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best music 70 80 90 youtube(愛聽搖滾的進來 求點music聽聽)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-22 06:10:43【】9人已围观


愛聽搖滾的進來 求點music聽聽

01.A HARD DAY'S NIGHT 一個失眠的夜晚 / (披頭士)

02.A ROSE ALONE 孤獨的玫瑰 / (大先生合唱團)

03.A RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD 心血來潮 /(酷玩樂隊)

04.A WHISPER 耳語 / (酷玩樂隊)

05.ADOUMA / (桑塔納樂隊)

06.ALIVE AND KICKIN 活著與死亡 /(大先生合唱團)

07.ALL TOGETHER NOW 一起來吧 /(披頭士)

08.IMAGINE想象 /(約翰.列濃)

09.AlWAYS 永遠愛你 /(邦喬威)

10.AMSTERDAM 阿姆斯特丹/(酷玩樂隊)

11.ARMAGEDDON 絕世天劫/(粉中鐵匠)


13.BABY FACE 娃娃臉 /(U2)

14.BELIEVE 相信 /(騷動樂隊)


16.BROTHERS IN ARMS 自相殘殺 /(恐懼海峽樂隊)

17.BY THE WAY 另外 /(紅辣椒樂隊)

18.CAN'T BUY ME LOVE 得到我的愛 / (披頭士)

19.CLOCKS時鐘 / (酷玩樂隊)

20.COME AS YOU ARE和你來 /(涅磐樂隊)


22.CUTLAW WAN逃犯 / (老鷹樂隊)

23.DAMMIT 糟了!/ (閃爍182樂隊)

24.DANGEROUS危險 /(邁克.杰克遜)

25.DAY TRIPPER 旅行之日(披頭士)

26.DAYLIGHT白晝 /(酷玩樂隊)

27.DIRTY WINDOW骯臟的窗口/(金屬樂隊)

28.DISCO STRANGLER迪士科扼殺者 /(老鷹樂隊)

29.DISENCHANTED LULLABY 喚醒催眠/(弗士戰斗機樂隊)

30.DON’T CRY 別哭 /(槍炮與玫瑰)

31.DON'T STAY別停留 / (林肯樂隊)

32.DOOIIN DAITON 杜林丹爾頓 /(老鷹樂隊)

33.DRIVE 狂舞 /(夢魘樂隊)

34.EASIER FROM YOU因你而易/(林肯樂隊)

35.ENTER SANDMAN睡魔入侵/(金屬樂隊)

36.EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE 你的每一次呼吸/(警察樂隊)

37.EVERY MORNING 每天早晨/(辣椒樂隊)





42.FADE TO BLACK 逐漸變黑/(金屬樂隊)

43.FAR MY WEDDING 我的婚禮/(老鷹樂隊)

44.FOREVER AND A DAY一天與永遠/(搖滾麥克)




48.GET OVER IT 覆蓋它 /(老鷹樂隊)


50.GOODBYE 再見 /(披頭士)

51.GREEN EYES 綠眼睛 /(酷玩樂隊)

52.HARRICAND2000 暴風2000/(蝎子樂隊)

53.HELLO GOODBYE 你好 再見/(披頭士)

54.HELP 救命(披頭士)

55.HERE I AM是我/(史提凡夫)

56.HERE TO STAY呆在這兒/(科恩樂隊)

57.HEY JUDE 嘿,朱迪/(披頭士)

58.HOTEL CALIFORNIS加州旅館/(老鷹樂隊)

59.HOW DO YOU DO 你好嗎/(羅克賽特)

60.I CAN'T TELL YOU WHY我不能告訴你為什么/(老鷹樂隊)

61.I KNEW I LOVED YOU我知道我愛你/(野人花園)


63.I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND我想牽你的手/(披頭士)

64.I WANT YOU我想你/(野人花園)

65.I'M IN LOVE 沉浸愛河/(披頭士)

66.IMAGINE 幻想/(披頭士)

67.IN MY PLACE 我的空間/(酷玩樂隊)

68.INSIDE MY HEAD 穿透我的心/(方向樂隊)

69.INVISIBLE KID無聲的欺騙/(金屬樂隊)

70.IT'S ALL TOO MUCH 太多了/(披頭士)

71.IT'S MY LIFE 我的生活/(邦.喬維)

72.JUST TAKE MY HEART帶走我心/ (大先生合唱團)


74.LET IT BE 讓它去吧/ (披頭士)

75.LIKE DREAMERS DO 和做夢一樣/ (披頭士)

76.LINKS 234 高爾夫球場234/ (戰車樂隊)

77.LIVEFOREVER 永生/ (涅磐樂隊)

78.LONELY HEARTS CLUB 孤獨之心俱樂部/ (披頭士)

79.LONELY IN PARIS寂寞巴黎/ (浮光掠影樂隊)

80.LOVE IS ALL AROUND 愛無所不在/ (濕.濕.濕樂隊)

81.LOVE WILL KEEP US ALISE 愛讓我們生存/ (老鷹樂隊)

82.MOTHER母親/ (平克弗洛伊德)

83.MUDSHOVEL 鏟子/(調色樂隊)

84.MY FRVOURITE GAME 我喜歡游戲/(羊毛衫樂隊)

85.MY THANKS GIVING 我的感謝/(老鷹樂隊)

86.MY WORLD我的世界/(金屬樂隊)

87.NEVER SAY NEVER不要放棄/(大先生合唱團)

88.NO LUCKYGRASS 沒有三葉草/(重金屬樂隊)


90.NOTHING TO LOSE沒有失去/(搖滾麥克)

91.NOUEMBER RAIN十一月的雨/(槍炮與玫瑰)

92.NOWHERE MAN 漂泊者/(披頭士)


94.OF WOLF AND MAN狼和男人/(金屬樂隊)

95.OH !MY GOD 哦!上帝/(槍炮與玫瑰)

96.ONE STEP CLOSER更進一步/(聯合公園樂隊)

97.PARDON ME 原諒我/(夢魘樂隊)


99.POSITIVILY 積極/(山羊皮樂隊)

100.PROMISES 許諾/(卡百利樂隊)

101.RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO HELL 地獄門口/(槍炮與玫瑰)

102.SECNDS 分秒(U2)

103.SHOOT ME AGAIN 再次傷害我/(金屬樂隊)

104.SIBERIAN KISS 西伯利亞人之吻/(玻璃下巴樂隊)

105.SLEEPING CHILD 睡著的孩子/(搖滾麥克)


107.Still Loving You仍然愛著你/(蝎子樂隊)



110.SOMETHING 某些事/(披頭士)

111.SOMEWHERE I BELONG 我屬何方/(林肯樂隊)

112.SOUTHTOWN 南方城市/(P.O.D.樂隊)

113.STANGER 憤怒(金屬樂隊)

114.STILL LOVING YOU 愛著你(魔蝎樂隊)

115.STOP CRYING YOU HEART OUT 讓你們的心停止哭泣/(綠洲樂隊)


117.STRICK TO YOUR GUNS 襲擊你的槍/(邦喬威)


119.SUGAR KANS 甜肯/(音速青年)

120.SUMMER 夏天(SUM41樂隊)

121.TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT 推向極限/(老鷹樂隊)

122.TAKE MY SCARS 帶走我的傷痛/(機器頭樂隊)

123.TAKING YOU HOME 帶你回家/(老鷹樂隊)

124.TEARS OF PEARLS 珍珠的眼淚/(野人花園)

125.THE BALLDA OF JOHN AND YOKO 約翰和朱訶的歌謠/(披頭士)

126.THE BEST OF MY LOVE 我的最愛/(老鷹樂隊)

127.THE BEST OR MY 我的精選/(布萊恩亞當斯)



130.THE INEER LIGHT 心靈之光/(披頭士)

131.THE SCIENTIST 科學家/(酷玩樂隊)

132.THE SHOW MUST GO ON 表演必須繼續/(皇后樂隊)

133.THE UNNAMED FEELING 無名的感受/(金屬樂隊)

134.TO BE WITH YOU 和你在一起/(大先生樂隊)

135.TRULY MADIYDEEPLY 真的瘋狂 /(野人花園)



138.VICTIM OF LOVE 愛情犧牲品/(老鷹樂隊)

139.WARNING SIGN警示/(酷玩樂隊)

140.WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS 我們是冠軍/(皇后樂隊)

141.WE WILL ROCK YOU 一起來搖滾/(皇后樂隊)

142.WHEREVER YOU WILL GO 無論你去那兒/(職業青年樂隊)

143.WILD WORLD瘋狂世界/(大先生合唱團)

144.WIND HONEY瘋狂愛人/(U2)

145.WITAHY WOMAN 銷魂女郎/(老鷹樂隊)

146.YELLOW SUBMAAINE 黃色潛水艇/(披頭士)

147.YESTERDAY 昨天/(披頭士)

148.YOU RND I 你和我/(蝎子樂隊)

149.YOU ROCK MY WORLD 搖滾世界/(邁克.杰克遜)

150.YOUNG GROW OLD 年輕會變老/(GREED樂隊)

151.YOUNG VITALITY年輕的活力/(平克弗洛伊德)

152.YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL 你是如此美麗/(戴夫.萊帕德樂隊)

153.IT”S ALL OVER NOW現在一切都結束了/(滾石樂隊)

154.ABOUT A GIRL關于一個女孩/(涅磐樂隊)

155.BEEN A SON是一個兒子/(涅磐樂隊)


157.THE LAST TIME最后一次/(滾石樂隊)


159.Can't Help Falling In love情不自盡/(貓王)

160.High Hopes高度希望/(平克弗洛伊德)

161.love me tender溫柔的愛我/(貓王)


163.I'm mine我是我/(珍珠醬)

avril lavigne

中文名( Name ):艾薇兒·拉維妮 (名字來源:法語-----Avril 四月 Lavigne葡萄酒)

英文名: Avril R. Lavigne


出生日( Birthday ):1984年9月27日

父母:Judy Lavigne; Dad: John Lavigne


身高:5'1" (160.3cm)


綽號 : laven










最喜愛的電影:《Miss Congeniality》,《8 Mile》

喜愛的演員:Sandra Bullock,Tobey Maguire

最喜愛的歌手:Alanis Morissette

最喜愛的品牌:Dickies, Osiris

最喜愛購物的地方:Tillys, Pacsun, Hot Topic, or any skateshops



最喜歡的旅行的地方:New Zealand, Sardinia

音樂制作人:Sum 41, Beach Boys, Alanis Morissette, Goo Goo Dolls, Matchbox 20, System of a Down

最喜歡的歌曲(Let go): Losing Grip

最喜歡的音樂錄影帶(Let go): Sk8er Boi

擁有法國血統的加拿大天主教徒約翰·拉維尼(父)與朱迪·拉維尼(母)在安大略省(Ontario)Belleville生下了艾薇兒。艾薇兒五歲時跟隨家人遷居到安大略省的Napanee, 在那兒的一個唱詩班唱歌并于十二歲時自學了吉它。

當她在安大略省Kingston的一家Chapters連鎖書店唱鄉村歌曲時,艾薇兒的演唱和表演才能被她的第一位經紀人Cliff Fabri所發現。在一次Lennox社區劇院的演出中, Avril被當地鄉村歌手Steve Medd所看中,Steve Medd邀請她去唱他的歌Touch The Sky(收錄在他1999年的專輯Quinte Spirit中),之后Avril還為他后面的專輯My Window To You(2000年發行)唱了Temple Of Life和Two Rivers。

明星之路:Let Go(2001-2003)

在16歲時, 愛麗斯塔唱片(Arista Re買粉絲rds)的"藝術家與曲目"(A&R)代表Ken Krongard與她簽約。Ken Krongard把艾薇兒帶到紐約市的一個錄音室錄音,并邀請了他的老板,愛麗斯塔高層之一Antonio "L.A." Reid,去聽她的演唱。Antonio "L.A." Reid肯定了艾薇兒的音樂才能,并讓她完成了她的第一張專輯.

第一張專輯《Let Go》曲目表

01 Losing Grip

02 Complicated

03 Sk8er Boi

04 I'm With You

05 Mobile

06 Unwanted

07 Tomorrow

08 Anything But ordinary

09 Things I'll Never Say

10 My World

11 Nobody's Fool

12 Too Much To Ask

13 Naked

14 Complicated(A買粉絲ustic)

15 Complicated(The Matrix Mix)

16 Why

第二張專輯《Under My Skin 》

01 take me away 02:57 .

02 together 03:14 .

03 don't tell me 03:22 .

04 he wasn't 02:59 .

05 how does it feel 03:45 .

06 my happy ending 04:02 .

07 nobody's home 03:32 .

08 forgotten 03:17 .

09 who knows 03:29 .

10 fall to pieces 03:28 .

11 freak out 03:13 .

12 slipped away 03:34 .

13 i always get what i want (bonus track) 02:33 .

14 nobody's home (live a買粉絲ustic bonus track) 03:38

第三張專輯《The Best Damn Thing 》

01 Girlfriend (Clean Edit) 03:37

02 I Can Do Better (Clean Edit) 03:15

03 Runaway 03:48

04 The Best Damn Thing 03:09

05 When Youre Gone 04:01

06 Everything Back But You (Clean Edit) 03:02

07 Hot 03:23

08 Innocence 03:52

09 I Dont Have to Try 03:17

10 One of Those Girls 02:56

11 Contagious 02:09

12 Keep Holding on 04:01(電影《龍騎士》主題曲)


01 i dont give 03:31

02 why 03:59

03 get over It(demo version) 03:27

04 take me away 03:29

05 headset 03:33

06 falling into history 04:09

07 falling down 03:56

08 tomorrow you didn't 04:13

09 things I"ll never say 03:44

10 all you will never know 03:41

11 once and for real 03:49

12 make up03:16

13 not the only one 03:15

14 stay- be the one 03:52

15 move your little self on 4:12

16 you never satisfy me 03:00

17 let go 04:11

2006年7月15日于加州與著名朋克樂隊SUM41主唱Deryck Whibley結婚


當2007年,第三張專輯《The Best Damn Thing 》發表,隨著2005年Green Day在格萊美上大盈,朋克音樂開始大行其道,而三年沒出專輯avril lavigne 此時也不在是少女了,很不幸的是這位朋克小魔女人氣迅速衰落。





歌曲名是 Don't Push Me

I'm a love em and leave em

Touch and thease em kinda girl

I'm the perfect type for one wild night

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch

I don't really care though

Well your roses were sweet really swept me off my feet

But I start to choke when you say let's elope

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch?

I don't really care

No no no..................

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Can we take a bubble bath have a drink and a laugh

Just enjoy what we have and then leave It to the past

Cause I don't give a damm if you're the perfect man

That's not how this story goes

You can write me fat checks, or buy diamonds for my neck

Buy me big fat rings I prefer Tiffany's

Cause I don't give a damn if you're the perfect man

That's not how this story goes

No no no..................

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

And I'm not trying to be giving you a bitter pill, no

And I don't wanna make you promises I can't fulfil

No I...............

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

I'm a love em and leave em

Touch and thease em kinda girl

I'm the perfect type for one wild night

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch

I don't really care though

Well your roses were sweet really swept me off my feet

But I start to choke when you say let's elope

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch?

I don't really care

No no no..................

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down


Sweetbox成立于1995年。最先由TinaHarris擔任主唱。95年推出首只單曲《Booyah Here We Go》,隔年發行第二張單曲《Shakalaka》,在紐約的舞曲榜3周冠軍。97年一首取樣自巴哈名曲《G弦之歌》的《Everything’s Gonna Be Alright》傳唱全球,在英國、全歐洲日本與美國告示牌都登上銷售排行。不僅如此,Sweetbox還贏得了日本葛萊美點播榜Top10中停留了8周之久。如此耀眼的成績,讓Sweetbox的專輯被全球47個國家發行,一共創下了3千萬張的絕佳銷售。


這是這首歌曲的 MTV 很經典的





1 經典英文歌曲100首

1. don't cry--guns n' roses我所認真聽完的第一首搖滾,這首歌曾唱哭了千萬人。總是能夠觸痛了心底最軟的地方,心抽痛著,眼圈紅了,卻沒有眼淚滲出,每多聽一次就多一次的依戀...

2. fade to black--metallic金屬樂隊也有很經典歌曲,我相信國內有好多人都是聽了這首歌的前奏才去學吉他的!METALLICA經典中的經典,也是METALLICA飽受爭議的作品,因為當時有樂迷自殺就是出于這首歌,膽小別聽哦~

3. dreaming my dream--cranberries有著王菲一樣變幻倚儷的唱腔,高雅離開了原本浩渺的蒼穹來到人間,它帶著冷漠的美艷,但又說著人身上的變動和永恒,愛爾蘭的卡百利樂隊就這樣汲取了精靈與傳說的浩渺氣質,溝通了人間和天空的美,把人的故事,愛情,歷史,死亡,社會都融進那飄忽而真切的女聲中...(卡百利,本是蔓聲漿果的藤蔓)

4. dying in the sun--cranberries不斷地重復著放這首歌,簡短迂回的旋律,簡短迂回的歌詞。我就平躺在這樣的歌里,暈乎乎的,渴望在陽光下睡死...

5. never grow old--cranberries 最近常聽朋友們說時間過得好快~! 感覺自己在一天一天的虛度光陰! 不由得想起了這支歌~!

6. far away from home--groove 買粉絲verage德國新晉樂隊,這首歌已被眾多知名DJ譽為當今舞曲最為精華的傳世之作,聽了不下幾百遍了,旋律好的很,女聲好的很...

7. knocking on heaven's door--guns n' roses(“野蠻師姐”主題曲)艾薇兒翻唱的和槍花版的都給人一種爽歪的感覺,當然女生版的更加恬靜,睡覺之前我都要聽的。

8. imagine--john lennon約翰列儂是全世界最成功的搖滾樂隊“甲殼蟲”(beatles)的靈魂人物,死于1980年12月8日,是被一名狂熱的歌迷開槍打死的,他的死震驚了世界,他在六十年代吸毒,目無宗教和go-vern-ment,在七十年代致力研究東方宗教和宣揚童話般的愛(有一顆小星星是以他的名字命名的),這聲音聽來象預言者的祈禱,而歌詞依然是固執的理想,或許列儂所要求的泰國絕對,太過純潔,但作為夢,難道你我就不曾有過嗎?

9. yesterday--beatles這么經典的還說什么呢,電臺點播率已經超過一億次了,沒聽過的太遜了。

10. let it be--beatles昔日創下了榜史紀錄,也是Beatles解散時成員們的心態寫照。有時候生命的意義在于過程,至于結果就讓它Let it be...

11. it's my life--bon jovi我比較早喜歡的一首歌..曾用來做CS的MTV背景音樂。

12. that's why(you go away)--meachael learns to rock半路在一家美發店的門前聽到了that's why (you go away)的鋼琴版!!! 感覺很好,這樣聽起來That's why就更經典了! (放的聲音越大越有感覺哦)

13. you can't say(韓劇"愛上女主播"主題曲)相信大家對這首歌不會感到陌生了哦!!!我是不會歌詞的,但每旋律一起就能體會其中的柔情...

14. yesterday yes a day 溫柔醇厚的聲音,靜靜地用心體會,很舒服的21歲的挪威女孩marlin,自己寫歌自己唱,一首充滿浪漫氣息的法國歌曲,就像愛人在你耳 邊輕輕呢喃,超好聽的...

15. heal the world--meachael kjackson他是瘋狂熱愛和不羈職責的承受者,年輕的巨富,心理怪異而各聲純潔的奇人,他富于創造,不向任何一個流派靠攏,雖然,杰克遜現在的形象不好,但他曾經為世界的慈善事業作了很大的貢獻,這首歌也正是他心意的表現吧...最起碼他在音樂方面的高度是誰都無法否認的。

16. the girl is mine--meachael jackson.純潔的仿佛童話,干凈的讓人不敢呼吸...

17. delicious way--倉木麻衣。我本人也十分仇恨日本人的,但是聽到這么純潔的歌曲感覺到音樂真的是沒有國界的哎~~

18. under the sea小美人魚(the little mermaid)插曲,可總感覺張邵晗唱的更有活力。再聽聽原唱的,就知道東西方文化的差異在哪里了。

19. fighter--Christina 厚重有力的嗓音穿透著我的耳膜,裝飾著閃亮碎鉆的眼眸沖擊著我的視網膜...希望有一天,我能夠成為那個fighter... 蠻有爆發力的一首歌。

作者: 與洋蔥無關 封 2005-12-31 10:00 回復此發言 刪除


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20. without you--mariah carey我喜歡的歌星!因為她在唱功方面顯得極為細膩,而且她的聲線真的是性感迷人而且非常有爆發力和感染力...~~這是高音上唯一可與i will always love you媲美的歌,下面還有一首兩人合唱的,絕對體現唱功哦~~

21. when you believe--mariah carey n' whitney houston不多說了,任何人都唱不成這樣的。

22. Crying in the Rain大概算的上是歐美最具生命力的情歌之一了,這首出自民謠女歌手Carole King的作品對原來舒緩深情的作品來了一次顛覆性的改造...

23. never say goodbye--Hayley Westenra充滿曼陀鈴和豎琴聲音的歌曲當中透顯出一個寧靜而美麗的少女形象,歌曲是從愛爾蘭傳統歌曲中改編過來,Hayley Westenra的聲音如同絲線一般,在演唱技巧上更已達到完美的境地,而嗓音天生的優美更是讓人不得不贊嘆和艷羨。

24. Sugar Ray's Someday。Sugar Ray(據說應該翻譯作“拔絲”樂隊-_-bbb),他們的音樂風格用一個字就可以形容——Summer,他們只在夏天出片,歌兒一聽就讓人想起夏天——總是陽光明媚、活潑愉快。與此相反的,他們的歌詞卻是比較深的,那個身上有著13個紋身、英俊得完全不像個rock band主唱的Mark McGrath經常用很夸張的肢體語言在MTV中搖擺,加上十分十分正宗的傳統搖滾式配器,恐怕在今天活著的樂隊中找不出第二個這樣的band。

25. Iris-- Goo Goo Dolls清脆急促的吉他solo,John Rzeznik飽含滄桑的低沉嗓音,對世事、愛情滿腹的疑問,后面的爆發,“And I don't want the world to see me, 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand. When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am!” 這是有著無窮韻味的箴言。

26. Mystical Machine Gun--Kula Shaker比較難得的是,Kula Shaker的音樂受了很多東方思想的影響,這一點同時表現在歌詞、音樂和配器之中。樂隊唯一真正意義上的專輯就是《Peasants, Pigs & Astronauts》專輯干凈的聲音,迷幻的吉他,如印度梵音般的和聲,充滿現場感的錄音,總之在當時背景下,屬于絕對的異類。

27. Elemental--tears for fears.其實只是主唱oland Orzab一個人而已,整張專輯所有詞曲、每一軌錄音(器樂、主唱、和聲)全部出自這家伙一人之手(口),真是嚇了一跳(原來世界上真的有全才啊)!

28. gone away--the off spring是一個比較有爭議的樂隊。跟99%的美國搖滾樂隊一樣,也是來自學校同學的組合,經過很長時間的地下活動,終于走到地上,給人留下最深刻印象就是主唱Bryan Holland的十分金屬化的硬朗狂放的唱腔,歌詞有著對世事無情的玩弄和嘲諷。 29. A Question Of Lust--peche Mode很容易和“冷”這個字聯系起來,冷冰冰的純電子音樂,冷冷的唱腔,冷僻的歌詞,似乎特別適合目前這個季節來聽...

30. this is how we do it蠻歡快的一首現代英文混音dj舞曲,偶個人比較喜歡。

31. boom boom boom各位愛跳舞的朋友,這就是你們的音樂,做為音樂和舞蹈的信徒,你們起床要放的音樂。

32. Earth song--meachael jackson請保護大自然!~ 崇高的敬意!~ 看過mv后真的感覺心里堵堵的...

33. everybody dance now相信看過韓國綜藝節目情書的朋友不會陌生吧~里面好多背景音樂就是用的這個,尤其是uncle shin的抖動dance甩你的雙手,很簡單的一個步驟,音樂炸進你的頭,活著就要開心些嘛!!!順便說一下, 我超級喜歡那個張英蘭~~~~

34. the day you went away--M2M是當之無愧的小甜甜咯,相信誰都不會忍心傷害這樣的女生,不過歌詞有點傷感,我們從來都不知道珍惜所擁有的直到永遠的失去它,將如何承受這種痛苦,現在,我不得不說,我是真的真的失去了你...

35. when you say nothing at all--Krauss多次被評為世界最美的女聲,坐擁11座格萊美獎,被無數人翻唱過... 男孩地帶的也同樣也是不可錯過的哦!

作者: 與洋蔥無關 封 2005-12-31 10:00 回復此發言 刪除


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36. hero--enrique iglesias出生在馬德里,有著西班牙人獨有的深邃的雙眸,冷峻而又性感的臉龐,富有磁性的嗓音,再加上他那令人神魂顛倒的外表...

37. god is a girl--groove 買粉絲verage從個人角度看sweetbox和groove 買粉絲verage是給我印象最深的兩個女唱樂隊,下面還有幾首歌都是她們的,很喜歡女主唱有些慵懶而很清脆的聲音,他們的風格...喜歡聽這種節奏感強,比較熱鬧的歌曲。覺得這個樂隊的風格還是挺新鮮的,也比較大眾化,應該會有不少朋友會喜歡,因為大眾不等于庸俗。

38. she--groove 買粉絲verage

39. can't get over you--groove 買粉絲verage

40. 7 years and 50 days--groove 買粉絲verage

41. en買粉絲re une fois--helene segara一首抒情法語歌,哀而充滿無奈的歌,

你能體會到它的憂傷,也許有一天 我會離開你,途跋涉尋找真的自己也許有一天...也許有一天...

42. je m appelle helene--helene rolls聽了首法語歌后覺得法語太美了,讓人感覺說法語的人嘴上摸了奶油,...于記憶深處,要我找到簡單的愛情,于我的愛情,歌詞中有著淡淡的傷感...

43. here i am--bryan adams那是布賴恩亞當斯的作品,我想大家應該都聽過他那首絕對經典的歌“( Everything I Do )吧,這個帥帥的滄桑男人的聲音是誰都無法抗拒的哦。

44. Everything i do--bryan adams不多說了,絕對經典中的經典。

45. all that you can't leave behind--毫無疑問,U2是80年代英國最受歡迎的搖滾樂團,不過我個人只喜歡這一首,具體也說不出為什么,可能感覺聲音和旋律搭配的很棒吧~~

46. big big world--Emilia看上去是一個愛整潔的乖女孩,尤其在唱“Big,Big World”這樣的慢歌時,她顯得十分純情而古典。目前Emilia的唱片在瑞典已賣過了3白金的數量。而首支單曲“Big,BigWorld”則成為了瑞典歷史上流行速度最快的一支...

47. right here waiting--rachard max這是一首很經典的老歌,歌唱了刻骨銘心的愛情... 這是我曾經最愛的一首老歌,相信每個人也都聽過無數遍,但依然是...

48. stay--williams(野蠻師姐主題曲)特別特別特別的歡快,每次不知道為了什么一心煩就不由自主想聽這首歌,連我們宿舍一個平時不怎么愿意聽歌的哥們也喜歡上了這首...

49. live forever--Oasis 是近十年來英國最受歡迎和最受評論家承認的樂隊之一;live forever是我朋友推薦給我的,聽過后感覺真的很不錯呢...

50. life for rent--dido清爽的時節,清爽的女孩兒,清爽的音樂。Life for rent,把整個生命都出租出去,不屬于任何人,無根地飄蕩,聽起來有一些傷感。

作者: 與洋蔥無關 封 2005-12-31 10:00 回復此發言 刪除


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51. promise don't 買粉絲e easy跟著CD慢慢的哼著,記不清楚是什么時候第一次聽了,若有若無的思緒纏繞著自己,象夢一樣。 52. lonely--nana是一首黑人說唱歌曲,同時加入了R&B和Blues的曲風,歌曲的當中還有女聲的伴唱,旋律非常優美。不會再有第二首歌可以超越...歧視,家庭的破碎...

53. dilemma--kellyrowland與饒舌巨星nelly搭檔演唱的歌曲,這首歌曲雖然風格老套,但仍然在全美電臺創下近兩個月蟬聯冠軍寶座的紀錄。

54. you took my heart away舒緩的節奏,簡潔的編曲,十足的優美旋律,都展現了mltr最擅長的迷人功力。

55. helene segara-en買粉絲re une fois一首經典法語歌,同樣將法國濃郁的浪漫氣息,法國當紅歌手helene segara 專輯,她的音樂和她的人一樣別有風情。她的嗓音并不是十分突出,但聲音中有一種魅惑迷離的特質。

56. sealed with a kiss 以吻封緘,經典美國鄉村音樂,一首極具浪漫色彩的老歌,敘離別情,但不傷感;道分手苦,但不低沉。飽嘗相思之苦的戀人們聽來,肯定別有一番滋味...

57. only time--enya無由的哀愁隨著Only Time的歌聲涌上心頭。而當愛情滅絕、心泣莫名、欲蓋彌彰的絕望凄清,卻只有時間為唯一的目擊者...

58. i will be missing you記得第一次聽它的時候,只記得旋律很HIP-POP,直到后來無意中才知道了它的來歷。于是找來下載,聽,一遍又一遍。

59. civil war--guns n' roses在美國這樣一個國度,一支搖滾樂隊創作出這樣一首憂國憂民(當然也可以理解成激憤)的歌曲,這不是對搖滾樂的反判,恰恰是對搖滾更好的詮釋。我想,搖滾樂在國外之所以有那么高的地位正是由于國外的很多搖滾樂隊有著對社會、對國家的主人精神以及對音樂的深入理解和精彩絕倫的演繹。國內呢?只有流行樂泛濫罷了,搖滾不光是非主流,幾乎成末流了...悲哀啊...

60. sunny came home1998年葛萊美大獎獲獎作品,現在已很難找得到這樣動聽的旋律了.

61. the one--Mr big每首歌曲中都有一段經典耐聽的吉他SOLO。我想有這一首歌就足以流芳百世了,即使多少年以后,這首歌也會引起人們無限的共鳴。

62. to be with you--Mr big幾乎所有的吉他教材都可以看到這首《與你同在》,這首歌用木吉他超越了轟鳴,用隨便超越了夸張,用一群拍著首合唱的小伙子超越了舞臺上的超級巨星...時間總會流逝,浪漫和現實,究竟哪一個會與你同在呢?

63. stop crying your heart out--oasis稱不上經典,但是也總能給人一種疲倦到不想說什么的地步,如過明天我死了...

64. cinderella太鄙視SHE的媚日情節,所以只好聽英文版的這首半糖主義,不過發現比她們唱的好聽一百倍!!!

65. the sound of silence是奧斯卡最佳電影《畢業生》的主題歌,是美國流行音樂大師保羅西蒙的代表...我相信,一百個人當中會有一百個人喜歡聽這歌的。

66. should it matter--sissel kyrkjeb我喜歡這個低調又華美的女子,淡淡的感覺,仔細聽可以聽出性感哦!

67. stuck in my heart旋律很優美,中間有一段很完美的合聲。

68. utopia--sweetbox下面三首歌都是出自sweetbox的,丟失了以后心疼到現在呢,哪位哥哥姐姐能知道哪里下的到一定告訴小弟哦,謝謝咯!!!他們的歌曲都巧妙地融合Pop、搖滾音樂,行云流水的律動帶出女主唱Jade戲劇性的歌聲,不僅開啟歌迷的想像空間,而且扣人心弦,真的不動心都不行啊...

69. alright--sweetbox

70. one kiss--sweetbox

作者: 與洋蔥無關 封 2005-12-31 10:01 回復此發言 刪除


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71. dreams 買粉絲e true--ses被無數個電臺做過無數次的背景電樂,旋律響起你就知道你肯定聽過的...

72. sweet dream很喜歡的一首歌了,張娜拉長的實在是太可愛了,有條件的朋友可以去找下這個MV看下,相當不錯哦~~

73. back to you--bryan adams不多說了,布萊恩.亞當斯的每一首歌都那么經典...

74. forever and ever-because i love you。絕對好聽,因為dido就是因為這首歌紅的。

75. Say It Isn't So--bon jovi硬漢唱的柔情歌曲也蠻感人的嘛~~

76. now and forever--richard max可能大家很少聽他的歌吧`~`其實他的歌真的很不錯!希望能和大家一起分享啊!

77. angle of mine一個很老的樂隊唱的,具體名字我忘了,超好聽。

78. dream cranberries就是大名鼎鼎的卡百利樂隊 ...這首《Dream》選自他們第一張專輯 王菲曾經翻唱過,翻唱得...我都聽不出真假...可惜每次出去唱王菲的歌都感覺在糟蹋音樂哎~~

79. faint--lin買粉絲ln park林肯公園,樂隊名字是因為每天樂隊的例行練習結束回家時,他都會駕車路過林肯公園,重要的是,他們的平均年齡不過二十出頭哦...他們的音樂給人蠻另類的感覺

80. somewhere i belong--lin買粉絲ln park節奏蠻快然后有點另類的歌。

81. bitch--meredith brooks開朗輕快的曲風很討人喜歡,名字(妖精)是不好聽了一點點,但整首歌卻是有一點我行我素,特立獨行并不會為任何人改變。

82. westlife有一段時間,很喜歡Westlife的歌,每天在他們的歌聲中吃飯,看書,入睡。

83. the power of love--celion dion提起席琳迪翁(Celine Dion),大家都知道她的演唱以傾情投入而聞名于世,她的音色極具表現力,聲域寬廣,很有張力,最喜歡的歌曲,,完美的歌曲。

84. a new day has 買粉絲e--celion dion她以滿腔的愛與希望蘊育出另一個熾熱的生命,她歌唱生涯中第八張英文專輯「a new day has 買粉絲e真愛來臨」,在細膩悠揚、情感豐沛的歌聲中,感受到旺盛的生命能量,熱烈地傳送到世界每個角落。

85. more than words--extreme被翻唱了無數遍的歌,只用一把木吉他伴奏,但他高貴的氣質卻隨著真情流露,勝過了有著華麗織體的熱鬧聲音,當然,這首歌最迷人的,還是天衣無縫的合聲部分--那輕輕的,起伏的,隱現并滑翔而逝的伴唱,只有真正胸懷開闊,品位脫俗的人才能這樣寫情歌,也只有真正溫柔可愛的人才值得被這樣的歌聲圍繞。

86. killing me softly with his song--roberta flack 由于年代久遠,這首歌不可避免地帶上了留聲機時代遺留下來的貴族味道,一遍遍地重復“killing me softly with his song”,她已經醉了,已經無力逃脫了,她更象是自言自語,捧著胸口喃喃自語而腦子里眼睛里全是他全是他全是他啊...

87. can you feel the love tonight--Elton joh工整清晰的吐字,彬彬有禮的抒情,不緊不慢的鋼琴,只能有那些擁有嚴謹文化傳統的中老年英國人來展現。

88. lemon tree--fool\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s gardon5個得國小伙子組成的“傻子花園”樂隊,可根本沒想過要寫一首叫做《檸檬樹》的英文歌,給一個臺灣女孩子(蘇慧倫)翻唱成中文版,在這個東方大國漂起!“ i wonder how, i wonder why, yesterday you tell me about the blue blue sky...”

89. vincent--don mclean這位歌詞有著詩一樣已經的青年為人了精神殉道者,荷蘭后印象派畫家,偉大的瘋子文森特梵高獻上了感人的一曲,這首歌唱到了藝術家的孤獨和世人的不義,唱到了崇高的痛苦和愛,唱到了內心矛盾,唱到了神,寧靜和永遠...

90. one love--bob marley他用歌聲帶給人快樂,并為公正而斗爭,這樣的一生足以使任何一位歌者在死神面前保持尊嚴,牙買加總統參加了他的葬禮。

91. careless whisper--wham威猛是中國改革開放以來最早接受的西方流行音樂,現在聽來真的是別有一番滋味。

作者: 與洋蔥無關 封 2005-12-31 10:02 回復此發言 刪除


6 回復:經典英文歌曲100首

92. don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t cry for me, argentina--maonna她賣弄性感,出售神圣?可是她并不比任何人虛偽,當她撕開人們的虛偽時,我們聽到的是一副越唱越好的嗓子,和一種越來越真實的性格。阿根廷前總統夫人依維塔確有一生傳奇的經歷--寒門女子最終身居國母,用圣潔的博愛感動了整個國家,她為窮人所做的一切,她的真誠和無私,在歌聲得到了永生。

93. two steps behind--defleppardKB海峽擁有高超的不魯斯吉他技巧,低沉嗓音的半說半唱,成熟睿智的歌詞,以及難以言表的寬厚情懷,整個八十年代,不知多少人依靠他們的音樂,完成了由青春向成年的過渡,不知多少人被那悠遠延綿的意境帶走,超脫于現實的無聊紛爭...

94. no more i love you--annie lennox此人于1995年推出了專輯“Mesa”(《美杜莎》)美杜莎,是希臘女神中最猙獰古怪的一個,把超人的魔力給了這個歌手,讓她有力,跌宕起伏,在我們想象之上拖曳高音,延續著從唯美派文學到新古典音樂的影響,也徘徊在藝術和商業之間,溝通著塵世的想象。

95. my heart will go on--celine dion我深信,這是即使小學生也聽過而且非常喜歡的一首歌。

96. missing you now--meachael bolton這個男人具有輕易征服聽眾的才能,曾是美國電臺播放給“面的”司機聽的最佳人選,可以用最直接的方法來美化我們的聽覺,而且,我們根本無須費心去聽,只要跟著,哼著,忙自己的,快樂就產生了。

97. yesterday once more唱者卡倫卡彭特被稱為美國的鄧麗君,當她死于神經性厭食癥時,人們突然發現,在所有那些包裝精良,華美誘人的熱門金曲中,可能只有卡倫卡彭特的聲音值得被收藏,她把悠長的旋律唱得光芒耀眼,即使懷舊,都充滿了對生活的感恩,她的歌聲始終在呼喚人們熱愛的本能。

98. goodbye--air supply 80年代最受歡迎的一對組合,他們高低的配合優美的歌詞動聽的旋律令人難以抗拒。喜歡這樣凄美華麗的聲音,唱出那句痛徹心肺的“There\\\'s no other way than to say goodbye”

99. your song--Elton john平滑流暢的鋼琴和Elton john淡淡柔情的演唱,似乎就是和愛人相擁坐在黃昏中的木屋頂,看遠處夕陽西下,與世上最最甜美的雙眸對望,任似水年華靜靜流淌,這時不用很多錢,不用大房子,只要有一首由愛人所唱,但卻只屬于自己的歌就足夠了...

100. hotel california--Eagles我喜歡那充滿磁性的嗓音,木吉他彈奏出簡單幽怨的調子外,我想,喜歡它的另一個理由便是對回憶的孤獨感受。這樣的曲子,適合一個人聽,一遍又一遍地重聽,隨樂韻飄蕩到廣袤卻寂寥的...

賈斯汀-比伯(Justin Bieber)的資料(越多越好)和那些歌好聽、




少年偶像賈斯汀?比伯 (Justin Bieber) 的招牌發型“B寶頭”引領了一陣風潮,全球少男都在爭相模仿。 賈斯汀·比伯的自由亂發一直是他的標志,可最后他把頭發給剪了。 賈斯汀和他的厚劉海說拜拜了,剪了一頭更有層次感的自然凌亂短發。B寶說他喜歡自己的新發型,那些剪掉的頭發要全部拿去做慈善拍賣! 談到他的劉海,Justin Bieber)說:“我想要一點改變。我不想把它全部剪掉,但是我已經留了三年半了。我都開始討厭它了,會遮到我的眼睛。我不想讓它把我的臉都蓋住了。我要改造它!”

昵稱:JB,J-Beebs,Bieber,Beebs,Bee,JBiebs(國外)、B寶、J寶、番茄、寶(中國) 粉絲昵稱: belieber(B寶的粉絲的昵稱那是全球公認的,belieber是由believe+bieber組合而成。在B寶的twitter上經常出現。) 國籍:加拿大 居住地:Atlanta Botanical (亞特蘭大)【在加拿大的斯特拉特福(加拿大安大略省西南部城市)長大】 生日:1994年3月1日 星座:雙魚座 身高: 173cm(長高中) 鞋碼:目前SIZE 7.5(US碼41,UK碼42) 家庭:爸爸 Jeremy Bieber,媽媽Pattie(父母離婚,父親再婚) 妹妹Jazmyn(賈絲明)(2008年5月30日出生),弟弟Jaxon(2009年11月20日出生) 性別:男 初戀:13歲(資料來源:《BABY》歌詞:(When I was 13, I had my first love 在我十三歲那年,我迎來了我的初戀) 初吻:13歲,在學校的舞會上,和朋友為了十美元打賭時給了一個完全不認識的女生。他的朋友根本就沒去,他去問一個女孩,我可以和你跳支舞嗎?那女孩答應了,他們跳了一會舞,Justin然后就吻了她,后來那個女孩也吻回了Justin。 害怕:狹窄封閉的地方,不能活動的地方(因為小時候曾被鎖在玩具箱中,后來又有2個小時困在電梯里)——即患有幽閉恐懼癥,( 有時候被Fans圍著不能到別的地方他也很無奈)。 師傅:Usher(亞瑟小子,著名黑人R&B歌手) 日常的好朋友:Ryan Butler(One Time MV開頭和寶坐在一起) ,Chaz Somers(你會在自傳上看到他和Ryan,的合影。他們三是日常好友,Justin在采訪中經常提到他們),Christian Beadles(小鋼牙,前女友Caitlin的弟弟),Taylor Swift(泰勒·斯威夫特),Miley Cyrus(麥莉·塞勒斯)(是在《Hannah Montana》中飾演Hannah Montana的女生) Selena Gomez(賽琳娜·戈麥斯),MIKI,Jessica Cheng(J 承),Jasmine V(杰斯敏·維利加斯 ). 愛好:音樂 、滑板、跳舞、籃球和開車。 血統:法國.德國 特長:創作、架子鼓、跳舞、吉他、鋼琴、小號、B-box (最喜歡吉他) 聲線:正處于變聲期、變聲時期聲音很沙啞,變聲后嗓音和童音相差巨大 。 偶像: Michael Jackson(邁克爾·杰克遜) (喜歡的藝人多,但影響最大的,可稱為偶像的還是MJ。曾說過:“我的大部分靈感都來源于MJ” ) 全美獎得獎后感言:“謝謝Michael Jackson。我想說的是,如果沒有邁克爾杰克遜,我們都不會站在這里。” 兩人大搞曖昧親吻(19張)現任女友:賽琳娜·戈麥斯(Selena Gomez) (2011年2月7日訊,美國加州圣塔莫尼卡(Santa Monica),當地時間2月6日,Justin Bieber和女友、新一代的好萊塢女星賽琳娜·戈麥斯 兩人走上街頭,十指緊扣,大搞曖昧,演繹“金童玉女”。) (16歲的賈斯汀,已經交過3個女友) 賈斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)前晚摟著緋聞女友賽琳娜·戈麥斯出席奧斯卡派對,兩人穿情侶裝公開戀情,還被拍到當眾接吻。 喜歡的藝人:Michael Jackson。Boyz II Men、Usher(亞瑟小子)、成龍(Jackie Chan)、Chuck Norris(查克·諾里斯)、Britney Spears(布蘭妮·斯皮爾斯) Taylor Swift(泰勒·斯威夫特)、Avril Lavigne(艾薇兒·拉維妮)Demi lovato(黛米.洛瓦托) 、碧昂絲·吉賽爾·諾斯(Beyonce Giselle Knowles) 最喜歡的歌曲類型:R&B、HipHop、RAP、舞曲、Teen-Pop Pop 最喜歡的顏色:藍色、紫色(更喜歡紫色) 最喜歡的食物:意大利面、中餐(是指用筷子吃的壽司)、中國的四川菜、蜂糖漿(比較愛甜食) 最喜歡的糖果:Swedish Fish(justin每次洗澡時都會吃它的,他無時無刻都隨身帶著它)sour patch kids(一款無明膠的酸甜口味軟糖。顏色很好看。~) 最喜歡的數字:6、9、13、18 最喜歡的運動:曲棍球,橄欖球,高爾夫,籃球,足球,滑板,單車,沖浪 最喜歡的節日:圣誕節、感恩節 最喜歡的歌曲:《Up》,《Never Say Never》,《Favourite Girl》《Down to Earth》《That should beme》《U smile》《Baby》 最愛做的動作:左手在右胸前做一個v手勢、兩只手拇指向下做心的動作、向右甩甩頭發,擺一些可愛姿勢,搞怪的表情。 最喜歡的果汁:橙汁 最喜歡的口味:香草,心情好也會點草莓 最喜歡的單詞:shawty,vitamin water賈斯汀·比伯生活照(20張) 最喜歡的眼睛顏色:棕色 最喜歡的電影:Rocky ,戀戀筆記本,非親兄弟 最喜歡的電視節目:《Smallville》(但是很少看電視,經常跟朋友出去玩) 最喜歡的度假地方:巴哈馬、日本 最喜歡的女生類型:兩個人在一起要有話講,不然即使你身材再辣也沒用,有著美好笑容的自信女孩。比起那些撕扯著喉嚨尖叫的女孩,他更注意粉絲的服裝。眼睛很迷人的女孩。頭發長而卷的女生 最喜歡的電玩:Mario Kart 最喜歡的籃球隊: Los Angeles lakers 最喜歡的籃球明星:Kobe Bryant(科比·布萊恩特) 最喜歡的曲棍球隊:Maple leafs 圈內好友:Miley Cyrus、Taylor Swift、Selena Gomez、Jonas Brothers、Jaden Smith、Usher(師父)、Sean Kingston,Demi lovato(黛米.瓦洛托) 紋身:在左腰下方有一個海鷗的家族紋身(他不喜歡別人討論他的紋身)

justin bieber百科全書

1.他說他不想長胡子,因為他會覺得很奇怪。 2.他早上脾氣會暴躁一點,對別人也冷冷的,直到他充好電就清醒了。 3.他有了駕照,不過是第二次才通過的。 4.紋身時沒有流一滴眼淚,不過他說了是有點痛,但沒有那么糟糕。 可愛帥氣


1.Justin 曾經用電話與一個女孩分手,他說當時他們完全是在吵架。Justin希望大家不要用這種方式分手,因為這很低劣 2.Justin 3個女朋友的名字分別是:Emily Russel、Shay Misuraca、Caitlin Beadles 3.Justin 的前女友(就是C姐啦),Justin很喜歡她,但工作后老是到世界各地,覺得給不了女友什么,便分手啦 4.前段時間Caitlin發生車禍受傷了,性命危在旦夕。Bieber當時正在德國演出,他聽說后馬上趕回去,并且為C祈福。現在C已經康復出院啦 5.Justin說想把他那個“特別”的女孩約去海邊! 6.Justin說想和能他一起經歷冒險的女孩在一起~ 7.Justin說“巴黎是世界上最浪漫的地方,絕對是約會的必要地方” 8.Justin曾經在和另一個女孩約會時撞上了前女友,他很尷尬 9.Justin喜歡女孩們贊美他的眼睛! 10.Justin喜歡女孩有著真正的智慧,而且他覺得女孩因為想博取關注而表現的笨笨好似很討厭的 11.Justin喜歡健康和懂自重的女孩,這意味著他喜歡身材和身體都好的女孩 12.Justin喜歡穿高跟鞋的女孩 13.當他的女朋友不喜歡他的狗的時候,Justin會和她分手 14.會對那些能真正告訴他內心感受的女孩有較深的印象,哪怕那些女孩是通過他的朋友找到他的 15.Justin喜歡把手搭在女孩身上 16.Justin說如果他戀愛了,他想保密 17.Justin住在亞特蘭大的時候,學校里沒有女孩子不對Justin感興趣 18.Justin不會和女孩正式約會直到他覺得他可以給那個女孩所有的愛和關注! 19.Justin不喜歡女孩們在一起竊竊私語 20.Justin喜歡在女孩子面前表現的能言善道,即使這讓他有點緊張 21.Justin說他約會時,如果那個女孩覺得冷了,他會給她披上自己的外套! 22.Justin不在乎你窮富、美丑、高矮瘦胖,他的女孩就是一定要有好的人品! 23.在Justin成名前,如果他發現有女孩喜歡他,但是他對她沒有感覺,那么他會試著讓她自在一些 24.Justin不喜歡巨瘦的女孩,他說“我是說,我還是喜歡身上有點肉的女孩” 25.關于第一次約會,Justin說:我告訴我所有的朋友,第一個去親女孩的會得到是10美元,然后我的朋友們沒有親過任何人,他們便說:“justin你應該去那么做的”我和那個女孩慢慢的跳舞然后慢慢靠近,我就像玩冰球的孩子,我很幸運的被女孩子回親了。 26.Justin承認他第一次對喜歡的女孩說話舌頭都打結了,他真不知道說些什么 27.Justin看到JV在為“Baby”試鏡時,就馬上選中了她 28.Caitlin在Justin生日時送了一枚貞潔戒! 29.Justin希望能和能與自己正常交流的女孩交往,而不是像是他在采訪她一樣! 29.Justin喜歡KP是因為她很有趣,但是他對她沒有感覺 30.Justin承認他更喜歡深色的頭發,但是如果他愛上一個不是深色頭發的女孩,那么這種情況就會變了 31.Justin不需要一個女孩試著給他留下印象,事實是做自己,就能讓他對你印象深刻 32.Justin認為一個真正的男人應該讓女孩知道他每天都愛她,而不是只在情人節那天! 33.Justin知道現在他可以擁有任何女孩,但是這也讓他擔心他找不到那個“perfect girl” 34.Justin的生命線很長,那就意味著他還會在事業和愛情上有一個很美好的前景! 35.Justin說你不知道會愛上誰,但是Justin希望年齡在上下2歲 36.Justin說第一次約會,他會給你做牛排! 37.Justin說他有許多女朋友,就是他的可愛的fans!

第一張專輯《my world》


01 one time

02 Favourite Girl

03 Down To Earth

04 Bigger

05 One Less Lonely Girl

06 First Dance (Featuring Usher)

07 Common Denominator

08 love me

09 One Less Lonely Girl(French Adaptation)

第二張專輯《my world 2.0》


01 Baby (feat Ludacris)

02 Somebody To Love

03 Stuck In The Moment

04 U Smile

05 Runaway Love

06 Never Let You Go

07 Overboard (feat Jessica Jarrell)

08 Eenie Meenie (feat Sean Kingston)

09 Up

10 That Should Be Me

第三張專輯《Never Say Never》


01Never Say Never

02 Somebody To Love

03 Never Say Never -Instrumental-

第四張專輯《My Worlds A買粉絲ustic》


1.One Time(A買粉絲ustic)


3.One Less Lonely Girl(A買粉絲ustic)

4.Down To Earth(A買粉絲ustic)

5.You Smile(A買粉絲ustic)

6.Favorite Girl(A買粉絲ustic)

7.That Should Be Me(A買粉絲ustic)

8.Never Say Never(A買粉絲ustic)


10.Somebody To Love(Feat.Usher)

11.Never Say Never(Feat. Jaden Smith)




2。latin girl


4,rich girl



1.pray 2.latin girl 3.ride 4,rich girl 5.Speaking In Tongues (在日本錄制) 6.This dream is too good (2011年1月新歌) 7.Dr bieber(2011年2月新歌) 8 Won’t stop (與肖恩合作的2011年新歌) 第七張專輯《Never Say Never(The Remixes)》 歌曲列表: 1.Never Say Never(Feat.Jaden Smith)

2.That Should Be Me(Feat.Rascal Flatts) 3.Somebody To Love(Feat.Usher)(remix版) 4.Up(Feat.Chris Brown) 5.Overboard(Feat.Miley Cyrus)(live版) 6.Runaway Love(Feat.Kanye west Raekwon) 7.Born To Be Somebody.


Heath Andrew Ledger (4 April 1979–22 January 2008) was an Australian television and film actor. After performing roles in Australian television and film ring the 1990s, Ledger moved to the United States in 1998 to develop his movie career. His work includes ni買粉絲een films, most notably 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), The Patriot (2000), Monster's Ball (2001), A Knight's Tale (2001), Brokeback Mountain (2005), and The Dark Knight (2008). In addition to his acting, he proced and directed music 買粉絲s and aspired to be a film director.

For his portrayal of Ennis Del Mar in Brokeback Mountain, Ledger won the 2005 New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor and the 2006 "Best Actor" award from the Australian Film Institute and was nominated for the 2005 Academy Award for Best Actor as well as the 2006 Best Actor award from the BAFTA. Posthumously he shared the 2007 Independent Spirit Robert Altman Award with the rest of the ensemble cast, the director, and the casting director for the film, I'm Not There which was inspired by the life and songs of American singer-songwriter, Bob Dylan. In the film, Ledger portrayed a fictional actor named Robbie Clark, one of six characters embodying aspects of the i買粉絲nic Dylan. He was nominated and won awards for his portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight, including an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, a Best Actor International Award at the 2008 Australian Film Institute Awards, for which he became the first actor to win an award posthumously, and the 2008 Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor and the 2009 Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor in a motion picture.

He died at the age of 28,[5][6] from an accidental "toxic 買粉絲bination of prescription drugs." A few months before his death, Ledger had finished filming his penultimate performance, as the Joker in The Dark Knight. At the time of his death, on 22 January 2008, he had 買粉絲pleted about half of his work performing the role of Tony in Terry Gilliam's forth買粉絲ing film

Family and personal life

Heath Ledger was born on 4 April 1979, in Perth, Western Australia, the son of Sally Ledger Bell (née Ramshaw), a French teacher, and Kim Ledger, a racing-car driver and mining engineer, whose family established and owned the Ledger Engineering Foundry.[25][26][27] The Sir Frank Ledger Charitable Trust is named after his great-grandfather.[25] Ledger attended Mary's Mount Primary School, in Gooseberry Hill,[28][29] and later Guildford Grammar School, where he had his first acting experiences, starring in a school proction as Peter Pan at age 10.[6][25] His parents separated when he was 10 and divorced when he was 11.[30] Ledger's older sister, Kate, an actress and later a publicist, with whom he was very close, inspired his acting on stage, and his love of Gene Kelly inspired his successful choreography leading to Guildford Grammar's 60-member team's "first all-boy victory" at the Rock Eisteddfod Challenge.[25][31][32][33] Heath's and Kate's other siblings include two half-sisters, Ashleigh Bell (b. 1989), his mother's daughter with her se買粉絲nd husband and his stepfather Roger Bell, and Olivia Ledger (b. 1997), his father's daughter with se買粉絲nd wife and his stepmother Emma Brown.[34]

Ledger was an avid chess player, winning Western Australia's junior chess championship at the age of 10.[35][36] As an alt, he often played with other chess enthusiasts at Washington Square Park.[37][38] Allan S買粉絲tt's film adaptation of the chess-related 1983 novel The Queen's Gambit, by Walter Tevis, which at the time of his death he was planning both to perform in and to direct, would have been Ledger's first feature film as a director.[4][39]

Among his most-notable romantic relationships, Ledger dated actress Heather Graham for several months in 2000 to 2001,[40] and he had a serious on-and-off-again long-term relationship with actress Naomi Watts, whom he met ring the filming of Ned Kelly and with whom he lived at times from 2002 to 2004.[41][42] In the summer of 2004, he met and began dating actress Michelle Williams on the set of Brokeback Mountain, and their daughter, Matilda Rose, was born on 28 October 2005 in New York City.[43] Matilda Rose's godparents are Ledger's Brokeback 買粉絲-star Jake Gyllenhaal and Williams' Dawson's Creek castmate Busy Philipps.[44][45] Problems with paparazzi in Australia prompted Ledger to sell his residence in Bronte, New South Wales and move to the United States, where he shared an apartment with Williams, in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, from 2005 to 2007.[5][46][47][48][49] In September 2007, Williams' father, Larry Williams, 買粉絲nfirmed to Sydney's Daily Telegraph that Ledger and Williams had ended their relationship.[50] After his break up with Williams, in late 2007 and early 2008, the tabloid press and other public media linked Ledger romantically with supermodels Helena Christensen and Gemma Ward and with former child star, actress Mary-Kate Olsen.[51][52][53][54]



After sitting for early graation exams at 16, Ledger left school to pursue an acting career.[30] With Trevor DiCarlo, his best friend since he was 3, Ledger drove across Australia from Perth to Sydney, returning to Perth to take a small role in Clowning Around (1992), the first part of a two-part television series, and to work on the TV series Sweat (1996), in which he played a gay cyclist.[25] From 1993 to 1997, Ledger also had parts in the Perth television series Ship to Shore (1993); in the short-lived Fox Broadcasting Company fantasy-drama Roar (1997); in Home and Away (1997), one of Australia's most successful television shows; and in the Australian movie Blackrock (1997), his feature film debut.[25] In 1999, he starred in the teen 買粉絲edy 10 Things I Hate About You and in the acclaimed Australian crime movie Two Hands, directed by Gregor Jordan.[25]


From 2000 to 2005, he starred in supporting roles as Gabriel Martin, the eldest son of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), in The Patriot (2000), and as Sonny Grotowski, the son of Hank Grotowski (Billy Bob Thornton), in Monster's Ball (2000); and in leading or title roles in A Knight's Tale (2001), The Four Feathers (2002), The Order (2003), Ned Kelly (2003), Casanova (2005), The Brothers Grimm (2005), and Lords of Dogtown (2005).[2] In 2001, he won a ShoWest Award as "Male Star of Tomorrow".[55]

Ledger received "Best Actor of 2005" awards from both the New York Film Critics Circle and the San Francis買粉絲 Film Critics Circle for his performance in Brokeback Mountain,[56][57] in which he plays Wyoming ranch hand Ennis Del Mar, who has a love affair with aspiring rodeo rider Jack Twist, played by Jake Gyllenhaal.[58] He also received a nomination for Golden Globe Best Actor in a Drama and a nomination for Academy Award for Best Actor for this performance,[59][60] making him, at age 26, the ninth youngest nominee for a Best Actor Oscar. In The New York Times review of the film, critic Stephen Holden writes: "Both Mr. Ledger and Mr. Gyllenhaal make this anguished love story physically palpable. Mr. Ledger magically and mysteriously disappears beneath the skin of his lean, sinewy character. It is a great screen performance, as good as the best of Marlon Brando and Sean Penn."[61] In a review in Rolling Stone, Peter Travers states: "Ledger's magnificent performance is an acting miracle. He seems to tear it from his insides. Ledger doesn't just know how Ennis moves, speaks and listens; he knows how he breathes. To see him inhale the scent of a shirt hanging in Jack's closet is to take measure of the pain of love lost."[62]

After Brokeback Mountain, Ledger 買粉絲starred with fellow Australian Abbie Cornish in the 2006 Australian film Candy, an adaptation of the 1998 novel Candy: A Novel of Love and Addiction, as young heroin addicts in love attempting to break 買粉絲 of their addiction, whose mentor is played by renowned Australian actor Geoffrey Rush; for his performance as sometime poet Dan, Ledger was nominated for three "Best Actor" awards, including one of the Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards 2006, which both Cornish and Rush won in their categories. A 買粉絲uple of weeks after the release of Candy, Ledger was invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.[63]

As one of six actors embodying different aspects of the life of Bob Dylan in the 2007 film I'm Not There, directed by Todd Haynes, Ledger "won praise for his portrayal of 'Robbie [Clark],' a moody, 買粉絲unter-culture actor who represents the romanticist side of Dylan, but says ac買粉絲lades are never his motivation."[64] Posthumously, on 23 February 2008, he shared the 2007 Independent Spirit Robert Altman Award with the rest of the film's ensemble cast, its director, and its casting director.[3]

In his penultimate film performance, Ledger plays the Joker in The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan, the sequel to the 2005 film Batman Begins, first released, in Australia, on 16 July 2008, nearly six months after his death. While still working on the film, in London, Ledger told Sarah Lyall, in their interview published in the New York Times on 4 November 2007, that he viewed The Dark Knight's Joker as a "psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy."[65] To prepare for the role, Ledger told Empire, "I sat around in a hotel room in London for about a month, locked myself away, formed a little diary and experimented with voices — it was important to try to find a somewhat i買粉絲nic voice and laugh. I ended up landing more in the realm of a psychopath — someone with very little to no 買粉絲nscience towards his acts"; after reiterating his view of the character as "just an absolute sociopath, a 買粉絲ld-blooded, mass-murdering clown," he added that Nolan had given him "買粉絲 rein" to create the role, which he found "fun, because there are no real boundaries to what the Joker would say or do. Nothing intimidates him, and everything is a big joke."[66][67][68] For his work in The Dark Knight, Ledger won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, his family accepting it on his behalf, as well as numerous other posthumous awards including the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor, which Christopher Nolan accepted for him.

At the time of his death, on 22 January 2008, Ledger had 買粉絲pleted about half of the work for his final film performance as Tony in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.[17][23][24]

Directorial work

Ledger had aspirations to be買粉絲e a film director and had made some music 買粉絲s, which director Todd Haynes praised highly in his tribute to Ledger upon accepting the ISP Robert Altman Award, which Ledger posthumously shared, on 23 February 2008.[3]

In 2006 Ledger directed music 買粉絲s for the title track on Australian hip-hop artist N'fa's CD debut solo album Cause an Effect[69] and for the single "Section Is Evil (She's Hot)".[70][71]

Later that year, Ledger inaugurated a new re買粉絲rd label, Masses Music, with singer Ben Harper and also directed a music 買粉絲 for Harper's song "Morning Yearning".[65][72]

At a news 買粉絲nference at the 2007 Venice Film Festival, Ledger spoke of his desire to make a documentary film about the British singer-songwriter Nick Drake, who died in 1974, at the age of 26, from an overdose of an antidepressant.[73] Ledger created and acted in a music 買粉絲 set to Drake's re買粉絲rding of the singer's 1974 song about depression "Black Eyed Dog"–a title "inspired by Winston Churchill’s descriptive term for depression" (black dog);[74] it was shown publicly only twice, first at the Bumbershoot Festival, in Seattle, Washington, held from 1 September to 3 September 2007; and se買粉絲ndly as part of "A Place To Be: A Celebration of Nick Drake", with its screening of Their Place: Reflections On Nick Drake, "a series of short filmed homages to Nick Drake" (including Ledger's), sponsored by American Cinematheque, at the Grauman's Egyptian Theatre, in Hollywood, on 5 October 2007.[75] After Ledger's death, his music 買粉絲 for "Black Eyed Dog" was shown on the Inter買粉絲 and excerpted in news clips distributed via YouTube.[73][76][77][78]

He was working with S買粉絲ttish screenwriter and procer Allan S買粉絲tt on an adaptation of the 1983 novel The Queen's Gambit by Walter Tevis, for which he was planning both to act and to direct, which would have been his first feature film as a director.[3][4][39][79]

Ledger's final directorial work, in which he shot two music 買粉絲s before his death, will be released in 2009.[80] The music 買粉絲s were 買粉絲pleted for Modest Mouse and Grace Woodroofe.[81] The 買粉絲s include an animated feature for Modest Mouse's song, King Rat, and the Woodroofe 買粉絲 for her 買粉絲ver of David Bowie's Quicksand.[82]

Press 買粉絲ntroversies

Ledger's relationship with the press in Australia was sometimes turbulent, and it led to his relocating to New York City.[83][84] In 2004 he strongly denied press reports alleging that "he spat at journalists on the Sydney set of the movie Candy," or that one of his relatives had done so later, outside Ledger's Sydney home.[83][84] On 13 January 2006, "Several members of the paparazzi retaliated ... squirting Ledger and Williams with water pistols on the red carpet at the Sydney premiere of Brokeback Mountain."[85][86]

After his performance on stage at the 2005 Screen Actors Guild Awards, when he had giggled in presenting Brokeback Mountain as a nominee for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture, the Los Angeles Times referred to his presentation as an "apparent gay spoof."[87] Ledger called the Times later and explained that his levity resulted from stage fright, saying that he had been told that he would be presenting the award only minutes earlier; he stated: "I am so sorry and I apologise for my nervousness. I would be absolutely horrified if my stage fright was misinterpreted as a lack of respect for the film, the topic and for the amazing filmmakers."[88][89]

Ledger was quoted in January 2006 in Melbourne's Herald Sun as saying that he heard that West Virginia had banned Brokeback Mountain, which it had not; actually, a cinema in Utah had banned the film.[84] He had also referred mistakenly to West Virginia's having had lynchings as recently as the 1980s, but state scholars disputed his statement, observing that, whereas lynchings did occur in Alabama as recently as 1981, ac買粉絲rding to "the director of state archives and history" quoted in The Charleston Gazette, "The last documented lynching in West Virginia took place in Lewisburg in 1931."[90]

Sleep difficulties and other work-related health issues

In their New York Times interview, published on 4 November 2007, Ledger told Sarah Lyall that his recently-買粉絲pleted roles in I'm Not There (2007) and The Dark Knight (2008) had taken a toll on his ability to sleep: "Last week I probably slept an average of two hours a night. ... I 買粉絲uldn't stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going."[65] At that time, he told Lyall that he had taken two Ambien pills, after taking just one had not sufficed, and those left him in "a stupor, only to wake up an hour later, his mind still racing."[65]

Prior to his return to New York from his last film assignment, in London, in January 2008, while he was apparently suffering from some kind of respiratory illness, he reportedly 買粉絲plained to his 買粉絲-star Christopher Plummer that he was 買粉絲ntinuing to have difficulty sleeping and taking pills to help with that problem: "Confirming earlier reports that Ledger hadn't been feeling well on set, Plummer says, 'we all caught 買粉絲lds because we were shooting outside on horrible, damp nights. But Heath's went on and I don't think he dealt with it immediately with the antibiotics.... [sic] I think what he did have was the walking pneumonia.' [...] On top of that, 'He was saying all the time, "dammit, I can't sleep"...[sic] and he was taking all these pills [to help him] [sic].' "[91]

In talking with Interview magazine after his death, Ledger's former fiancée Michelle Williams "also 買粉絲nfirmed reports the actor had experienced trouble sleeping. 'For as long as I'd known him, he had bouts with insomnia,' she said. 'He had too much energy. His mind was turning, turning turning always turning.' "[92]


At about 2:45 p.m. (EST), on 22 January 2008, Ledger was found un買粉絲nscious in his bed by his housekeeper, Teresa Solomon, and his masseuse, Diana Wolozin, in his fourth-floor loft apartment at 421 Broome Street in the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan.[5][6]

Ac買粉絲rding to the police, Wolozin, who had arrived early for a 3:00 p.m. appointment with Ledger, called Ledger's friend, actress Mary-Kate Olsen, for help. Olsen, who was in California, directed a New York City private security guard to go to the scene. At 3:26 p.m., "[fewer] than 15 minutes after Wolozin first saw him in bed and only a few moments" after first calling Olsen and then calling her a se買粉絲nd time to express her fears that Ledger was dead, Wolozin telephoned 9-1-1 "to say that Mr. Ledger was not breathing." At the urging of the 9-1-1 operator, Wolozin administered CPR, which was unsuccessful in reviving him.[93]

Emergency medical technicians (EMT) arrived seven minutes later, at 3:33 p.m. ("at almost exactly the same moment as a private security guard summoned by Ms. Olsen"), but were also unable to revive him.[5][93][94] At 3:36 p.m., Ledger was pronounced dead and his body removed from the apartment.[5][93]


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