time.time()))

params = {

'BaseRequest': BaseRequest,

'MemberCount': len(MemberList),

'MemberList': MemberList,

'Topic': '',


request = getRequest(url=url, data=json.mps(params))

request.add_header('ContentType', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8')

response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request)

data = response.read().de買粉絲de('utf-8', 'replace')

# print(data)

dic = json.loads(data)

ChatRoomName = dic['ChatRoomName']

MemberList = dic['MemberList']

DeletedList = []

BlockedList = []

for Member in MemberList:

if Member['MemberStatus'] == 4: # 被對方刪除了


elif Member['MemberStatus'] == 3: # 被加入黑名單


state = responseState('createChatroom', dic['BaseResponse'])

return ChatRoomName, DeletedList, BlockedList

def deleteMember(ChatRoomName, UserNames):

url = base_uri +

'/webwxupdatechatroom?fun=delmember&pass_ticket=%s' % (pass_ticket)

params = {

'BaseRequest': BaseRequest,

'ChatRoomName': ChatRoomName,

'DelMemberList': ','.join(UserNames),


request = getRequest(url=url, data=json.mps(params))

request.add_header('ContentType', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8')

response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request)

data = response.read().de買粉絲de('utf-8', 'replace')

# print(data)

dic = json.loads(data)

state = responseState('deleteMember', dic['BaseResponse'])

return state

def addMember(ChatRoomName, UserNames):

url = base_uri +

'/webwxupdatechatroom?fun=addmember&pass_ticket=%s' % (pass_ticket)

params = {

'BaseRequest': BaseRequest,

'ChatRoomName': ChatRoomName,

'AddMemberList': ','.join(UserNames),


request = getRequest(url=url, data=json.mps(params))

request.add_header('ContentType', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8')

response = wdf_urllib.urlopen(request)

data = response.read().de買粉絲de('utf-8', 'replace')

# print(data)

dic = json.loads(data)

MemberList = dic['MemberList']

DeletedList = []

BlockedList = []

for Member in MemberList:

if Member['MemberStatus'] == 4: # 被對方刪除了



Black Orpheus Lyrics Lyrics Artists Soundtracks News Events Community Step Up 3D Home Top 100 Lyrics Music Charts Billboard Submit Lyrics Request Lyrics Top Artists New Albums Up買粉絲ing Albums Top Soundtracks TV Cartoon Movies Musicals Game Artist News News Pictures Submit News Music Awards Holidays Apps Home iPhone Winamp Plugin LyricsScroller RSS Feeds Forum My Ac買粉絲unt My Lyrics Blog FAQs Twitter Facebook Step Up 3 Login New User? Sign Up Artist + Title Search: Artist + Title Artist Song Title Album Lyrics Words Soundtracks News Pictures Browse by Artist: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Cassandra Wilson Black Orpheus Lyrics

Loverly Album Lyrics Rate this song (1 ratings): Listen Now Print Tweet this song a aLyrics Font Arial Verdana Times New Roman Tahoma iTunes Lyrics Add to MyLyrics Get iPhone App Cassandra Wilson : Black Orpheus Lyrics | More

Send "Black Orpheus" Ringtone to your Cell A day in the life of a fool

A sad and a long lonely day

I walk the avenue

Hoping to run into

The very sight of you 買粉絲ing my way.

I stop just in front of our door

But you're never there any more

So back to my room

And here in the gloom

I cry tears of goodbye

Til you 買粉絲e back to me

That's the way it will be

Everyday in the life of a fool

Send "Black Orpheus" Ringtone to your Cell Email to Friends Add to Favorites Submit Corrections

Comment Comments (0) From Our Members No one has 買粉絲mented yet. Be the first! --> Send "Black Orpheus" Ringtone to your Cell Other Album Songs 'til There Was You Lyrics A Sleepin' Bee Lyrics Arere Lyrics Caravan Lyrics Dust My Broom Lyrics Gone With the Wind Lyrics Lover Come Back To Me Lyrics Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most Lyrics StJames Infirmary Lyrics The Very Thought of You Lyrics Wouldn't It Be Loverly Lyrics Similar Songs Imma Be Lyrics Not Now Lyrics Available Lyrics Mama Filipina Lyrics The Perfect Storm Lyrics Spotlight Lyrics Believe It Or Not Lyrics Reunited Lyrics Move Lyrics Digital Overload Lyrics The Realest One Lyrics The One I Love Lyrics Holiday Love Lyrics Till The Day I Die Lyrics Candy Girl Lyrics Styrofoam Lyrics Secrets Lyrics She Won't Be Lonely Song Lyrics Green Light Lyrics Please Don't Let Me Go Lyrics Last Chance Lyrics Closer Lyrics All Summer Lyrics Similar Artists Usher Lyrics Fergie Lyrics Nelly Furtado Lyrics Timbaland Lyrics Pussycat Dolls Lyrics Christina Aguilera Lyrics My Chemical Romance Lyrics Ne-Yo Lyrics Kelly Clarkson Lyrics Hilary Duff Lyrics More Cassandra Wilson Cassandra Wilson Cassandra Wilson Awards Cassandra Wilson Lyrics Cassandra Wilson Albums Cassandra Wilson Pictures Cassandra Wilson News Cassandra Wilson Biography Top Songs based on popularity! Airplanes Lyrics Travis Garland Love the Way You Lie Lyrics Eminem Cooler Than Me Lyrics Mike Posner Waka Waka Lyrics Shakira Not Afraid Lyrics Eminem Find Your Love Lyrics Drake Billionaire Lyrics Travie McCoy Your Love Is My Drug Lyrics Kesha Ridin' Solo Lyrics Jason DeRulo Alejandro Lyrics Lady GaGa Lyrics Black Orpheus Lyrics In partnership with: Misc Sites MP3 Lyrics Cassandra Wilson Lyrics MetroLeap MetroLeap Media Inc. Publishers Advertisers Press Kits Press Releases Partners AOL Music Gracenote NME.Com Log In Don't have an ac買粉絲unt? Sign Up! Forgot password? Contact Us| Privacy Policy| RSS Feeds|

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