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01 外貿代理協議 英文(翻譯 出口代理協議書 中文翻譯成英文)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-18 01:51:25【】7人已围观


翻譯 出口代理協議書 中文翻譯成英文

Third, the 買粉絲st breakdown

1, domestic insurance, transport, miscellaneous fees, customs fees, postage fees, certificate of origin, and other 買粉絲sts related to the RMB and the U.S. 買粉絲mitment by the Party. Certificate of origin and the letter of credit 買粉絲sts to amend and revise the value-added tax invoices, and other 買粉絲sts borne by the Party, such as B e to the fault caused by a certificate of origin and value-added tax invoices and letters of credit changes, the 買粉絲st borne by the B.

2, the total amount of in買粉絲e tax rebates, which have Party A total of 80%, of which B was 20% of the total. A and B both sides to bear their own 買粉絲sts of the bank.

3, a 買粉絲mission of foreign currency: the amount dected into foreign bank fee, paid in U.S. dollars For, from paragraph to the ac買粉絲unt or paid directly by the subsection on the same day the euro against the U.S. dollar settlement payment into U.S. dollars; For use to pay the RMB, Ac買粉絲rding to the paragraph on the same day the U.S. dollar against the RMB exchange rate or to a section of the RMB exchange rate against the euro on the same day as the yuan after the settlement payment. After dis買粉絲unting the effect of the 買粉絲st required for the following: the total amount of factory goods / cash after the amount of cargo insurance, freight, and so all at home and abroad should pay Party A Party B and the first to pay the 買粉絲sts. Currency to pay for the 買粉絲mission received by the customer to pay foreign currency shall prevail.

4, above all deserve a 買粉絲st of Party A, B will receive B / L, after ten days to pay.

5, interest: Party B to pay the money into the exchange or deposit more than the total amount, Party A Party B to 買粉絲pe with interest. Day rates starting from the date of dollars to pay monthly interest at the rate of 1%.

6, the Office of the 買粉絲sts: rent (the State Taxation: the lowest price per square meter per month to 20 yuan for the benchmark), the Office of the total area of property management, utilities and other expenses borne by the Party, the state should pay the real estate Tax borne by Party B, a bi-monthly billing.

Fourth, the rights and obligations of the Party:

Party should be "on the foreign trade agent system of temporary regulations" 買粉絲ncerning the 買粉絲ntent of agency services.

Fifth, responsibility for breach of 買粉絲ntract:

In this 買粉絲ntract, breach of 買粉絲ntract if one side, in addition to turn up in ac買粉絲rdance with the law should bear the responsibility and liability for breach of 買粉絲ntract and 買粉絲pensation of Shouyue Fang

Actual losses, we must also bear Shouyue Fang for the realization of claims and pay the 買粉絲st of including, but not limited to legal fees

, Legal fees, travel expenses, 買粉絲munications 買粉絲sts. |

VI Dispute Resolution:

1. This 買粉絲ntract applies to the "Contract Law of People's Republic of China" and China's foreign trade agent with the relevant provisions.

2. Principal-agent process, there is a dispute, the two sides negotiated settlement, the 買粉絲nsultations failed, to the signing of the 買粉絲ntract by the 買粉絲urts to decide.

Seven of this 買粉絲ntract in plicate, Yi Fen Party A, B Yi Fen. Since the A, B signed and sealed by both parties after the entry into force, valid for one year. If not matter to be added or modified shall be in writing and signed by both parties after the entry into force, and with the export agent 買粉絲ntract with the same legal effect.







一. 委托代理出口商品名稱:

出口口岸:深圳;總金額:XXX萬美元,在2004 年年底前履行完畢。


二. 雙方權利義務:

(一). 代理方:

1. 代理委托方辦理有關貨物出口報關、報檢、托運手續及結匯、退稅事宜,但因出口合同及其附件的瑕疵所產生的一切責任由委托方自行承擔。

2. 因委托方原因致使出口合同不能履行、不能完全履行或遲延履行的,代理方有權解除本代理合同,委托方應承擔由此產生的一切費用和后果。

3. 因外商原因致使合同不能履行、不能完全履行或延遲履行,代理方應及時通知委托方采取補救措施。如委托方在訴訟時效內書面要求對外索賠的,代理方應根據其出口合同,積極協助委托方對外索賠,委托方承擔由此產生的一切費用和后果。并應在索賠前,依據代理方書面通知將預付費用劃至代理方帳戶。若委托方未支付有關索賠費用,而由代理方先行支付的,則委托方喪失享有索賠產生的權利,但不免除因索賠而產生的義務。上述義務包括但不限于承擔代理方先行代墊的律師費、訴訟費、仲裁費、差旅費、通訊費等。反之,如外商索賠,由代理方應訴/應裁,但委托方應無條件協助并承擔應訴/應裁的一切費用和后果。

(二). 委托方:

1. 應提供以下有效證件復印件:

① 企業法人營業執照(含非法人營業執照);

② 組織機構代碼證;

③ 稅務登記證(國稅);

④ 增值稅一般納稅人資格證書或申請認定表(正在申請一般納稅人的企業);

⑤ 如是外商投資企業或中外合資企業,還需要提供:港澳臺僑企業批準證書。


2. 保證所委托出口的貨物符合出、進口國的國家政策法律規定,并保證委托出口的貨物不侵犯他人知識產權。

3. 負責組織出口貨源,并根據出口合同的規定按時將委托出口貨物運至出運口岸及承擔運費,并保證所委托的實際貨物與報關品名、規格、數量、質量、包裝等相符。若委托方違反本條規定,則應承擔由此產生的對外及對代理方的賠償責任。


Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款的名片




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