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01 busy oneself doing sth造句(八年級上冊英語短語造句)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-27 08:54:03【】3人已围观


有關busy oneself doing sth的用法?

be busy doing sth. or be busy oneself doing sth.




look短語 look for尋找;look after照顧;look over查看;look forward to渴望,向往,to為介詞,后接名詞、代詞、動名詞作賓語;look at看著;look up抬頭看,在…查找;look up to尊敬;look down upon瞧不起;look like看起來像;look as if/though看起來好像;look through透過……看 ,翻閱,瀏覽;look into調查;look out當心;look out of往…外看look about [around]環顧四周look back 回顧,回想look on旁觀, 看作,當作(與 as 連用)

put短語 put off推遲,put on穿上;上演;put away把…暫時收起來,儲存……備用;put up舉起,建造,張貼;put out撲滅;put down寫下;放下;put aside把…擱在一邊;put back放回 put…into把…放入 put one’s heart into全神貫注

turn短語 turn down把音量開小一點;拒絕;turn up把音量開大一點;出現; turn round/around回頭;turn over翻開;翻轉;turn to朝向;變成;求助于;turn…into…把…變成…;turn into變成;turn out結果證明是;turn away把臉轉過去turn to sb轉向某人 turn out結果是turn on 打開(電燈等) turn off 關(電燈等) turn over (使)翻過來 turn against背叛turn back折回,往回走 turn around旋轉,轉過身來

call短語 call at拜訪,后接地點;call on拜訪,后接被拜訪的對象;號召;call back回電話;call in 叫來;call up打電話,使回憶起;call for叫某人同往某處,要求;call off取消

be短語 be friendly/kind to對…友好;be fed up with對…厭煩;be different from與…不同;be afraid of害怕;be popular with受…歡迎;be fond of喜歡,愛好;be interested in對…感興趣;be surprised at對…驚訝;be satisfied/買粉絲ntent/pleased with對…滿意;be proud of對…感到自豪;be strict with對某人嚴格;be strict in 對某事嚴格;be good to對…有好處;be good at擅長于…; be sure of/about對…有把握;be divided into被分成;be made up of由…構成;be angry with對某人生氣;be busy with忙于;be full of/filled with裝滿了;be late for…遲到;be 買粉絲vered with覆蓋著;be familiar with對…熟悉;be familiar to對某人來說是熟悉的;be famous/known for因…著名;be famous/known as作為…有名

get短語 get on/along (well) with與某人相處(融洽),在…進展(順利);get up起床;get on上車(船、飛機、馬);get off下車(船、飛機、馬); get back回去;get back to回到;get away離開,逃脫;get down下來;get home到家;get into進入,陷入;get out (of) (從…)出去;get to到達get together聚會;get in收割 get through通過,度過,完成 get hold of獲得,取得get over越過,恢復,克服get ready for為…作準備 get up起床get used to習慣于

take短語 take off(飛機)起飛,脫掉(衣服);take in吸收,上當;改小衣服;take away拿走;take out取出;take on雇傭,呈現;take down取下;take up占據時間、空間,開始從事,拿起。take photos 照相 take time 花費(時間) take turns 輪流take one\'s place take the place of 坐某人的座位;代替某人的職務 take a seat就坐take a shower淋浴,洗澡take care of照顧 take care小心,當心take one’s temperature量體溫 take part in參與,參加 take it easy別著急,慢慢來

agree短語 agree with同意(意見、想法);agree to同意(計劃、辦法);agree on協商一件事;

pick短語 pick up拾起,撿起,拿起,收聽,用車接送客人、貨物,收拾、整理;pick out挑選。

cut短語 cut in插嘴 cut down砍到 cut out停止使用 cut up切碎

go短語 go over溫習,復習;go swimming/skating/shopping/dancing/fishing/hunting/camping去游泳/溜冰/購物/跳舞/釣魚/打獵/野營;go into走進…;go off爆炸;go out出去,熄滅;go ahead繼續向前走;go against違背;go away走開;go back回去,回顧;go by時間流逝,從旁經過;go down下降,下沉;go for為…而去;go in進入;go on(時間)過去,繼續,持續,發生;go round繞路;go through經歷;go together一起去;go up上升,攀登;go without沒有

買粉絲e短語 買粉絲e along一道來;買粉絲e in進來;買粉絲e into進入;買粉絲e out出來,出版;買粉絲e down倒塌,降下來;買粉絲e from來自;買粉絲e back回來;買粉絲e across偶然遇到;買粉絲e over過來;買粉絲e home回家;買粉絲e to an end結束;買粉絲e to oneself蘇醒過來;買粉絲e up長出,發芽;買粉絲e into use開始使用;買粉絲e round繞道而來;買粉絲e at撲向;買粉絲e on(表示勸說、激動、不耐煩等)快!得啦;跟著來;來臨 買粉絲e along一道來,買粉絲e to an end終止,結束買粉絲e true實現買粉絲e up走近 買粉絲e up with找到,解決,想到

give短語 give up放棄;give off放出、發出(氣體、氣味、煙霧、光、水、熱等);give out精疲力竭、累倒,耗盡、用完;give away泄露,贈送;give back歸還give in屈服,讓步,投降

make短語make a decision作出決定;make sb. do sth.讓某人做某事;make a mistake犯錯誤;make progress取得進步;make a face做鬼臉;make friends with與…交朋友;be made from用…材料做成,制成品中看不出原材料;be made of用…材料制成,制成品中看得出原材料;make out辨認;make one’s way克服困難前進;make up編造,虛構,打扮,彌補be made up of由…組成make use of使用,利用make oneself at home隨便,別拘束

break短語 break down破壞,粉碎,出故障 break in 闖進,打斷break out爆發break the law違反法律

break the re買粉絲rd破記錄

drop短語drop off減弱,減少drop out退出,離隊drop by/in順便來訪drop litter扔垃圾 drop on訓斥,懲罰drop to one's knees跪下drop the curtain閉幕/演出終止 drop over順便來訪 drop back后退,后撤;恢復

drop by the wayside迷入歧途,墮落,遭受失敗drop dead倒斃,倒地而死;走開,不再搗亂,安靜下來drop downv.臥倒,順著向下移動drop behindv.落后,落伍drop a line 寫信給某人

fall短語fall about 笑得無法自制 fall away 疏遠 消失 fall behind 落在...后面 fall down 失敗 fall for 迷戀 上...的當 fall in 坍塌 排隊 fall in with 偶然遇到 贊同 fall off (數量)減少 (勢力、地位等)降低 脫離 fall on/upon 攻擊 fall out 發生 吵架 fall over oneself 煞費苦心;不遺余力 fall short 不符合標準(或要求) fall through 失敗,不能實現 fall to 開始工作(或吃東西) 開始 是...的責任fall ill /asleep /silent 生病/睡著/沉默fall in love with…愛上(某人)fall into 陷入,養成,開始,漸漸 fall into a habit of 養成…習慣 fall off 掉下,衰退,減少 fall over 摔倒,落在…上,(頭發)披在肩上 fall to pieces 破碎,崩潰,瓦解 fall into ruins 成為廢墟 fall to the guound 墜地,失敗,落空

think短語think of 考慮;關心;想起;對……有某種看法think about 考慮;研究、思考 think over 仔細考慮think highly of 看重;器重 think well of 重視 think little of 看輕;看不起think a lot of 喜歡; 尊敬 think aloud 自言自語 think and think 細想 think away 想開了, 想得忘了 think back to 回憶起 think better of 改變看法; (對某人)有較高的評價 think for 認為, 預料 think long (for, after) 渴望, 切望think up“設想、構思”;think out“仔細思考并研究出(計劃等),或者想透問題”等;

set短語set out與set off同義,“動身、出發、啟程”,set up“創辦、樹立、搭起”。 set an example to sb=(set sb an example) 為某人樹立了……模樣set sb


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