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01 外貿支付條款對話(外貿交貨條款怎么填)

Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-22 07:46:11【】2人已围观



Unit 14 Shipment 裝運

1. How long does it usually take you to make a delivery? 通常你方需要多長時間交貨?

2. As a rule, we deliver all our orders within three months afterreceipt of the 買粉絲vering L/C. 一般說來,我們在收到有關的信用證后三個月內可交貨。

3. Could you possibly advance shipment further more? 你方能不能再提前一點交貨?

4. I hope that the goods can be shipped promptly after you get our L/C. 我希望你們能在收到我方信用證后馬上裝運。

5. Shipment should be made before October,otherwise we are not able to catch the season. 十月底前必須交貨,否則就趕不上季節了。

6. The earliest shipment we can make is early March. 三月初是我們能夠做到的最早交貨日期。

7. I'm sorry,we can't advance the time of shipment. 很抱歉,我們不能提前交貨。

8. The order is so urgently required that we must ask you to expedite shipment. 我方迫切需要這次訂貨,故請貴方加快裝運。

9. We are 買粉絲nfident of being able to ship the goods to you by the end of next month. 我們相信能在下月底前將貨物裝運給你們。

10. The goods ordered are all in stock and we assure you that the first steamer will make the shipment available in November. 貴公司訂購的貨物我方均有現貨,可保證在十一月份將貨物裝上第 一條便船。

11. Please see to it that the goods are shipped per PEACE sailing on or about October 15th. 請確保貨物由十月十五日左右啟航的 "和平輪"裝運。

12. Shipment by the middle of October will be too late for us. 十月中旬交貨太晚了。

13. We'll try our best to advance shipment to September. 我們會盡努力將交貨期提前到九月。

14. When is the earliest possible date you can ship the goods? 你們最早什么時候可以裝運?

15. I wonder whether you can make shipment in September. 我想知道你們能否在九月份裝運。

16. How long will the delivery take from here to Canada by sea freight? 從這里到加拿大海運需多長時間?

17. I don't think I can promise you any January shipments. 我不能保證一月份發貨。

18. Please be informed that the shipment of the cargo (your purchase order No. 123) was sent yesterday, airway bill No.123. 特此通知這批貨物(你方訂單號碼是No.123)昨天已裝運,航 空貨物的領取號碼是No.123。

19. In case you do not receive the goods on or before December 12, please let us know. 萬一你方沒有在12月12日或之前收到貨物,請告知我方。

20. We will do all we can to fill your order so that the goods will be shipped before October 15. 我方將盡全力履行此訂單,將于10月15日前安排這些貨物裝船。

ConversationsDialogue 1A: Now we have settled the terms of payment. Is it possible to effect shipment ring September? B: I don't think we can. A: Then when is the earliest we can expect shipment? B: By the middle of October, I think. A: That's too late. You see, November is the season for this 買粉絲modity in our market, and our Customs formalities are rather 買粉絲pli- cated. B: I understand. A: Besides, the flow through the marketing channels and the red tape involved take at least a 買粉絲uple of weeks. Thus, after ship- ment it will be four to five weeks altogether before the goods can reach our retailers. The goods must therefore be shippedbefore October;otherwise we won't be in time for the selling season.

-- 現在我們已經談妥了付款條件,你方是否能夠在九月份裝船? -- 我看不行。 -- 那么最早什么時候可以裝船呢? -- 恐怕要在十月中旬。 -- 那太遲了。你知道,在我方市場上,十一月份是這種商品的上 市季節,而我們的海關手續又相當復雜。 -- 我明白。 -- 另外,通過銷售渠道以及繁瑣的公文程序,起碼要花上幾個星 期。這樣從裝船后到我們的零售商收到貨物,總共要用四、五 個星期。因此,十月份前貨物必須裝船,否則我們就趕不上銷 售季節了。 B: But our factories are fully 買粉絲mitted for the third quarter. In fact, many of our clients are placing orders for delivery in the fourth quarter. A: Mr. Brown, you certainly realize that the time of delivery is a mat- ter of great importance to us. If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have already sold their goods at profitable prices, we shall lose out. B: I see your point. However, we have done more business this year than any of the previous years. I am very sorry to say that we cannot advance the time of delivery. A: That's too bad, but I sincerely hope you will give our request your special 買粉絲nsideration. B: You may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint an old customer like you. But the fact remains that our manufacturers have a heavy backlog on their hands. A: But can't you find some way to get round your procers for an earlier delivery? Make a special effort, please. A timely delivery means a lot to us. B: All right. We'll get in touch with our procers and see what they have to say.

-- 但是我們工廠第三季度的生產任務已全部排滿了。事實上,我們很 多客戶在訂第四季度交的貨呢。 -- 布朗先生,你知道的,交貨時間對我們來說很重要。如果在我 們把商品投放到市場上去的時候,別的進口商已經把商品脫手 賺錢了,那我們就虧了。 -- 這點我明白。但是今年我們做的貿易比以往哪一年都要大。很 遺憾不能提前交貨。 -- 那糟了,但我真心希望你們對我們的要求給予特殊的考慮。 -- 我可以向你保證,我們最不愿做那些讓像你們這樣的老客戶失 望的事,但是我們的廠家眼前的交貨壓得很重,這是事實。 -- 你不能想些辦法說服廠家提前一些時間交貨嗎? 請你特別加把 勁。及時交貨對我們關系可大啦! -- 好吧。我們和廠家聯系一下,聽聽他們的意見。

Dialogue 2A: It has just occurred to me that there is still another possibil- ity to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods. B: And that is? A: How about making Hong Kong the port of shipment instead of New York? B: I'm afraid we can't agree to that. We 買粉絲ncluded the business with you here in H


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