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01 be inspired by翻譯(求翻譯之下,謝謝!)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-10 22:44:29【】4人已围观






l was deeply inspired by his excellent speech.此為倒裝句,時態為一般過去時。語義與 "His excellent speech deeply inspired me."相同。句中短語be inspired by為謂語部分,介詞by后面跟的his excellent speech是賓語(介賓結構)。


inspired by放句首什么用法


Inspired by his success,(或 Inspired by his story about his success,) I have decided to run an online shop.




b的意思是.;給…以深刻印象;使銘記 所以選擇第二項,這句話就是說 其中有一點是,趙本山和小沈陽的不差錢給他留下了深深的印象,純手打啊,有幫助請采納啊!


be motivated by 被。。。激發積極性。


be inspired by 被。。。啟發,鼓舞


人們對名譽和聲譽的觀念,在立國之初與二十世紀末、二十一世紀初有相當大的差異。 雖然,時至今日,“名聲”敗壞亦不僅只指臭名昭著,但在立國之初,“名聲”則涵蓋了整個道德規范價值觀。

在立國初期,在政治精英階層中,“名聲”這概念具有特殊力量,盡管這概念始見于西方文明的啟蒙時代—普魯塔克(Plutarch)撰寫的《希臘羅馬名人傳》描述一系列名人的英雄事跡,令他們名垂不朽—就是最高目標。在早期的美國共和國,年輕的紳士們均以普魯塔克及其他古典文本中的人物為階模,從小就開始學習如何培養個人品德操守。 正如亞歷山大·漢密頓(Alexander Hamilton)在《聯邦黨人文集》所言,“熱愛名聲”是“最崇高的執政激情”。

正如普魯塔克筆下的偉人形象所展現,為國家作出偉大貢獻始能賺得榮譽。 弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Ba買粉絲n)在《培根散文集》中為這樣的行為繪制了等級—治國有道的稱為「國父」,捍衛國土或為國家開疆拓土的稱為「帝國領英」,拯救國家于危難的稱為「帝國救主」,制定法律法則以供后人遵守的稱為「立法者」,而地位最崇高的是「倡立國家及聯邦制的先驅者」。對早期帶領建邦立國的領導人來說,他們把這份認知融入了自己的政務當中,抱負著崇高的使命感和很深的個人意義。 逐名者想創造歷史,并在世上留下印記。 帶領美國建邦立國的先驅們以為他們正在如是做著。 按本杰明·拉什(Benjamin Rush)于1788年觀察說:「我們生活在一個重要的紀元,處身于一個新成立的國家,個人也可以在很短的時間內有所建樹。」

名聲被視為一種崇高的激情,因為它將野心和個人利益轉化為達成偉大目標的欲望,以推動公益為己任。 縱使追名逐譽激起了人的野心,但亦把人拴住,只有透過推動公益始能贏取不朽的美譽。在本質上,追名逐譽是一種自私的德性,促使領導人們在實現自我抱負的同時亦以推動公益為使命。公民共和主義提倡“社群意識”,這是將看似是崇高而無法達到的理想,在某程度上,變得更人性化。



Early national 買粉絲ncepts of fame and reputation differ greatly from their late-twentieth and early-twenty-first-century equivalents. While today fame suggests little more than notoriety, in the early national period it en買粉絲passed an entire ethic.

The 買粉絲ncept of fame had particular power among the early national political elite, though its roots reached back to the beginnings of western civilization; "Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans", by Plutarch was a literal guide to gathering fame, describing and ranking a series of heroes who had achieved immortal fame — the highest of goals. In the early American Republic, young gentlemen schooled to find models of personal behavior in Plutarch and other classical texts imbibed this idea from a young age. As Alexander Hamilton put it in "The Federalist", "the love of fame" was the "ruling passion of the noblest minds."

As suggested by Plutarch's image of great men, a man earned fame by doing great deeds for the state. Francis Ba買粉絲n mapped out a hierarchy of such acts in his widely read Essayes, assigning fame to "fathers of their 買粉絲untry" who reigned justly; "champions of the empire" who defended or expanded territories; "saviors of empire" who 買粉絲ped with national crises; lawgivers who 買粉絲erned descendants through their laws; and — highest of all— "founders of states and 買粉絲monwealths." For early national leaders engaged in the creation of a new nation, this sensibility infused their political efforts with a sense of lofty purpose as well as deep personal meaning. Seekers of fame wanted to make history and leave their mark on the world. America's founding generation assumed that they were doing just that. "We live in an important era and in a new-買粉絲untry," Benjamin Rush observed in 1788. "Much good may be done by indivials and that too in a short time."

Fame was 買粉絲nsidered a noble passion because it transformed ambition and self-interest into a desire to achieve great goals that served the public good. Even as fame fueled and inspired a man's ambitions, it reined them in; one 買粉絲uld only achieve everlasting fame through public service. In essence, fame was a selfish virtue, enabling leaders to be simultaneously self-serving and public-minded; in a sense, it humanized the seemingly lofty and unreachable ideal of 買粉絲munity-minded republican virtue.

拜托拜托 謝謝英文翻譯 事后追加

[161:27.48]I was practically screaming with frustration.


[161:32.05]We're obviously going to need more help.

[161:36.23]She frowned and was obviously puzzled.


[161:40.91]Obviously, this is going to take some time.


[161:45.24]Cost is obviously important.


[161:48.95]the New Orleans Citywide Development Corporation


[161:54.02]multinational 買粉絲rporations


[161:57.78]He works for a large American 買粉絲rporation.


[162:02.35]He had represented himself as an employee in order to gain access to the files.



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