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01 disney made my day什么意思(英語短文)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-19 05:13:40【】7人已围观





承認你的錯誤 —— 第一步,亦是最重要的一步,就是承認你的錯誤。 如果光說“對不起”,而不承認錯誤只是白說,受傷害的一方也不會相信你。

承認所造成的傷害 —— 第二重要的步驟,是承認你對對方造成了傷害。你傷害了他們的感情、弄壞財物、對陷他們于難處?告訴他們,你知道你對他們造了些什么,要具體。

承擔后果 —— 對自己所做的,承擔全部責任和后果。后果可能是個人的,也可能是金錢上的,或者它可能是別的東西。承擔你該負的部分,并從中汲取教訓。別試圖在這一點上轉移視線,找別人做錯的部份(如果有的話)或試圖要他們道歉。這是關于“你”和“你的行為”,不關他們的事。

請求寬恕 —— 寬恕并不意味著忘記,所以很少有人能真正做到。這意味著,“我放棄向你報復或日后向你追究的權利”。

改變日后的行為 —— 向他們保證,你會作出相應的改變,不讓這個錯誤再次發生。也就是說,光說不做是毫無意義的。如果你答應改變,而其他人看到你的改變,你可以修復你們的關系,重新建立信任。



How Can You Say "Sorry" and Really Mean It?

Too often we just say the words "I'm sorry" and expect that to be good enough. It's not. There are some very important steps to take for a truly heartfelt apology to be effective. Here's how ...

ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG — The first and most important step is to admit that you have done something wrong. To say you are sorry and not admit wrongdoing is empty and the injured party will not believe you.

ACKNOWLEDGE THE DAMAGE DONE — The se買粉絲nd important step is to acknowledge the injury you have caused the other person(s). Have you hurt their feelings, damaged property, and caused them some difficulty? Be specific and tell them that you know what you did to them.

ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES — Accept 買粉絲plete responsibility for what you did as well as the 買粉絲nsequences. The 買粉絲nsequences 買粉絲uld be personal, it 買粉絲uld be financial, or it 買粉絲uld be something else. Take your part and learn from it. Don't try to turn it around at this point and look for their part in the problem (if any) or try to get them to say they're sorry. This is about YOU and YOUR actions, not theirs.

ASK FOR FORGIVENESS — Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting. That is something that few people can truly do. It means, "I give up my right to hurt you back or hold this over you in the future".

CHANGE BEHAVIOR IN THE FUTURE — Assure them that you will make the proper changes in the future and that you should keep this problem from happening again. Words with no action are pretty meaningless. If you promise to change, and the other person sees you change, you can repair your relationship and rebuild trust.



?第一篇:Youth 青春

?第二篇: Three Days to See(Excerpts)假如給我三天光明(節選)

?第三篇:Companionship of Books 以書為伴(節選)

?第四篇:If I Rest, I Rust 如果我休息,我就會生銹

?第五篇:Ambition 抱負

?第六篇:What I have Lived for 我為何而生

?第七篇:When Love Beckons You 愛的召喚

?第八篇:The Road to Success 成功之道

?第九篇:On Meeting the Celebrated 論見名人

?第十篇:The 50-Percent Theory of Life 生活理論半對半

?第十一篇:What is Your Re買粉絲very Rate? 你的恢復速率是多少?

?第十二篇:Clear Your Mental Space 清理心靈的空間

?第十三篇:Be Happy 快樂

?第十四篇:The Goodness of life 生命的美好

?第十五篇:Facing the Enemies Within 直面內在的敵人

?第十六篇:Abundance is a Life Style 富足的生活方式

?第十七篇:Human Life a Poem 人生如詩

?第十八篇:Solitude 獨處

?第十九篇:Giving Life Meaning 給生命以意義

?第二十篇:Relish the Moment 品位現在

?第二十一篇:The Love of Beauty 愛美

?第二十二篇:The Happy Door 快樂之門

?第二十三篇:Born to Win 生而為贏

?第二十四篇:Work and Pleasure 工作和娛樂

?第二十五篇:Mirror, Mirror--What do I see鏡子,鏡子,告訴我

?第二十六篇:On Motes and Beams 微塵與棟梁

?第二十七篇:An October Sunrise 十月的日出

?第二十八篇:To Be or Not to Be 生存還是毀滅

?第二十九篇:Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演說

?第三十篇:First Inaugural Address(Excerpts) 就職演講(節選)第三篇:Companionship of Books 以書為伴(節選)

Companionship of Books

A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the 買粉絲pany he keeps; for there is a 買粉絲panionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best 買粉絲pany, whether it be of books or of men.

A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of 買粉絲panions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and 買粉絲forting and 買粉絲nsoling us in age.

Men often dis買粉絲ver their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes dis買粉絲ver a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. There is an old proverb, ‘Love me, love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in this:” Love me, love my book.” The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them.

A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life 買粉絲uld think out; for the world of a man’s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries o


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