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01 disney day中文什么意思(迪士尼的一天英文)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-10 13:57:00【】8人已围观



迪士尼的一天英文通常稱為“Disney Day”,指的是在迪士尼樂園度過的一整天。以下是一些關于迪士尼一天的相關信息:






功 夫 熊 貓


Legend tells of a legendary warrior

- 有一位傳奇中的傳奇戰士

whose kungfu skills were the stuff of legend。

- 他的功夫出神入化

He traveled the land in search of worthy foes

- 翻山越嶺 尋兇覓敵

I see you like to chew

- 你丫挺喜歡吃啊

Maybe you should chew on my fist!

- 有種丫就上我臉上來吃啊

The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full

- 戰士一言不發 因為正忙著吃

then he swallowed

- 然后一口吞下

then he spoke


enough talk! Lets fight!

- "別廢話 動手吧!"

He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind

- 他的一招一式如此彪悍 他的敵人目不暇接

exposure to pure awesomness

- 只有瞠目結舌的份兒

my eyes ..

- 我的眼睛..

he's too awesome

- 他太彪悍了!

and attractive ...

- 太迷人了!

How can we repay you?

- 我們何以回報

There is no charge to awesomness or attractiveness

- 彪悍不求回報 迷人更無所需


- 破瓦沖天!

It mattered not how many foes he faced, they were no match for his for density

- 他征戰無數 無人堪與之匹敵

never before had a panda been so feared

- 從沒有哪只熊貓能讓人如此恐懼

and so loved

- 又讓人如此愛戴

Even the most herotic heroes in all of the 買粉絲 - the furious five

- 即使是神州大地之上 最英勇的勇士們 最令人望而生畏的戰士

bowed in respect of this great master

- 也心懷敬意地拜倒在這位大師腳下

We shall hang out

- 我們該金盆洗手了


- 沒錯

But hanging out would have to wait

- 但金盆洗手談何易

Coz when you are facing a ten thousand demons of demon mountain

- 因為尚有萬千暴徒待鏟除

There's only one thing that it matters

- 前途只有一條

and that's ..

- 那就是..


- 寶!

Get up

- 快起床

You 'll be late for work

- 要誤了生意了


- 什么?..


Paul , get up

- 寶, 快起床!

hey paul, what are you doing up there?

- 嗨,肥波 你磨蹭啥呢?

Ah .. nothing ..

- 啊 .. 沒啥

monkey, mantis, crane, viper, tigeress, roar...

-猴哥 螳郞 鶴兒 小蛇 虎妞 吼...

Paul ,let's go , you 're late for work

- 肥波, 快點! 都誤了生意了.


- 來啦...


Sorry dad

- 對不起, 老爸

Sorry doesn't make the noodles

- 對不起可變不出面條來

What are you doing up there , all that noise

- 你在樓上搞什么名堂, 稀里嘩啦的

Oh nothing , just had a crazy dream

- 噢, 沒什么, 就是個亂七八糟的夢

About what ?

- 什么夢?

Uh ?

- 啊?

What were you dreaming about?

- 夢到什么了?

What was I , ah, I was dreaming about... uh...

- 夢到了, 啊...我夢見了...啊...


- 面條

Noodles ? You were really dreaming about noodles?


Uh yeh , What else would I be dreaming about ?

- 啊, 沒錯. 不然還能夢見啥?

...Oh ...Careful that soup is ... Sharp

- 哦 小心 那個鏢很 鋒利

Oh ... happy day..

- 哦 太讓人高興了..

My son finally having the noodle dream

- 我兒子終于做了個面條夢了

You don't know how long I 've been waiting for this moment

- 哦 你不知道 我等這一刻都等了多久

This is a sign ,paul

- 這是個好兆頭, 肥波

Ahh ..a sign of what?

- 啊.. 什么好兆頭?

You are almost ready to be entrust with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup

- 我終于可以把我的秘之又秘

and then you’ll fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant


Just as I took it over from my father, who took it over from his father

- 就像我子承父業 父承爺業一樣

who won it from a friend in a game of Majiang (麻將)

- 這店可是爺爺玩麻將從朋友手里贏來的

Dad Dad Dad, it was just a dream

- 老爸 老爸 老爸, 這不過是場夢

No , it was THE dream

- 不 這是注定的夢

We are noodle folk, broth runs though our veins

- 我們是面條世家, 流淌著面條的血脈

But dad , didn't you eve...

- 可是,老爸, 你有沒有...

I don't know ,wanna do something else ? something besides noodles

- 我不清楚, 有沒有想過做點別的, 除了面條之外的

Actually when I was young and crazy

- 其實, 我還是個憤青的時候

I thought about running away and learning how to make Doufu (豆腐)

- 曾想過, 離家出走, 學做豆腐

So why didn't you

- 那你干嗎不做?

Oh , because it was a stupid dream

- 噢, 因為這是個黃梁蠢夢

Can you imagine me making Doufu ..

- 你能想象我做豆腐的樣子嗎?

Hahahaha... Doufu ...

- 哈哈哈哈...豆腐...


- 別提了!

We all have our place in this world , mine is here ,and yours is ...

- 我們各有其命 我


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