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01 youtube 買粉絲untry music classic oldies(如何在youtubemusic中創建快捷指令)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-17 12:00:44【】3人已围观






1. 我愛唱英文歌曲的英語作文

賞英文歌曲 寫好英語作文



在學習的過程中,以及各類考試中英語作文是很多學習者頭疼的事, 如能把學習歌曲同寫好作文結合在一起那真是一舉多得,事半功倍的好事。

拿 love will keep us alive 這首愛情歌曲為例吧。

如果我們把其中下面的部分歌詞:I was standing all alone against the world outside, you were searching for a place to hide.

The world is changing right before your eyes.

When we are hungry, love will keep us alive.

I would die for you, climb the highest mountain.

Baby there is nothing I wouldn't do. 。


My dear motherland, the People's Republic of Chian, 2009 is your 60th aniversary since your foundation in 1949, China is really changing before our eyes.

You are great and I really love you, I would die for you, cilmb the highest mountain, there is nothing I wouldn't do.

在一篇文章中如出現這樣的句子,真會讓讀者眼前一亮。 因為這樣的英語太地道了。

再以 By the River of Babylon 這首有點宗教色彩的歌曲為例,部分歌詞是

By the Rivers of babylon, there we sat down.

Yeah, we wept when we remembered Zion

Now how shall we sing the lord's song in a strange land.

Let the words out of mouth and the meditation of hearts be acceptable in the sight here tonight.


My beloved daddy and mummy,

In the living room of my new house in Beijing, here I am writing a letter to you.

How shall I fet your lasting love in a big city like our capital?

Let the words of out of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before Christmas and the New Year here tonight.

Wish you happy and healthy!

當我們欣賞英文歌曲時,認真學習一下其中的歌詞掌握其中的詞匯,語法和文化背會給我們的英語寫作帶來意想不到的好效果。 這也許就象中國的一句老話: 事事洞察皆學問啊!


2. 背英語文章,真的有用嗎





It seems to me that many Chinese students want to follow some easy prescription when they try to learn English. Thus they think that memorization will do the trick. However, there is no shortcut in language learning. It is necessary to accept this fact and be fortable in a world in which there are no simple rules. Just go ahead and read. Do not waste time and effort on memorization. I cannot understand how anyone can say that memorization is more effective than reading. Memorization demands so much effort, and the time spent on it can be used much more efficiently in reading more books and magazines. Trust your sub買粉絲nscious and let it do all the work!。

3. 通過歌曲來寫作文,麻煩推薦點歌(需要英文歌)拜托


聽了《蝸牛》, 我們學會一步一步往上爬;

聽了《漂移》, 我們更加把握青春;

聽了《霍元甲》, 我們學會崇尚武德,驕傲的活下去;

聽了《軌跡》, 我們試著對愛釋然;

聽了《印地安老斑鳩 》,我們感受到音樂可以如此的天馬行空;

聽了《簡單愛》, 我們神往愛情之單純之美麗;

聽了《雙截棍》, 我們知道“仁者無敵”四個字;

聽了《半獸人》, 我們對人性之真善美更加的呼喚;

聽了《最后的戰役》, 我們體會到情誼之重;

聽了《龍拳》, 我們再次為身為“龍的傳人”而心潮澎湃;

聽了《以父之名》, 我們懂了不要把靈魂弄臟,不然我們會懺悔;

聽了《梯田》, 我們懂得了環保;

聽了《懦夫》, 我們杜絕毒品;

聽了《雙刀》, 我們知道中國人要爭氣,要自己看得起自己;

聽了《東風破》, 我們更加領略中華古詩詞之優美;

聽了《三年二班》, 我們學會“沒關系,再繼續努力”;

聽了《七里香》, 我們品嘗到戀愛的芳香;

聽了《外婆》, 我們學會了要關愛老人;

聽了《亂舞春秋》, 我們重新感悟歷史;

聽了《止戰之殤》, 我們對和平更加的渴望;

聽了《我的地盤》, 我們自信猛增,更具主見;

聽了《逆鱗》, 我們懂得人生得無懼前進;

聽了《黑色毛衣》, 我們對待感情更加珍惜;

聽了《四面楚歌》, 我們懂得積極向上;

聽了《本草綱目》, 我們更為民族驕傲,學會中西合壁愛上街舞;

聽了《夜的第七章》, 我們學會用理智解決問題;

聽了《紅模仿》, 我們懂了標榜自我,杜絕盲目崇拜;

聽了《菊花臺》, 我們享受到中國風音樂之凄美;

4. 讓寫一篇題目是:我最喜歡的英文歌曲,為題的作文,用英文寫,急求

我最喜歡的英文歌曲(My favorite English song)

Richor poor yong or old people aways like listening to the music even though the songs that they like are different.of 買粉絲ures I like English songs be買粉絲use they can help me to practice my speaken English and be買粉絲use they sound good and my favourite English songs is from an American group backstreet boys .Itis called the shap of my heart .

As you know nglish songs lyices are so easy that people can understande them people aways think they are pieces of Ecake and so do Ibut in fact that are lucky like the shape of my heart Ican understant it good for my spoken English do you think so ?

I am sure that many song are about loveing and this song is about about it too.I like Brain best because his voice is very good and he can make .The shape of my heart bee a real song of loving.

Therefore I like it very much.So I am sure that you have known the my favourit


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