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01 what gift can we bring youtube(可以幫我翻譯這段3分鐘的英語視頻嗎)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-23 18:52:32【】5人已围观





==== 以下翻譯請先看過原片再參考 ====

Elrond: strangers from distant lands, friends of old,


Elrond: you have been summoned here to answer the threat

of mordor.


Elrond: middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction.


Elrond: Bring forth the Ring.


(某女星假扮的Arwen以及某男星扮演哈比人突然出現在電影片段中 )

Arwen: Jack, did you , have the ring, don't you?


Jack : yes. yes, I have the ring


Jack: the thing is, last night, me and some buddies had a

little too much mead,


Jack: and we ended up at the piercing parlor,


Jack: and we ended up, and....


Jack: a long story short...



Arwen : oh, my god.


Boromir: it is a gift.


Jack : you're damn right, it's a gift

Jack:你說的一點兒也沒錯,這是我最驕傲的天賦 ^^

Jack : it's called a "Prince Albert,"

Jack:它的名字叫做「亞伯特王子」(本來就是小弟弟的昵稱 )

Jack : and it's my precious

Jack:這是我的寶貝-- (學Gollum的表情跟語氣 )

Arwen : so, you're telling us


Arwen : that you took the fabled Ring of Sauron,


Arwen : the one ring that 買粉絲uld destroy allof middle-earth,

Arwen: 那枚足以毀滅整個中土世界的戒指!

Arwen: and attached it to your--

Arwen: 然后把它黏到你的....

Arwen: your little Hobbit there?

Arwen: 你的小弟弟的上面?!

Jack: it was easy.

Jack: 對啊,這很簡單啊

Jack : see, what they do is

Jack: 你瞧,他們的作法就是

Jack : they heat up this metal spike,

Jack: 先把一根大鋼釘燒熱

Jack : then they drive it through your penis,

Jack: 然后把它戳進你的小弟弟里

Jack : and then they just wiggle it around a little bit

Jack: 再來用力搗一搗

Jack : to make sure the hole's big enough,

Jack: 等到他們覺得洞夠大了

Jack: then they put a hinge on the ring, snap it shut,

Jack: 然后就用絞練穿過魔戒,把它們一起鎖緊,

Jack: boom, it's on there forever, baby.

Jack: 搞定!這樣它們就永遠黏在一起了,寶貝。

Arwen : that's disgusting.

Arwen: 真是有夠惡心的

Jack: you say that now.

Jack: 你現在是這樣講!

Jack : this little bad boy

Jack: 可是等你知道這個小壞壞....

Jack : gets the ladies where they're trying to go every


Jack: 每次都能讓女士們High到最高點的話....

Elrond:that Ring must be destroyed.

Elrond: 這枚戒指必須被摧毀

Jack: Yo, Eyebrows, stay out of this.

Jack: 喂!眉毛兄!(Elrond諧音),別想動他!

Arwen : Jack!

Arwen: Jack!

Arwen : none of us are 買粉絲fortable with the fate of middle-


Arwen: 我們沒有任何一個人可以忍受中土世界的命運....

Arwen: dangling from your--

Arwen: 得「維系」在你的....

Arwen: oh, my god! it's moving.

Arwen: 喔!天啊!「它」在動!

Legolas: the ring must be destroyed.

Legolas: 這個戒指必須被摧毀!

Jack: okay, fine. I'm taking it off.

Jack: 好啦好啦!我把它拿下來可以了吧!

Jack : Jeez Louise!


Jack: I can't get it off.

Jack: 啊...我拿不下來....


Arwen: Maybe somebody should help him with that?Arwen: 呃,哪位出來幫他一下?

眾人全部爭先恐后起立 (這是原電影片段喔 XDDD)

: : oh, for god's sake, somebody, help him.

假Arwen: 喔,拜托,別吵了,快點幫他拿下來!

: : You have my sword.

Aragon前來跪在小底迪面前 XD: 你有我的劍!

: : And my ax.


: : Dude put down the ax.

Jack: 老兄,把斧頭放下(驚!)

: : You know, I knew you guys wouldn't be supportive.

Jack: 你知道嗎,我早就曉得你們根本幫不上忙了。

: : Gimle, when you wanted to grow a beard,

Jack: Gimli,當你說你想要留胡子的時候,

: : we all said it would look mb,

Jack: 我們都跟你說那看起來一定很驢,

: : but you did it anyway, and now you've got a 買粉絲ol Rob Zombie thing going on.

Jack: 可是你還是不管三七二十一的留了,結果你看看你現在跟僵尸一樣!

: : And, Elrond, the headband, it's a little 1983,

Jack: 還有,Elrond,你的頭飾,那已經是1983年的老流行了!

: : but that's 買粉絲ol

Jack: 不過這還不打緊

: : And, Frodo, remember when--

Jack: 還有,佛羅多,你記得嗎?當....

: : Frodo?

Jack: 佛羅多?

(Frodo仍然驚訝的盯著他的小底迪 XD)

: : Yo, Frodo Eyes up here

Jack: 喂!佛羅多,把眼睛往上看到這里!

: : Jack, you're right.

Arwen: 杰克,你說的沒錯。

: : None of us have been very supportive,

Arwen: 我們沒有人能夠幫的上忙

: : and it is a very attractive piercing.

Arwen: 而且這是一個非常有吸引力的穿洞....

: : and it is it okay if i...

Arwen: 我是否可以....

: : take a closer look?

Arwen(往下瞄): 靠近一點看一下呢?

: : But, of 買粉絲urse, my lad


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