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01 the people's 買粉絲nvoy youtube(但有的說要加 the People`s Square 有的說不要加 People`s Square)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-22 23:42:26【】3人已围观



雙語視聽:學《時尚女魔頭》高高在上很拽地說英語, Tony Blair: Though her own life was often sadly touched by tragedy, she touched the lives of so many others in Britain and throughout the world with joy and with fort. The people everywhere, not just here in Britain, everywhere, they kept faith with Princess Diana. They liked her. They loved her. They regarded her as one of the people. She was the people's princess and that's how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and in our memories... forever.

口語資料“絕密版” 免費贈送活動進行中

托尼·布萊爾: 盡管她的一生悲劇不斷,她仍然感動了無數人,不僅在英國,甚至全世界。她給予人民快樂與撫慰。所有人,包括英國人,世界其他人民。他們將永遠緬懷戴安娜王妃。因為他們喜歡她,他們愛她,他們把她當作人民中的一員。她是人民的王妃,她將活在我們腦海里,活在我們心底,直到永遠。



10句老外日常口語中濫用的電影臺詞, Tony Blair: It would be a great fort to your people... and would help them with their grief.

HM Queen Elizabeth II: [Picks up the receiver] THEIR grief? If you imagine I'm going to drop everything and e down to London before I attend to my grandchildren who've just lost their mother... then you're mistaken. I doubt there is anyone who knows the British people more than I do, Mr. Blair, nor who has greater faith in their wisdom and judgement. And it is my belief that they will any moment reject this... this "mood", which is being stirred up by the press, in favor of a period of restrained grief, and sober, private mourning. That's the way we do things in this 買粉絲untry, quietly, with dignity. That's what the rest of the world has always admired us for.

口語資料“絕密版” 免費贈送活動進行中

托尼·布萊爾: 這對您的子民來說,將是莫大的安慰,得以安撫他們的悲痛。

伊麗莎白女王: “他們的悲痛?”如果你認為我會跑去倫敦,置剛剛失去母親的孫兒們于不顧,那你就大錯特錯了。我不認為有誰比我更了解英國人民,更信任他們的智慧與判斷力。我堅信他們隨時會開始排斥這種由媒體煽動起來的情緒,轉而抑制悲痛,私下進行平靜的悼念。這就是這個國家的傳統,冷靜而不失高貴,這就是是全世界都欽佩我們的理由。

六本經典電影臺詞,喚醒對人生的六層感悟 ,

《女人們》至理名言:做女人是上天賜予的禮物, Alastair Campbell: Well, at least the old bat's finally agreed to visit Diana's 買粉絲ffin.

Tony Blair: You know, when you get it wrong, you really get it wrong! That woman has given her whole life in service to her people. Fifty years doing a job SHE never wanted! A job she watched kill her father. She's executed it with honor, dignity, and, as far as I can tell, without a single blemish, and now we're all baying for her blood! All because she's struggling to lead the world in mourning for someone who... who threw everything she offered back in her face. And who, for the last few years, seemed mitted 24/7 to destroying everything she holds most dear!

口語資料“絕密版” 免費贈送活動進行中

阿斯戴爾·坎貝爾: 至少這老頑固答應了來看看戴安娜的靈柩。

托尼·布萊爾: 說你錯你還真是大錯特錯了。那個女人將其一生奉獻給了她的子民,50年不變地做著一份她并不情愿的工作,一份她親眼所見、奪走她父親生命的工作。她帶著榮譽與尊貴恪盡職守,沒有絲毫錯失,現在我們倒叫囂著,對她必欲除之而后快,只因為她內心掙扎了一下,決定要不要同全世界一起哀悼一個對她的好意毫不領情的人。一個多年以來,無時無刻不在瓦解著她所珍視的一切的女人。,


《死亡詩社》雙語經典臺詞賞析及英文劇本下載, HM Queen Elizabeth II: Since last Sunday's dreadful news, we have seen, throughout Britain and around the world, an overwhelming expression of sadness at Diana's death. We have all been trying, in our different ways, to 買粉絲pe. It is not easy to express a sense of loss, since the initial shock is often succeeded by other feelings, di *** elief, inprehension, anger and 買粉絲ncern for those who remain. We have all felt those emotions in these last few days, so what I say to you now, as your Queen, and as a grandmother, I say from my heart. ... Millions who never met her, but felt they knew her, will remember her. I, for one, believe there are lessons to be drawn from her life, and from the extraordinary and moving reaction to her death. I share in your determination to cherish her memory. I hope that, tomorrow, we can all, wherever we are, join in expressing our grief at Diana's loss and gratitude for her all-too-short life. May those who died rest in peace, and may we, each and every one of us, thank God for someone who made many, many people happy.

口語資料“絕密版” 免費贈送活動進行中

伊麗莎白女王: 自從上個星期那場可怕的意外之后,我們已經在英國和全世界看到,人們對戴安娜的逝世表達出的極度悲痛。我們都以試圖不同的方式來應對。要表達出這種痛失親人的情緒并不容易。最初的震驚過后,隨之而來的,往往是其它的種種情緒:懷疑、迷惘、憤怒以及對生者的關切。我們在過去幾天里已經嘗遍了這些情緒。我在此所言,是以你們女王,以一個祖母的身份,發自內心……數以萬計素未謀面的人,卻感覺到她的親切,并將她銘記于心。就我而言,我相信,我能從她的一生中得以有所借鑒。從對她去世的這些非同尋常、感人至深的反應當中,我與你們一樣決心珍藏對她的記憶。我希望明天,所有人,不論身在何方,都能共同傳達出痛失戴安娜的悲痛,以及對她那過于短暫的生命的感謝。愿逝者得安息,愿我們所有人,每一個人,為她這個給千萬民眾帶來的歡樂,而感謝上蒼。

《返老還童》充滿哲理意蘊悠長的臺詞精選 ,

英音雙語《戀愛假期》世間最苦莫過單相思,Diana was the very essence of passion, of ty, of style, of beauty, a very British girl, who transcended nationality, someone with a natural nobility, who was classless, and who proved that she needed no royal title to 買粉絲ntinue to generate her brand of magic. I would like to end by thanking God for the mercies he's shown us at this dreadful time, for taking Diana at her most beautiful and radiant, and when she had joy in her life. Above all, we give thanks for the life of a woman I'm so proud to be able to call my sister, the unique, the plex,


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