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01 去上海外灘英語音標(外灘用英語怎么說)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-03 16:59:55【】2人已围观



"外灘"的英文翻譯為 "The Bund"。

The Bund解析如下:


英式發音:[ðə bʌnd]

美式發音:[ðə bʌnd]


"The Bund" 是上海市黃浦區的一條著名景觀步行街,位于黃浦江畔,是上海最具代表性的地標之一。它以其歐洲風格的建筑和壯麗的江景而聞名,吸引著大量的游客和當地居民。


"The Bund" 是一個由沿江的建筑物、公園、步行街和觀景平臺組成的景點區域。這里既是商業中心,也是游覽和休閑的場所。游客可以欣賞到黃浦江對岸的現代高樓和浦東新區的壯麗景色。


1. Visitors from around the world flock to The Bund to experience its unique blend of history and modernity.(來自世界各地的游客涌向外灘,體驗其獨特的歷史和現代結合之美。)

2. The Bund offers breathtaking views of the Shanghai skyline, especially at night when the buildings are illuminated.(外灘提供了壯麗的上海天際線景觀,尤其是在夜晚建筑物被照亮時。)

3. Walking along The Bund, you can admire the architectural grandeur and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the city.(沿著外灘散步,您可以欣賞到建筑的宏偉和城市的活力氛圍。)

4. The historic buildings on The Bund showcase the city's 買粉絲lonial past and serve as a reminder of its rich heritage.(外灘上的歷史建筑展示了這座城市的殖民歷史,也提醒著人們它豐富的文化遺產。)


- visit The Bund - 參觀外灘

- stroll along The Bund - 漫步在外灘

- admire the view from The Bund - 欣賞外灘的景色


Mole 1

Unit 1

1. Can you hear me?你聽到我說話嗎?

2. Where are you?你在哪里?

3. stand on the Great Wall of China 站在中國的長城上

4. talk to /with sb跟某人講話

5. be on a school trip正在校游

6. have a good /great /nice time

=enjoy oneself/play happily度過快樂時光

7. that's great那太好了

8. What are the others doing?其他人在干什么?

9. eat an ice cream/hamburgers/hot dogs吃一個冰淇淋/漢堡/熱狗

10. take pictures/photos拍照

11. lots of/a lot of/many/much許多

12. buy some presents and postcards買一些禮物和照片

buy sth.for sb 為某人買某物

13. eat lunch/supper/breakfast

=have lunch/supper/dinner/ breakfast吃午飯/晚飯/早餐

14. lie in the sun躺在陽光里

15. send sb.sth./send sth.to sb給某人某物

16. enjoy the school trip a lot/very much很享受校游

17. shop for sth.for sb給。。。。買

go shopping/do some shopping 去買東西

Unit 2

1. at this/the moment在這時

2. in different places of the world在世界不同的地方

3. do different things干不同的事

4. leave work and go home

=go home after work下班回家

5. wait for。。。等候。。。

6. run for trains追火車

7. drive a car/ bus開車/公共汽車

8. have afternoon tea喝下午茶

9. be at home =be in home在家里

10. have a drink喝酒

11. have dinner at home在家吃晚飯

12. have dinner in the restaurant在飯館吃晚飯

13. go to the opera去歌劇院

14. watch a ballet看芭蕾舞

15. watch television看電視

16. play games 玩游戲

17. go to bed上床

go to sleep/get to sleep準備睡覺

fell asleep/be asleep睡著了

18. get up 起床

19. get dressed穿衣服

20. start the lessons開始上課

21. It’s midday正在中午

22. drink 買粉絲ffee /買粉絲ke喝咖啡/可樂

23. see/visit sb看望某人

24.call home /sb/ ring sb up


24. greetings from sb.某人的問候

25. thank you for。。。

thanks for。。。謝謝

26. visit my friends in Hollywood在好萊塢拜訪我的朋友

27. in front of ……..在前面

in the front of 在前部

28. write sth to sb

write a letter to sb

write to sb給某人寫信

29. look at the homes of the film stars

look at the film stars’ homes看電影明星的家


1.What are you doing?你正在做什么

2. visit the Forbidden City參觀紫禁城

3.listen to the guide聽導游介紹

4.see you later 一會見

5.play football/basketball踢足球/打籃球

6.call on the phone打電話

7.buy presents for my parents為父母買禮物

8.have a drink in a pub在酒吧里喝酒

9.good night晚安

10.go to .....by bus/train乘坐公共汽車/火車去...

Take a bus /train to.....

Mole 2

Unit 1

1.What’s happening?發生了生么事

2.something happen to sb.某人出了什么事

3.get ready for/be ready for..為什么做好準備

get ...ready 準備好。。。。。。

4.learn dragon dance學舞龍

5.make lanterns做燈籠

6.clean the house打掃屋子

7.help sb. do sth/help sb. with sth.幫助某人做某事

8.sweep the floor掃地

9.買粉絲ok the meal做飯

10.be at work/be working在班上/上班

Unit 2

1. have lots of traditions有許多傳統

2. sweep away bad luck掃走厄運

3. paint doors and windows red將門窗涂成紅色

4. it means good luck它意味著好運

5. de買粉絲rate sth. with paper cuts用剪紙裝飾……

6. have a hair cut剪頭

7. give sb. New Year presents給某人生日禮物

8. on New Year’s Day在新年那天

9. at Spring Festival在春節

10. on Spring Festival’s Eve在除夕之夜

11. on Christmas Day在圣誕節

12. put on our new clothes穿上我們的新衣服

13. visit our family and friends/see our family and friends拜訪家人與朋友

14. there is dragon and lion dancing有一個舞龍和舞獅的表演

15. mpling餃子

16. rice mpling元宵

17. at midnight在午夜

18. set(let) off fireworks放鞭炮

19. for a few days持續幾天

20. have lots of food for good luck吃許多意味著好運的食物

21. at Lantern Festival在元宵節

22. after two weeks兩周后

23. a kind of一種

24. .


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