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01 see sb doing sth成分分析(help sb do是什么結構?)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-26 02:58:58【】7人已围观


see sb doing sth 句子成分

省略一切修飾詞,這句話的主干就是 we can see water being poured into an river——類似于see sb.doing sth了.see sb doing sth就是一個主謂賓+賓語補足語的結構.

we就是主語,see是謂語,water是賓語,being poured就是賓語補足語.


From the picture是方位狀語,

waste wate中的waster是形容詞,形容water,做定語.

from a chemical plant也是形容是怎么樣的water(化工廠里的water),也是做定語.

directly poured 中的directly是副詞,形容怎樣倒進河里,也是做定語起修飾形容的作用.

into an underground river就是pour的賓語了,倒在哪里.

I noticed him go downstairs是什么句子結構?

1. 答案參考: 這句話是典型的簡單句,主謂賓結構,賓語帶有補足語。成分分析如下:I (主語)noticed (謂語動詞)him(代詞賓語) go downstairs(省略to的動詞不定式充當賓語補足語). 

2. 難點解析: 這句話理解的難點在于感官動詞的判定。常見的感官動詞有see(看到),hear(聽到),watch(注釋),notice(覺察),sense(感覺)等等。感官動詞的基本用法是:感官動詞+賓語+賓語補足語(省略to的不定式或者現在分詞短語)。

3. 請看例句:

I often see him work in the garden in the morning. 我常常看到他早上在花園里干活。

She sensed a flush rise to her cheeks. 她感到一陣紅暈泛上面頰。



He saw her working in the garden.他看見她正在花園里干活。

分析:“He”在句子中做主語,“saw”作謂語,“her”作賓語,劃線部分在句子中作賓語補足語。請看下面的句子,working in the garden賓語補足語。

I heard a bell ringing.我聽見鈴在響。

I 買粉絲uld feel the wind blowing on my face.我能感覺到風吹著我的臉。


在listen to和look at后面也可跟賓語+現在分詞(即賓語補足語)。例如:

Sometimes she would listen to him playing the saxophone.有時她會聽他吹奏薩克斯管。

She looked at him waiting there.她瞧著他等在那里。


His question has set me thinking.他的問題讓我深思。

分析:“His question”在句子中做主語,“has set”作謂語,“me”作賓語,劃線部分在句子中作賓語補足語。請看下面的句子,thinking做賓語補足語。

The arrival of the police sent the robbers running away quickly.警察的到來使強盜們四處逃竄。

The peasants had the tractor working day and night at the harvest time.農忙時,農民們讓拖拉機夜以繼日地干活。

The captain got the soldiers moving towards the front after a short rest.休息片刻之后,上尉讓士兵們開始朝前線行進起來。



He was found lying on the floor.有人發現他躺在地上。

分析:“He”在句子中做主語,“was found”作謂語,使用了被動語態,lying on the floor做賓語補足語。請看下面的句子,劃線部分在句子中作賓語補足語。

He was seen sitting in a café.有人看見他坐在一家咖啡館里。

The papers were left lying around.文件散落了一地。



He saw her working in the garden.(She was working in the garden.)他看見她在花園里干活。

He saw her enter the room.(She entered the room.)他看見她走進屋子。

使役動詞get,have既可以跟現在分詞也可以跟不定式作賓語補足語。get sb to do/have sb do sth表示“使/讓/叫某人去做某事”,側重動作的結果;have sb/sth doing表示“使/讓某人/物持續地做某事”,側重動作的持續;get sb/sth doing表示“使某人/物開始行動起來”,側重動作的開始。試比較下面的句子:

Mother had me go to the shop and buy some salt.母親讓我到商店買一些鹽。

I can‘t get him to stop smoking.He won’t listen to me.我不能使他戒煙。他不聽我的話。

The mother had the boy cleaning the room the whole afternoon.(母親讓這個男孩整個下午清理房間。)

I can‘t get the car starting.(我不能把車發動起來。)

五、現在分詞有時用被動形式作賓語補足語,其結構為“動詞+賓語+being done…”。例如:

I saw him being carried away on a stretcher.我看見他被人用擔架抬走。


One 買粉絲uld hear all kinds of things being discussed there.你可以聽到那里在談論的問題五花八門,無所不有。

高中范圍內,適用于“動詞+賓語+being done…”的結構,現在分詞作賓語補足語常用的動詞有:feel,find,hear,notice,see,watch等。

嚴格來說,有see sth done這個結構嗎?


過去分詞作賓語補足語時,句子的謂語動詞通常是感觀動詞,如:see, watch, observe, look at, hear, listen to, feel, notice, think等。

I have never heard the song sung in my school.


The American Chinese is amazed to find his hometown

greatly changed. 這位美籍華人發現他的家鄉變化很大非常吃驚。


感官動詞 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel + do表示動作的完整性,而+doing 表示動作的進行性。


I saw him work in the garden yesterday. 昨天我看見他在花園里干活了。(強調"我看見了"這個事實)

I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(強調"我見他正干活"這個動作)昨天我見他正在花園里干活。



help sb do是什么結構?

help sb do是復合賓語。


help sb do sth本來是 ask sb.to do sth. tell sb. to do sth這樣的結構,但是由于help/make/let/have/see 這類的動詞,比較特殊,有些是祈使,有些是感官,所以把后面不定式里面的to需要去掉,所以,才有這樣的結構。help是動詞,sb作動詞的賓語,do就是作賓語補足語。

help sb do sth通常也可說成help sb to do sth,其意為 “幫助某人做某事”,兩者常可通用——即其中的不定式符號to可以省略,也可以保留。如:

We helped her (to) find her things. 我們幫她找東西。

I helped him (to) repair his bike. 我幫他修自行車。

Mother helped me (to) do my homework. 媽媽幫助我做家庭作業。

Will you help me (to) choose myself a new 買粉絲at? 請你幫我選件新大衣好嗎?

Can anyone help me (to) fill in this tax form? 有誰能幫我填寫稅單嗎?

When she fell, a friend rushed to help her (to) get up. 她摔倒時,一個朋友沖上前把她扶起來。



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