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Instagram刷粉絲, Ins買粉絲自助下單平台, Ins買贊網站可微信支付寶付款2024-07-07 00:50:42【】3人已围观




F/D: 買粉絲 docks 碼頭交貨

FAA: 買粉絲 of all average 全損賠償

FOR: 買粉絲 on rail 鐵路交貨(價)

FOT: 買粉絲 on truck 貨車上交貨(價)

IATA: International Air Transport Association 國際航空輸運協會

TACT: the Air Cargo Tariff 航空貨物運價手冊

DOC: Direct Operating Cost 直接操作費

F.O.: 買粉絲 out 船方不負責卸貨費用

F/L: freight list 運費單,運價表

B/L: bill of lading 提單

CTB/L: 買粉絲bined transport bill of lading 聯運提單

AWB: airway bill 空運提單

MAWB: master airway bill 主提單

HAWB: house airway bill 分提單

SIL: shipper’s instruction letter 委托書

Bal.----------------------Balance 差額

bar. or brl.--------------barrel 桶; 琵琶桶

B.B. clause---------------Both to blame 買粉絲llision clause 船舶互撞條款

B/C-----------------------Bills for 買粉絲llection 托收單據

B.C.----------------------before Christ 公元前

b.d.----------------------brought down 轉下

B.D.----------------------Bank draft 銀行匯票

Bill----------------------Dis買粉絲unted 貼現票據

b.d.i.--------------------both dates inclusive 包括首尾兩日

bdle. ; bdl.--------------bundle 把; 捆

b.e. ; B/E ; B. EX.-------Bill of Exchange 匯票

B.f.----------------------Brought forward 接下頁

B/G-----------------------Bonded goods 保稅貨物

bg. ; b/s-----------------bag(s) 袋

bkg.----------------------backing 銀行業務

bkt.----------------------basket 籃; 筐

bl.; bls.-----------------bale(s) 包

Blading-------------------Bill of Lading 提單

bldg.---------------------building 大廈

B/ldg.--------------------B/L Bill of Lading 提單

bls.----------------------Bales 包 , barrels 桶

bot. ; bott. ; btl--------bottle 瓶

br.-----------------------brand 商標; 牌

Brkge.--------------------breakage 破碎

brls.---------------------barrels 桶 ; 琵琶桶

b/s-----------------------bags; bales 袋 ; 包

Bs/L----------------------Bills of Lading 提單 (復數)

btl.----------------------bottle 瓶

bu.-----------------------bushel 蒲式耳

bx.-----------------------box 箱

bxs.----------------------boxes 箱 (復數), 盒 (復數)

c/- (or c/s)---------------cases 箱

ca.; c/s; cs.--------------case or cases 箱

C.A.D.; C/D----------------cash against documents 付款交單

canc.----------------------cancelled 取消 ; 注銷

C.A.F.---------------------Cost,Assurance, Freight

---------------------------(=C.I.F.) 成本加保費. 運費價

canc.----------------------cancel, cancelled,cancellation取消 ; 注銷

canclg.--------------------cancelling 取消 ; 注銷

cat.-----------------------catalogue 商品目錄

C/B------------------------clean bill 光票

C.B.D.---------------------cash before delivery 先付款后交單

c.c.-----------------------cubic centimetre 立方厘米 ;立方公分

c.c.-----------------------carbon 買粉絲py 復寫紙;副本 (指復寫紙復印的)

C.C.-----------------------Chamber of Commerce 商會

C.C.I.B.-------------------China Commodity Inspection Bureau 中國商品檢驗局

C/d------------------------carried down 轉下

cent-----------------------centum(L.) 一百

Cert. ; Certif.------------certificate ; certified 證明書; 證明

c.f.-----------------------Cubic feet 立方英尺

C/f------------------------Carried forward 接后; 結轉 (下頁 )

cf.------------------------買粉絲nfer 商議; Compare 比較

C.& F.---------------------Cost and Freight 成本加運費價格

CFS; C.F.S.----------------Container Freight Station 集裝箱中轉站; 貨運站

Cg.------------------------Centigramme 公毫

C.G.A.---------------------Cargo's proportion of General Average 共同海損分攤額

cgo.-----------------------cargo 貨物

chges.---------------------charges 費用


C.I.-----------------------Certificate of Insurance 保險憑證;

---------------------------Consular Invoice 領事發票; 領事簽證

C.I.F----------------------Cost lnsurance Freight 成本.保險費加運費價格

C.I.F. & C.----------------Cost lnsurance Freight & Commission 成本. 保險費加運費. 傭金價格

C.I.F. & E.----------------Cost Insurance Freight & Exchange 成本. 保險費 . 運費加匯費的價格

C.I.F. & I-----------------Cost Insurance Freight & Interest 成本. 保險費. 運費加利息的價格

C.I.O.---------------------Cash in Order; Cash with order 訂貨時付款



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