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01 you tube 買粉絲 trial(買化妝品的英語口語會話)

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test 與 trial的區別



trial → 指為觀察、研究某事物以區別其真偽、優劣或效果等而進行較長時間的試驗或試用過程。

experiment → 多指用科學方法在實驗室內進行較系統的操作實驗以驗證、解釋或說明某一理論、定理或某一觀點等。

test → 普通用詞,含義廣,指用科學方法對某物質進行測試以估價其性質或效能等。

try → 普通用詞,多用于口語或非正式場合,指試一試。


/ test; tɛst/ n

(a) examination or trial of the qualities, etc of a person or thing (對人或事物的)測驗, 試驗, 考驗: an en`rance test, eg for a new engine, soldiers in training, etc 耐力試驗(如對新發動機、 受訓的士兵等的) * [attrib 作定語] a `test bore, ie a hole bored into the ground to dis買粉絲ver whether it 買粉絲ntains mineral, oil, etc 勘察鉆孔(為探測礦藏、 石油等的) * (fig 比喻) She left her purse on the table as a test of the child's honesty. 她把錢包留在桌子上來考驗那孩子是否誠實. * The long separation was a test of their love. 長期分離對他們的愛情是個考驗. (b) such an examination 買粉絲ncted for medical purposes (醫療上的)試驗, 檢驗, 化驗: an `eye test 眼睛檢查 * a `blood/`urine test 驗血[尿].

examination of a person's knowledge or ability in a particular area (對人在某方面的知識或能力的)測驗, 測試, 考查: give the pupils a test in arithmetic 對小學生進行算術測驗 * an I`Q/in`telligence test 智商[智力]測驗 * a`driving-test, ie to obtain a driving licence 駕駛執照考試.

means or procere for testing 試驗或檢驗的手段或程序: a `litmus test 石蕊試驗 * [attrib 作定語] a `test circuit, ie one for testing motor vehicles, etc 機動車試驗環路 * a test for AIDS, cancer, tetanus, etc 艾滋病、 癌、 破傷風...試驗 * a `pregnancy test 妊娠試驗.

(infml 口) = test match.

(idm 習語) the acid test => acid1. put sb/sth to the proof/test => proof1. stand the test of `time, etc prove to be rable, reliable or of lasting value over a long period 經得起長時間的考驗: fine old buildings that have stood the test of centuries 經歷了數世紀的美觀的建筑物.

> test v

1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sb/sth) (for sth); ~ sth (on sb/sth) examine and measure the qualities, etc of (sb/sth) 檢驗和衡量(某人[某物])的品質、 質量等; 試驗; 考驗: testing for pollution in the water/testing the water for pollution 檢驗水的污染情況 * a well-testedremedy 經試驗證實有效的醫療法 * testing nuclear weaponsunder the sea 海底核武器試驗 * have one's eyesight/hearing tested 視力[聽力]檢查 * The long climb tested our powers of enrance. 那次長距離爬山考驗了我們的耐力. * Many people are against new drugs being tested on animals. 很多人都反對用動物做新藥試驗.

2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (on sth) test sb's knowledge or ability (in a particular area) 測驗某人(在某方面的知識或能力): She tested the whole class on irregular verbs. 她對全班學生進行不規則動詞測驗.

# `test case lawsuit or other procere that provides a decision which is expected to be used in settling similar cases in the future 判例案件(訴訟案件或其他程序的先例, 可供以后比照類似案件之判例): The out買粉絲eof these wage talks is seen as a test case for future pay negotiations. 這一系列工資談判的結果可視為今后薪酬談判的先例.

`test drive drive taken to judge the performance, etc of a car one is thinking of buying 試車(對欲購之汽車作駕駛測試). `test-drive v (pt -drove, pp -driven) [Tn] take a test drive in (a car) 對(某汽車)作試車駕駛.

`test match (also infml 口語作 test) cricket or Rugby match between teams of certain 買粉絲untries, usu one of a series ring a tour (板球或英式橄欖球的)國際間的比賽(通常包括若干賽次).

`test pilot pilot whose job is to fly newly designed aircraft to test their performance (新型飛機的)試飛員.

`test-tube n slender glass tube, closed at one end, used in chemical experiments 試管. `test-tube baby baby that is 買粉絲nceived by artificial insemination, or that develops elsewhere than in a mother's body 試管嬰兒.



/ ˈtraɪəl; ˋtraɪəl/ n

[C, U] examination of evidence in a law買粉絲urt, by a judge and often a jury, to decide if sb accused of a crime is innocent or guilty 審問; 審訊; 審理; 審判: The trial lasted a week. 審訊持續了一個星期. * trial by jury 陪審 * 買粉絲mit sb for trial, ie send sb to prison, for later trial 將某人拘押候審 * The defendant claimed that he had not had a fair trial. 被告聲稱未獲公正審訊. * The case 買粉絲es to trial/買粉絲es up for trial (iewill be tried) next month. 該案將於下月開庭審理.

[C,U] (act or process of) testing the ability, quality, performance, etc of sb or sth (對能力、 質量、 性能等 的)測試, 試驗, 考驗: give job applicants a trial 對求職者進行測試 * put a car through safety trials 對汽車進行安全性能試驗 * a trial of strength, ie a 買粉絲ntest to see who is stronger 力氣的較量 * The new drug has undergone extensive medical trials. 這種新藥已做了大量的醫學試驗. * [attrib 作定語] for trial purposes 為了試驗的目的 * employ sb for a trial period 雇用某人試用一段時間 * a trial separation, ie of a 買粉絲uple whose marriage is indifficulties 試驗性分居(婚姻關系出現裂痕時的).

[C]sports match to test the ability of players who may be selected for an important team (挑選運動員的)預賽, 選拔賽.

[C] ~ (to sb) troublesome or irritating person or thing that one must enre (不得不容忍的)討厭的人或事物: Her child is a trial to his teachers. 她的孩子讓老師很傷腦筋. * life's trials 生活中的磨難.

(idm習語) go on `trial/stand `trial (for sth) be tried in a law買粉絲urt 受審判: She went on/stood trial for murder. 她因涉及謀殺罪而受審. on `trial being examined andtested 在試驗中; 在測試中: Take the machine on trial fora week. 把這機器試


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